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Exercise 2 - Synchronous consensus, n > 2f

I decided to implement the Raft protocol, which turns to be easier to implement than Paxos:

  • It has a clear specification including pseudo-code, in contrast to Multi-Paxos which has many different implementations

  • It is simpler to implement and reason about: the data flows from the leader to the followers, and uses a request-response model with only 1 phase: Only the leader can send append requests to affect a node's log, and upon receiving enough responses can consider the data as committed. Unlike Multi-Paxos, we don't need a catch-up mechanism, as by the way leader election works, any node who is elected leader must have all committed entries in his log.

There are various pros and cons to using Raft versus Multi-Paxos, for example, Raft is chattier in the case of failure/leader election, but in the stable case its performance is as good as Paxos. There are more optimizations and features in the paper (like log compaction and dynamic membership) which I did not implement, but the fact they're all outlined in the paper is another advantage of Raft.


The Node struct contains all state used by a server in any state There are several state objects that borrow Node: FollowerState, CandidateState, LeaderState each has an async loop function that runs the logic of a Raft node for said state. Likewise, there's an async loop function for Node itself, which continually switches between one of the previous loops.

State changes are done by the Node::change_state function - the various state loops constantly check they're in the matching state, otherwise we break out of the (Follower/Candidate/Leader) state loop, and the main Node loop will begin a state loop for the new state.

The main loop of a Node is spawned into a separate task, therefore we use message passing to notify the node of incoming messages (AppendEntry/RequestVote RPCs) when our networking layer receives them.

Communication from/to a node is primarily done via the following:

  • NodeCommunicator is used to respond to requests(originating from clients or other Raft nodes) by invoking handler methods on the Node

  • Transport is used to send requests from a Raft Node (e.g, a candidate sending a vote request, or a leader sending an append entries request) to other Raft nodes.

  • ClientTransport is used to send requests from a client(an application that uses the Raft library) to the NodeCommunicator

A Transport/ClientTransport is a trait which might can be implemented in various ways, depending how you want to send messages. On the other hand, NodeCommunicator is un-changed(it is a concrete struct) but is usually composed into some web service that drives the entire process.

For example, a Raft Node would have both a gRPC server and client - the server handler invokes methods on NodeCommunicator, and the Node includes a Transport implementation which uses a gRPC client to send messages to other servers). A client would also have a gRPC client in order to communicate with the leader node(which might change over time)

As of now, all nodes live on a single thread(see, and communication between nodes is done via message passing (see ThreadTransport), moreover, clients have direct access to the NodeCommunicator, this is only used for simplicity(there is little point )

Simulation of adversary

Each Node takes a generic Transport object which is responsible for communication with other peers. I've implemented an AdversaryTransport, which implements Transport by wrapping a Transport and delaying/dropping messages with a given probability. These can be changed at run-time, and we can even pause/un-pause servers by changing between a probability of 1 and 0.

How do clients deal with errors

Clients can deal with request/response omissions and other errors by re-sending their request until getting a positive answer. There is a chance that their proposed value was committed but they're not aware - I handle this by sending read requests to read the latest portion of the log, and ensuring the value isn't there before submitting the value again.


Simple Crash

See test simple_crash

Random omission of clients and server

Run the executable ( - there is a background task which tests consistency (every entry which is committed, was committed to all logs, and there are no holes between committed entries)

Each client is trying to send his own values(labelled with the client name, beginning from 0): a client waits for a response from the leader to confirm his value was committed before proceeding to the next one, and in case of an error (e.g, timeout, or leader redirect) he will try another node(the leader, in case of a redirect, otherwise he will randomly guess)

Minimal configuration

Consider the following scenario, we have 3 nodes and various clients, at first, node 0 is a leader, nodes 1,2 are followers.

Suppose a client wants to commit a value 'X', the following is the minimal amount of messages in the system:

Client -> ClientWriteRequest('X') -> Node 0
Node 0 -> AppendEntries(entries: ['X'], prev_log_index_term: None, term: 0, leader_id: 0, leader_commit: None) -> Node 1 or 2 (w.l.o.g 0)
Node 1 -> AppendEntriesResponse(success: true, term: 0) -> Node 0

At this point, node 0 sees that a majority accepted his AE request - himself, and node 1, and so he considers the entry committed, and responds to the client appropriately. The adversary cannot influence the commit decision, consider the following cases:

  1. If he omits the response to the client(a client omission), the client will re-try. By my implementation of the client, the client will ensure the value he's proposing wasn't already committed, so, if he queries node 0 successfully, node 0 will tell him his value was already committed at index 0.

Further omissions of messages between the client and node 0 will cause him to switch to a different node, but as long as leader 0 is a leader, the other nodes will simply redirect him back to node 0. So safety isn't broken.

  1. Suppose node 0 crashes now(and node 2 didn't see the AppendEntries request yet) After a short period of inactivity, one of the nodes will start an election:

    1. if node 1 starts the election and sends a VoteRequest(term: 1, candidate: 1, last_log_index_term: (0, 0)) to node 2, then his vote will be accepted by node 2, since his log is more up-to-date (his log is longer). As a result, node 2 will become the leader, he'll send a heartbeat to node 1, and replicate to him his log(the value ['X']), via a similar flow:

      Node 1: AppendEntries(entries: ['X'], prev_log_index_term: None, term: 1, leader_id: 1, leader_commit: None)` -> Node 2
      Node 2 -> AppendEntriesResponse(success: true, term: 1) -> Node 1

      By the same logic as before, Node 1 now considers ['X'] committed.

    2. If node 2 starts the election and sends a VoteRequest(term: 1, candidate: 2, last_log_index_term: None) to node 1, his vote will be rejected since node 1's log is more updated. When node 1 sends him a vote, node 2 rejects it because every candidate only votes for himself in a given term. Since both of nodes 1 and 2 can't get any votes, they will eventually restart the election.

      Supposedly, we might have a deadlock issue, but this is solved by randomness - each node generates a random timeout until re-election, so eventually Node 1 will start an election of higher term and send a vote to node 2 who is in an older term, and thus node 2 will be forced to accept his vote. The rest of the proof is as the previous case

So, this is a short explanation why value 'X' was committed. To show that this is minimal committed configuration, consider the scenario where the message AppendEntriesResponse is omitted, then the following message flow can cause a different value to be committed:

Node 1 -> RequestVote(term: 1, candidate: 1, last_log_index_term: (0, 0)) -> Node 2
Node 2 -> RequestVoteResponse(term: 1, granted: true) -> Node 1
Node 1 -> AppendEntries(entries: [], prev_log_index_term: None, term: 1, leader_id: 1, leader_commit: None) -> Node 2
Node 2 -> AppendEntriesResponse(success: True, term: 1) -> Node 1
Client -> ClientWriteRequest('Y') -> Node 1
Node 1 -> AppendEntries(entries: ['Y'], prev_log_index_term: None, term: 1, leader_id: 1, leader_commit: None) -> Node 2
Node 2 -> AppendEntriesResponse(success: True, term: 1) -> Node 1
Node 1 -> ClientWriteResponse(WriteOk { commit_index: 0 }) -> Client

In this scenario, node 0 became partitioned after receiving 'X' in his log, and no other node became aware of 'X' Eventually, an election starts, w.l.o.g node 1 wins the election, and by similar flow to what was explained before, he receives a different client request 'Y' and commits a different value.

Another possible scenario is one in which node 1 received the AppendEntries request, has sent out an AppendRentriesResponse, but node 0 crashed before receiving that response. Either way, both node 1 and node 2's views are identical to what I explained in 2, therefore the value 'X' will be committed, because even if a client makes a different request Y - he must wait for someone to be elected leader, and the leader will have necessarily seen X first.

To conclude, we've seen that if the AppendEntriesResponse message is omitted, there are two possible deciding configurations afterwards, which implies that the flow I described at the beginning is the minimal committed configuration.
