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File metadata and controls

46 lines (34 loc) · 2.31 KB

Installation Instructions

  1. install python3-pip
  2. install python3-virtualenv
  3. pip3 install virtualenvwrapper
  4. create a virtualenv for donate with python3
  5. Install donate in development mode: $ pip install -r requirements.txt -e .
  6. run tests $ pytest
  7. retrieve or create .env file (or set environment variables as documented below)
  8. flask db init
  9. flask db migrate
  10. flask db upgrade
  11. $ FLASK_DOTENV=path_to_.env python scripts/

.env example

FLASK_DEBUG=1  # do not use this in production.  security vulnerability.

STRIPE_KEY="<get from stripe admin>"
STRIPE_SECRET="<get from stripe admin>"

DONATE_SECRET="<random bits of entropy, available in the woodshop>"

see dotenv-example for a working example that uses a sqlite database for development, requiring no extra database config. Keys need to be generated or aquired from Stripe.

Database installation

$ flask db init will complain if the migrations directory exists, which it will since it's included in the package. It's fine. When it does complain, make sure the directory migrations/versions exists. If not, just create the directory, but migrations/verions is shipped as well.

Note that migrations/ contains the configuration for the models used by alembic for migrations. lines 18-27 are critical for the automigrations to be generated. Update these imports if any new model is created.

Application Configuration Data

Configuration is stored in a few places.

Environment Variables

Environment variables are used to select which environment to run, and perhaps other settings like port, keys, etc. Some are provided when launching the app. It's also possible dot-env is used by placing a .env file in the application root. These are loaded into environment variables when the the application is run.

Some configuration is handled here when the application is first created and run. For example, different configuration is loaded based on the environment variable FLASK_APP, and based on the loaded configuration, logging configuration is also handled.


This file contains a base configuration class Config and other classes which inheret it. This is where database, logging, and other config is located.