- Update readme, wiki and fix code request test (5dd294a)
- Fix GitHub Actions with firebase (7f6699f)
- Fix electron BrowserWindow and modify calculator view (3d3b639)
- Fix with drag and drop, new component card with docs and names in UML sequences changes (a11d21a)
- Lazy loading with angular routing (9208302)
- Minor refactor in MachineService, ElectronService, PixiTHUMDER_CycleClockDiagram and PixiTHUMDER_Pip (03534a5)
- PlantUML Gantt with all project with svg and pdf generator. (df914a1)
- fix files in file system storage (delete item) (86b65fa)
- Refactor in all firebase method with new modular functions and providers for electron. (f8de3f8)
- update wiki and multiview drag and drop (6d42941)
- Add submodul wiki (7d7a041)
- CHANGELOG (f04025e)
- Deleted submodule wiki (41b6bb9)
- fix karma version (ee905d3)
- fix layout header (a8d0230)
- Wiki (b737a0f)
- Wiki assets 3 and color in cycle clock diagram (66f67b5)
- .browserslistrc, fix package.json, components, tests with karma and README (d0c5fad)
- CHANGELOG (c70702c)
- minor changes (e0514eb)
- polyfills for karma tests (d6fa110)
- Add submodule with wiki reference, ChartJS in statistics, fix filesystem, reset localstorage with lo (312f833)
- Add to angular.json glob Wiki and update github actions with recursive submodule (4f3bf81)
- fixed Pixi arrow, pipeline, add favicon, add redirect to cookies, profile and save project (79583c7)
- version 1.3.5 (b2f9963)
- Add icons, electron ipcMain, electron notification, toggle card with title, fix href and config cols (80126c1)
- Refactor: clean code (039c3f9)
- FileSystem fixed and new Observables and performance, UML refactor, refactor in __core (a9c0142)
- add AppAdminLTE init, refactor in CONSTANTS, Types and routes, fix layout page, new layout in index, (bce3545)
- fix config with default value (c243f19)
- Multiview performance, Drag & Drop, card resize, items default in project, fix guard in path /, tran (62e3ef2)
- Add Netlify Status and Translations, add breakpoints default value. (f2442a7)
- Update create-release.yaml (d16f460)
- Update create-release.yaml (f088500)
- Update GitHub Action create release (e86d5f9)
- Update GitHub Action create release v10 | node 14.18.2 | npm 6.14.15 | I hate .yaml in GitHub action (36adc89)
- Update GitHub Action create release v11 | node 14.18.2 | npm 6.14.15 | I hate .yaml in GitHub action (b2b60c1)
- Update GitHub Action create release v2 (462500b)
- Update GitHub Action create release v3 (0ee6fed)
- Update GitHub Action create release v4 (86ff143)
- Update GitHub Action create release v5 (eeda95e)
- Update GitHub Action create release v6 | node 14.18.2 | npm 6.14.15 (8331ada)
- Update GitHub Action create release v7 | node 14.18.2 | npm 6.14.15 | I hate .yaml in GitHub actions (1744fe0)
- Update GitHub Action create release v8 | node 14.18.2 | npm 6.14.15 | I hate .yaml in GitHub actions (ae18bee)
- Update GitHub Action create release v9 | node 14.18.2 | npm 6.14.15 | I hate .yaml in GitHub actions (2f4a827)
- Versión 1.3.1 Release? (de08177)
- Version 1.3.1 With new GitHub Action (9bf496b)
- fix and ng run with different builders and environments (c728d9a)
- fix interfaces, add process response from server in manager breakpoints, memory, registers and stati (93f374c)
- connect with socket | server machine (e274306)
- refactor in machine simulator, fix pixi pipeline reset, add new documents in about view, add plantum (edf3b30)
- Refactor manager registers and memory, new manager statistics, new linter and prettier, fix translat (06b99d4)
- rename IDE to editor (bdd6c64)
- add modal component (5c00e91)
- fix file system firebase, auth layout, layout login and register pages (5ac7865)
- fix unsubscribe (e5dd7d1)
- ngx-cookieconsent (420b38a)
- add eslint and fix project, add Breakpoint manager, fix monaco breakpoint, save file items in fireba (301d7fd)
- fix .eslintrc (930c494)
- change "app" prefix to "view" in views folder (da7427e)
- disabled optimization scripts (fdd5cc1)
- fix limits in 0x00007FFC memory (1173b2f)
- new layout (14591e4)
- remove D vector in Registers (aff22af)
- fix storage, fix PixiJSTable, fix edit memory binary 32 (fce0158)
- add ngx-markdown, scroll and monaco editor tag (01f7536)
- migration @angular @angular/core @angular-builders/custom-webpack (30068b3)
- add binary string in int32, float32 and double64 (5864f37)
- add cypress e2e, add config view, constant, lang, file-manager show, angular.json update, fix menu r (04b788a)
- add form memory (e67b35f)
- add login in cypress with cookies user (4632881)
- directives, debug and more changes (89e4c64)
- more tests e2e cypress (445fe2f)
- Pipes, multiples input values in one data, edit register component and edit memory component. (3e84abe)
- progress in registers view and refactor in others elements (c8760e6)
- progress in registers view and refactor in others elements (f073941)
- v 1.1.8, pipes rename, new component modal, refactor, mock in simulation and more (9315ad5)
- fix component memory (c575af0)
- pipes and register view (645b60f)
- Registers View with pipes, table and cards, refactor and performance, clean svg flags (f34ab72)
- add PIXI pipeline, FileSystem Service, Task, Toast, rename Util class to Namespace Utils, fix monaco (a504cf2)
- Services, Socket and flags icons (8d3d32b)
- set releases as pre release (fa26fd7)
- Add control to Auth, routes, guards, and log out, and changes in UML (b60c6fd)
- Add documentation from WinDLX (886cb14)
- add npm pixi.js-keyboard, pixi.js-mouse, datastructures-js update thumder-ontology. (3dedbda)
- fix and new prerelease (b3fbfce)
- package and refactor (3616a07)
- refactor, add UML vocabulary Ontology, debug interface in monaco and update package.json (09ffa6c)
- Add firebase auth in server with email and password, google oauth and github oauth, in project elect (a08e3ba)
- fix ngx monaco editor, add monaco config, control of events in router, add file manager click, fix l (7fd445a)
- fix index underline, main (b7335a8)
- Refactor in routes, views, fix build release, add window.$, window.jQuery, fix body class for layout (29390b8)
- Add adminLTE, add bootstrap, add components navbar, aside, login and index. (56b656f)
- Add component aside and bootstrap (cbd34ff)
- change budgets (b58e759)
- fix modals (20ca7b5)
- Admin navbar, modals, and tree viewer. (61d44ce)
- IDE, Components, forgot-password, etc... (f455aea)
- Monaco editor + Notus Angular (tailwind + angular) (e59727c)
- Create create-release.yaml (6c9164c)
- github cli (edebb82)
- github cli v2 (c1dcdf3)
- github cli v3 (622d1c3)
- github cli v4 asset_name (faf2921)
- github cli v5 asset_name (7adb3c3)
- github cli v6 artifactName (c01bd3a)
- github cli v6 artifactName (abbf1ab)
- init repo (1766be2)
- Initialize angular10 (c43f2d1)
- new Workflow (9c2c7f5)
- release fix? (72bec50)
- release github acctions (75bfb16)
- Upload-release-asset (73565a5)
- Upload-release-asset (b422a5c)
- workflow folder (b9719a0)