All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Response routing to wasm from services, split wasm messages into In/Out
- Lapp setting
to configure the lapp to load at Laplace startup or in lazy mode on request from lapp client part - Lapp setting
to configure data dir of lapp, "data" by default (the relative path will be inside the lapp directory) - Display of errors in the client UI
- Make commands for checking and testing
- This changelog file
- It became possible to restart gossipsub service for lapp
- Fix WS close send error
- Improve services communication
- Replace wasmer to wasmtime
- Use separated threads for server side wasm
- Lapp loading is now lazy by default (use
setting for change this) - Update dependencies: borsh 1.1.0, yew 0.21.0, libp2p 0.52.4, wasmtime, etc.
- Unneсessary locks of the lapp manager when handling lapp requests