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notahat edited this page Aug 23, 2010 · 15 revisions

This wiki is for Machinist 2, which is currently in pre-pre-release mode. For Machinist 1 information, see the readme.

Getting Started


(These installation instructions are for Rails 3. For other installation options, see the Installation page.)

In your app’s Gemfile, in the group :test section, add:

gem 'machinist', '2.0.0.head', :git => 'git://', :branch => 'machinist2'

Then run:

bundle install
rails generate machinist:install

Learn more about Installation

Defining Blueprints

A blueprint tells Machinist how to generate an object. The blueprint take care of making up values for attributes that you don’t care about in your test, leaving you to focus on the just the things that you’re testing.

Post.blueprint do
  title { "A Post" }
  body  { "Lorem ipsum..." }

Blueprints live in your test/blueprint.rb (or spec/support/blueprints.rb) file.

Learn more about Blueprints

Making Objects

Once you’ve defined a blueprint for a class, you can construct an object of that class with:


To override attributes in the blueprint, pass them in as a hash:

Post.make(:title => "Special Title")

Learn more about Make

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