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Releases: novak-jiri/cyclobranch

release 1.1.170

21 Feb 14:39
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  • Support of siderophores and polyketides improved.
  • Feature added - summary table of matched peaks.
  • Feature added - cancel buttons have been added into some progress dialogs.
  • Bug fix - program crashed from time to time when combinations of building blocks were generated.
  • Bug fix - detection of branch-cyclic NRPs using series D) and H) fixed.

release 1.0.1512

21 Feb 14:31
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  • Peaks in a spectrum detail window are now reported in a table.
  • The table of peaks can be exported into a csv file.
  • Columns containing real numbers are now sorted correctly.
  • HTML export was improved.
  • Peaklist from multiple scans can now be processed in MS mode.
  • Support of identification of NRP siderophores added.
  • Support of linear and cyclic polyketide siderophores added.
  • Support of common biometals added (MS and MS/MS mode).
  • Some keyboard shortcuts were added in the building blocks editor, sequence database editor, modifications editor, draw peptide tool, main window, settings dialog, and de novo graph window.
  • Terminal modifications are now reported in spectra detail windows.
  • Links to Norine and Smiles2Monomers added.
  • A compatibility issue with CompassXPort was fixed.
  • Some bugs were fixed and minor improvements were made.

release 1.0.1216

21 Feb 14:22
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  • Export of graphical visualization of spectra and peptides into SVG fixed for Windows.
  • Feature added: show/hide isomers of building blocks in the output report.
  • Bug fixed: HTML report was exported incorrectly when the order of rows was changed.
  • Quit confirmation dialog added.
  • Names of precursor ions of multiply charged ions and precursor ions with adducts fixed for MS/MS spectra.
  • Peptide identification details in the main window can be also opened using Return/Enter key.
  • Image export dialog improved in the spectrum detail window.
  • Find text option added into the spectrum detail window.
  • Similarity search can be performed when a peklist is searched against a database of MS/MS spectra.
  • Monoisotopic masses of sequence candidates are now reported in the main window.
  • Settings dialog was improved for monitors with small resolutions (scrollbars added).
  • Export of PS images dropped in Linux (PDF files were generated instead of PS files; pdf2ps tool is now recommended to generate PS files).
  • OS X is now supported.
  • A text filter of rows was added into the main window, building blocks editor, sequence database editor and modifications editor.
  • Save confirmation dialogs added into editors when closing editors.
  • The internal periodic table has been extended.
  • Some bugs and performance issues fixed.

release 1.0.1106

21 Feb 14:13
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  • Negatively charged ions are supported.
  • c, x and z ions are supported.
  • Precursor ion adducts are supported.
  • Detection of scrambled peaks improved.
  • Linux is now supported.
  • Modifications editor added.
  • A few building blocks were added which cannot eliminate H2O.
  • Support of branched and branch-cyclic peptides improved.
  • "Draw Peptide Tool" added.
  • Keyboard shortcuts and toolbars added.
  • Export of graphical visualization of spectra and peptides into PDF, PS, PNG and SVG (Linux only) added.
  • Visualization of mass spectra improved.
  • Some bugs and performance issues fixed.

release 1.0.850

21 Feb 14:03
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  • Database search added (for MS and MS/MS spectra).
  • Databases of building blocks updated.
  • Building blocks editor added.
  • Sequence database editor added.
  • A number of paths in a de novo graph forming sequence candidates is calculated before the search.
  • The version of the application is checked when a results file (*.res) is opened.
  • Number of matched scrambled fragment ions is reported when a cyclic peptide is searched.
  • Small bugs fixed.

release 1.0.739

21 Feb 13:56
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  • Visualization of branch-cyclic peptides added.
  • Visualization of branched peptides fixed.
  • Visualization of mass spectra improved.
  • Summary formulas of peptide sequence candidates added.

release 1.0.696

21 Feb 11:50
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Initial release.