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Provider: metanetworks
The Meta Networks provider is used to interact with Meta Networks APIs.

Meta Networks Provider

The Meta Networks provider is used to interact with Meta Networks API.

Example Usage

provider "metanetworks" {
  org = "example_organization"

# Example resource configuration
resource "metanetworks_resource" "example" {
  # ...


The Metanetworks provider offers a flexible means of providing credentials for authentication. The following methods are supported, in this order, and explained below:

  • Static credentials
  • Environment variables
  • Configuration file

Static credentials

!> Warning: Hard-coding credentials into any Terraform configuration is not recommended, and risks secret leakage should this file ever be committed to a public version control system.

Static credentials can be provided by adding an api_key and api_secret in-line in the Metanetworks provider block:


provider "metanetworks" {
  org        = "example_organization"
  access_key = "my-api-key"
  secret_key = "my-api-secret"

Environment variables

You can provide your credentials via the METANETWORKS_API_KEY, METANETWORKS_API_SECRET and METANETWORKS_ORG, environment variables, representing your Metanetworks Access Key, Secret Key and the Organization name respectively.


provider "metanetworks" {}
$ export METANETWORKS_API_KEY="anapikey"
$ export METANETWORKS_API_SECRET="asecretkey"
$ export METANETWORKS_ORG="example_organization"
$ terraform plan

Configuration file

You can use a configuration file to specify your credentials. The file location is $HOME/.metanetworks/credentials.json on Linux and OS X, or "%USERPROFILE%\.metanetworks/credentials.json" for Windows users. If we fail to detect credentials inline, or in the environment, Terraform will check this location.


provider "metanetworks" {}

credentials.json file:

	"api_key":    "my-api-key",
	"api_secret": "my-api-secret",
	"org":        "example_organization"