Run the tests and server inside Docker:
docker-compose --build up test-sw
docker-compose --build up server-sw
To build and run the codebase outside of Docker, you'll need the Intel and Rust SGX SDKs set up: see rust-sgx-sdk-dev-env for one way to do this.
You'll also need to install bindgen, and its requirements:
cargo install --version 0.63.0 bindgen-cli --locked
sudo apt install llvm-dev libclang-dev clang
Once this is done, you can build and run the tests and server using make
and make run
(cd sgx-wallet-test && make run)
(cd sgx-wallet && make run)
You can use cargo make (installation) to run cargo tasks for the whole codebase:
cargo make
cargo make format
cargo make check
cargo make test
cargo make docs
cargo make --list-all-steps
The codebase is currently pinned to the following revision:
- Commit: e8a9fc22939befa27ff67f5509b2c2dfe8499945
- Issue: upgrade SDK and rust compiler urgently needed #360
- Branch: v1.1.4-testing (merged)
This same revision should be used across the project, to avoid Cargo dependency resolution issues.