oh-my-zsh aliases for common bun commands.
- Clone the repository:
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/ntnyq/omz-plugin-bun.git ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/bun
- Include it in your
plugins=(... bun)
Add script bellow to your ~/.zshrc
zinit light ntnyq/omz-plugin-bun
PRs are always welcome!
Alias | Command | Description |
b | bun |
The bun command |
bx | bun x |
Install and execute a package bin |
ba | bun add |
Install a package in dependencies (package.json ) |
bad | bun add --dev |
Install a package in devDependencies (package.json ) |
brm | bun remove |
Remove a dependency from package.json |
bls | bun pm ls |
list the dependency tree according to the current lockfile |
bi | bun init |
Start an empty Bun project from a blank template |
bin | bun install |
Install dependencies for a package.json |
biny | bun install --yarn |
Install dependencies and save lock file in yarn@v1 style |
bga | bun add --global |
Install packages globally on your operating system |
bgls | bun pm ls --global |
List global installed packages |
bgrm | bun remove --global |
Remove global installed packages from your OS |
bgu | bun update --global |
Upgrade packages installed globally to their latest version |
br | bun run |
Run JavaScript with Bun, a package.json script, or a bin |
brun | bun run |
Run JavaScript with Bun, a package.json script, or a bin |
bst | bun run start |
Run the start script defined in package.json |
bln | bun run lint |
Run the lint script defined in package.json |
bdocs | bun run docs |
Run the docs script defined in package.json |
bfmt | bun run format |
Run the format script defined in package.json |
bb | bun run build |
Run the build script defined in package.json |
bd | bun run dev |
Run the dev script defined in package.json |
bsv | bun run serve |
Run the serve script defined in package.json |
bt | bun run test |
Run the test script defined in package.json |
btc | bun run test --coverage |
Run the test script defined in package.json with coverage |
bu | bun update |
Update outdated dependencies & save to package.json |
bc | bun create |
Create a new project from a template |
bbd | bun build |
Bundle TypeScript & JavaScript into a single file |