Currently, I am focused in finished the following issues before releasing version 0.1
- think of a game name. Here are some examples I thought of or have been suggested to me - "Army of Tanks", "BomberTank", "Tank.NET"
- better interpolation
- performance issues
- style the chat
- remove some minor bugs
- improve achievements and bonuses
I have other ideas with what to improve the game, but I'll focus on them after I finish these objectives. If you have the knowledge and want to help me, you can focus on these problems, or you can do any of these that I'm not paying attention yet:
- add highscores and ranking
- extend tilesets and create new maps (if you are a pixel artist of level designer, it may be a good experience :))
- add some music and SFX
- reduce bandwidth via some techniques
Of course, you will be added to the list of contributors if you help. If you have some ideas or problems, please email me at [email protected]