We are glad you are interested to contribute to this project! Please make sure you've seen the README and license for this project before continuing further. If you work for Truss, check out the guide for Trussels as well.
We welcome contributions in the form of comments, issues, or pull requests with code changes. If you see an error, have a question, or want to share feedback open an issue to discuss. This repository is governed by the Contributor Covenant.
Table of Contents
Use the node environment manager of your choice, but make sure you have the required version specified in
. We recommend using nodenv to manage your node versions, but you can also use homebrew. More info can be found here: how to install Node.js -
Use yarn to manage JS packages.
- Install yarn if you do not already have it.
- Type
oryarn install
inside the project directory to install dependencies. You will need to do this once after cloning the project, and continuously if the dependencies inpackage.json
Clone this repo and make sure you can run all of the available commands listed below with no errors.
These should all be run from within the project directory.
yarn storybook
- Starts Storybook server and watches for changed files
- This will most likely be what you use for active development of components
yarn test
- Starts Jest test runner
yarn test:watch
is also available- Use
yarn test:coverage
to generate a coverage report
yarn build
- Builds files from
and outputs to/lib
using webpack and UMD library target yarn build:watch
is also available
- Builds files from
yarn example:install
- Installs dependencies for the example app. This must be run prior to viewing/developing the example application (located in
). - Builds the library files from
, and also runsyarn install
in the/example
- Installs dependencies for the example app. This must be run prior to viewing/developing the example application (located in
yarn example:start
- After installing dependencies, use this to start the example app dev server, so you can view the example app and also add to it.
To begin working on an issue, make sure you've assigned yourself to the issue in Github and marked it as "In Progress.". If there isn't an issue yet for what you want to work on, please create one.
Some issues are tagged with the needs requirements label, which usually indicates there is some ongoing discussion about the issue and it may not be ready to start development on yet.
Once you have an issue to work on, create a new branch off main
using the naming convention:
{your initials or username}-{summary}-{issue #}
For example: hw-accordion-component-112
- Encourage a strict separation of concerns, focusing on UI (rendered HTML and CSS) rather than any application logic.
- Expose the necessary props for composability and extensibility, such as event handlers, custom CSS classes, etc.
- Maintain a high standard of unit test coverage and cross-browser/device support, so that projects including this dependency can focus on integration and implementation.
- Provide thorough documentation (in Storybook and in the example app) so that users can view the components as they render in the UI, the source code required to use them, and specifications such as how props are used, a11y support, and test coverage.
- Consistent and transparent versioning so that multiple projects can rely on this package, and it can be maintained as React and USWDS release new versions while also providing backwards compatibility.
More guidance for preferred React practices can be found in the adding new components documentation.
Because this project exports a library that will be used by other projects, it is important that updates follow a set of standard practices. When you commit your changes, several hooks will run to check and format staged files. In order to be eligible for merging, all branches must pass the following automation.
- Prettier, TypeScript compilation, eslint and stylelint are run on staged files as a pre-commit hook/
- For an optimal developer experience, it's recommended that you configure your editor to run linting & formatting inline.
- dangerjs is used to enforce several pull request standards, including:
- Changes to package source code should include changes to tests.
- New
files should include changes to storybook. - New
files should be exported from the package entrypoint. - Package dependency changes should include
updates andyarn audit
will be run by danger to ensure no high or critical vulnerabilities are found
- Jest tests are run in CI and must pass before the branch can be merged
- Happo.io visual regression tests are run CI against Storybook stories. All diffs must be approved before the branch can be merged. Developers with access (maintainers and many codeowners) log in to Happo.io account to approve/reject diffs.
- PR titles must follow conventional commits specification.
- We use
. This auto-generates version numbers and changelog based on commits. We squash & merge PR commits, so the title must be correct. - The version number is determined based on the commit prefix - [fix] indicates a bug fix, [feat] indicates a minor bump. [!] or [BREAKING CHANGES] indicates a major bump. Other possibilities include build, ci, chore, docs, perf, refactor, revert, style, test. It is strongly recommended you familiarize yourself with conventional commits.
- The [WIP] prefix can be used to indicate a pull request is still work in progress. In this case, the PR title is not validated and the pull request lint check remains pending.
- We use
Having issues? See FAQs.
It's important to test your changes in a real-life application instance, especially if you're working on a bugfix or issue that is specific to the needs of an application. There are a few ways to do this.
Yarn provides the yarn link
command to symlink a specific package to a local version of that package. This can be very helpful if you're trying to do development in ReactUSWDS & test changes in an application simultaneously.
To use this, first run yarn link
in your local ReactUSWDS directory:
cd /path/to/react-uswds
➜ yarn link
yarn link v1.22.4
success Registered "@trussworks/react-uswds".
info You can now run `yarn link "@trussworks/react-uswds"` in the projects where you want to use this package and it will be used instead.
Then, link the package in your application directory:
cd /path/to/your/application
➜ yarn link @trussworks/react-uswds
yarn link v1.22.4
success Using linked package for "@trussworks/react-uswds".
You can then run yarn build:watch
in ReactUSWDS and your application's compiler at the same time, and when you save code changes in ReactUSWDS it will trigger a build of the package, which will then trigger a build of your application's code.
Warning: Make sure to unlink the package once you're done making changes! It can be easy to forget you're using a linked package in your application, and commit changes without switching back to a released version of ReactUSWDS.
To unlink the package from your application code (you don't need to unlink your local ReactUSWDS code) :
cd /path/to/your/application
➜ yarn unlink @trussworks/react-uswds
yarn unlink v1.22.4
success Removed linked package "@trussworks/react-uswds".
info You will need to run `yarn install --force` to re-install the package that was linked.
➜ yarn install --force
Another option is to install a specific branch of ReactUSWDS to your application that hasn't been released yet. To do that, you will need to change the reference in your application's package.json
"@trussworks/react-uswds": "https://github.com/trussworks/react-uswds#name-of-branch",
After making that change, run yarn install
to install that version of the package. This will also build the ReactUSWDS code so it can be used in your application as if it were being installed from NPM. You can verify the source of the package by looking in your application's yarn.lock
version "1.13.2"
resolved "https://github.com/trussworks/react-uswds#92ea5f07f7212370165423ec09ed35eec3aa7e58"
The important thing to note here is that resolved
is pointing to the Github repo instead of the package registry, and the SHA should match the last commit of the branch you're using.
The downside of this method is that if you need to make changes to ReactUSWDS, you will have to commit and push up the branch, and then run yarn upgrade @trussworks/react-uswds
to install the newest changes in your application. If you're ever not sure if your application code is referencing the right version, you can always verify against the SHA shown in the yarn.lock
You can commit this change to your application code if you want to use a branch of ReactUSWDS for some time, but make sure to switch back to a released version once the branch is merged and released!
When your branch is ready for review, open a new pull request into main
and request reviews from relevant team members. Reviews from codeowners will automatically be requested. Address any failing tests, lint errors, PR feedback, etc. Once the work is approved, it will be merged with squash & merge.
When opening the pull request, it's important to understand the Conventional Commits specification. All pull requests opened into main
must have a title that follows the conventional commits spec. This generates an automated changelog entry and is later used to determine versioning for release. It is required to merge.
Note: Currently our CI cannot run directly on external PRs (work from outside the Truss organization) and prevents merge. To manage this, we pull these PRs into a separate branch that a CODEOWNER creates, run automation, and merge from there. Your initial PR will be closed with a comment and your work will be merged instead from the related PR.
The format for PR commits is:
<type>(scope): <subject>
Required, must be one of the following:
: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scopes: webpack, npm)chore
: Completing a task that has no effective code changes, such as updating the version and changelog for a releaseci
: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts (example scopes: Circle, Github actions/workflows)docs
: Documentation only changesfeat
: A new featurefix
: A bug fixperf
: A code change that improves performancerefactor
: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a featurerevert
: If the commit reverts a previous commit, it should begin withrevert:
, followed by the header of the reverted commit. In the body it should say:This reverts commit <hash>.
, where the hash is the SHA of the commit being reverted.style
: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)test
: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests
Optional, can be one of the following:
: Updating a package listed in dependenciesdeps-dev
: Updating a package listed in devDependenciesrelease
: Releasing a new versioncircleci
: Changes to CircleCI config and/or scriptsexample
: Changes to the Example App onlystorybook
: Changes to Storybook or stories files only
Will default to a list of included commits since PRs are all squashed when merging. You can also add additional context to the body if needed.
Should link the PR to any issues it closes (see: "Linking a pull request to an issue").
Closes #123
Should also include BREAKING CHANGE:
if the commit includes any breaking changes. This will make sure the major version is automatically bumped when this commit is released.