This markdown contains directions on how we handle specific content in this prototype.
Indicators can be displayed on subtopic pages. If Indicators are stored as json within subtopic content markdown file's front matter - see or below:
indicators: {
"Indicator1": {
"name" : "ED visits (adults)",
"URL": ",4466a0,11,Summarize"
"Indicator2": {
"name" : "ED visits (age 0-4)",
"URL": ",4466a0,11,Summarize"
...then the template page can loop through the Indicator JSON and display each indicator:
{{ range .Params.indicators}}
<a href="{{.url}}" onclick="protoPopup()">{{.name}}</a>
This code works on any template page to range through items in another content section. For example, placed on key_topics/section.html, it ranges through all of the Site's Pages that are in the data_stories section, and prints the Title.
{{ range where .Site.RegularPages "Section" "data_stories" }}
{{ .Title }}<br>
It can be elaborated on with additional conditions. This should nest an if loop, looking for data_stories where a "categories" parameter equals "airquality."
{{ range where .Site.Pages "Section" "data_stories" }}
{{ if eq "categories" "airquality"}}
{{ .Title }}<br>
{{ end}}
When we sub in "airquality" for a variable that matches the specific key topic, we can display matching Data Stories on a specific Key Topic page just by publishing a new Data Story with a cateogory that matches the Key Topic.