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Upgrading to the Nylas SDK v2.0 for Java


The Nylas Java SDK has been rewritten for the upcoming release of the Nylas API v3 to be more idiomatic and easier to use. This guide helps you upgrade your code to use the new SDK. The new SDK also includes documentation for the SDK's methods and models so you can easily find the implementation details you need.

⚠️ Note: The Nylas Java SDK v2.0 is not compatible with Nylas APIs earlier than 3.0 beta. If you are still using an earlier version of the API (such as Nylas v2.7), keep using the Nylas Java SDK v1.x until you can upgrade.

Initial Set up

To upgrade to the new SDK, you update your dependencies to use the new version.

Note: The artifact name has changed from nylas-java-sdk to nylas. This makes it consistent with the other Nylas SDK offerings, and reflects that this SDK is no longer Java-only. Despite the name change, versioning will remain consistent with the previous SDK version, so the first version of the new SDK is 2.0.0.

To upgrade to the new SDK, change the dependency in your build.gradle file to the following:

implementation ('com.nylas.sdk:nylas:2.0.0')

The first step to use the Nylas Java SDK is to create a new NylasClient object. This object is used to make all API requests.

All previous deprecated methods of initializing the NylasClient have been removed, so you must now create it using the builder, as in the example below. The SDK uses builder patterns in many places to make your code more readable and easier to create objects with many optional parameters.

NylasClient nylas = new NylasClient.Builder("API_KEY").build();

From here, you can use the client to make API requests by accessing the different resources configured with your API Key.

Building Objects

As mentioned earlier, the SDK now uses builder patterns extensively to create objects. This makes it easier to create objects with many optional parameters. All models that contain optional parameters now have a builder class that you can use to create the object.

The SDK now has different models for creating, updating, and retrieving objects, to better reflect the underlying methods in the Nylas API. Create objects are prefixed with Create and have a suffix of Request, update objects are prefixed with Update and have a suffix of Request, and retrieve objects are just the name of the object.

If we take Calendar objects as an example, Calendar is the retrieve object, CreateCalendarRequest is the create object, and UpdateCalendarRequest is the update object.

To illustrate this, the following code shows how to construct the request to create a new calendar:

NylasClient nylas = new NylasClient.Builder("API_KEY").build();

CreateCalendarRequest createCalendarRequest = new CreateCalendarRequest.Builder("My Calendar") // Calendar name is required
    .description("My calendar description") // Calendar description is optional
    .location("My calendar location") // Calendar location is optional
    .timezone("America/New_York") // Calendar timezone is optional

Making Requests to the Nylas API

You use the NylasClient object to make requests to the Nylas API. The SDK is organized into different resources, each of which has methods to make requests to the API. Each resource is available using the NylasClient object configured with your API key.

For example, to get a list of calendars, you can use the following code:

NylasClient nylas = new NylasClient.Builder("API_KEY").build();
ListResponse<Calendars> calendars = nylas.calendars().list("GRANT_ID");

You might notice in the code above that there are some new concepts in the new SDK when making requests. These concepts are explained in more detail below.

Resource Parameters

Each resource takes different parameters. All resources take an "identifier", which is the ID of the account you want to make the request for. This is usually the Grant ID or the email address of the account. Some resources also take "query parameters" which are mainly used to filter data or pass in additional information.

Response Objects

The new Nylas API v3 now has standard response objects for all requests (excluding OAuth endpoints). There are generally two main types of response objects: Response and ListResponse.

The Response object is used for requests that return a single object, such as retrieving a single calendar. This returns a parameterized object of the type you are requesting (for example Calendar), and a string that represents the request ID.

The ListResponse object is used for requests that return a list of objects, such as retrieving a list of calendars. This returns a list of parameterized objects of the type you are requesting (for example, Calendar), a string representing the request ID, and another string representing the token of the next page for paginating a request.

Error Objects

Like the response objects, Nylas v3 now has standard error objects for all requests (excluding OAuth endpoints). There are two superclass error classes, AbstractNylasApiError, used for errors returned by the API, and AbstractNylasSdkError, used for errors returned by the SDK.

The AbstractNylasApiError includes two subclasses: NylasOAuthError, used for API errors that are returned from the OAuth endpoints, and NylasApiError, used for any other Nylas API errors.

The error details are extracted from the response and stored in the error object along with the request ID and the HTTP status code.

AbstractNylasSdkError is used for errors returned by the SDK. Right now there's only one type of error we return, and that's a NylasSdkTimeoutError which is thrown when a request times out.

Putting it all together, the following code shows how to make a request to create a new Event and handle any errors that may occur:

NylasClient nylas = new NylasClient.Builder("API_KEY").build();

// Build the create event request
CreateEventRequest createEventRequest = new CreateEventRequest.Builder(
    new CreateEventRequest.When
        .Builder(1686765600, 1686769200)
    ) // A "When" type is required
    .title("My Event") // Title is optional
    .description("My event description") // Description is optional
    .location("My event location") // Location is optional

// Build the query parameters, as it is required for event creation
CreateEventQueryParams createEventQueryParams = new CreateEventQueryParams.Builder(calendarId).build();

try {
    // Make the request
    Response<Event> createdEventResponse =
} catch (NylasApiError e) {
    // Handle error


The available authentication methods reflect the new Nylas API v3. While you can manage your application's integrations in the dashboard, you can manage almost everything else directly from the SDK. This includes managing grants, redirect URIs, OAuth tokens, and authenticating your users.

There are two main methods to focus on when authenticating users to your application. The first is the Auth#urlForOAuth2 method, which returns the URL that you should redirect your users to in order to authenticate them using Nylas' OAuth 2.0 implementation.

The second is the Auth#exchangeCodeForToken method, which you use to exchange the code returned from the authentication redirect for an access token. You actually don't need to use the data from the response as you can use the authenticated email address directly as the identifier for the account. However, if you prefer to use the grant ID as the account identifier, you can extract the grant ID from the CodeExchangeResponse object and use that instead.

The following code shows how to authenticate a user into a Nylas application:

NylasClient nylas = new NylasClient.Builder("API_KEY").build();

String clientId = "NYLAS_CLIENT_ID";
String clientSecret = "NYLAS_CLIENT_SECRET";
String clientUri = "";

// Build the URL for authentication
String authURL = nylasClient.auth().urlForOAuth2(
    new UrlForAuthenticationConfig.Builder(clientId, clientUri)
      .loginHint("[email protected]")

// Write code here to redirect the user to the url and parse the code

// Exchange the code for an access token
CodeExchangeRequest codeExchangeRequest = new CodeExchangeRequest.Builder(

CodeExchangeResponse codeExchangeResponse = nylasClient.auth().exchangeCodeForToken(codeExchangeRequest);

// Now you can either use the email address that was authenticated or the grant ID in the response as the identifier

// Using the email address
ListResponse<Calendars> calendars = nylas.calendars().list("[email protected]");

// Using the grant ID
ListResponse<Calendars> calendars = nylas.calendars().list(codeExchangeResponse.getGrantId());