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Weird result of MPTCP with DCE in V5.0 release #244

keyvan-dadash opened this issue Jun 28, 2022 · 0 comments

Weird result of MPTCP with DCE in V5.0 release #244

keyvan-dadash opened this issue Jun 28, 2022 · 0 comments


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keyvan-dadash commented Jun 28, 2022


I recently integrated n3-mmwave release V5.0 with DCE 1.11, and you can also see this integration in the links below:

However, when I ran the dce-mmwave-mptcp example, I got a weird and unreasonable result that was entirely different from the "End-to-End Simulation of 5G mmWave Networks" results. After investigation, I tried to run the example in the V2.0 release, which turned out its result is similar to paper ones. But I realized that in the V2.0 release, the dce-mmwave-mptcp example subframe period was set to 100 microseconds, which is different from the 1 millisecond in the V5.0 and the 3GGP specifications. And then, in V2.0, changing the subframes period from 100 microseconds to 1-millisecond results in the same weird output as the V5.0.

here is the output from iperf:

Weirdly, iperf output is usually 0, which is not the same as the paper result.

here is the throughput of LTE, MMwave, and iperf(Generated by captcp):

There is quite a difference between mmwave throughput and paper throughput.

here is the source code:

/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */

// Handoff scenario with Multipath TCPed iperf
// Simulation Topology:
// Scenario:
//   <--------------------            ----------------------->
//                  LTE               Ethernet
//                   sim0 +----------+ sim1
//                  +------|  LTE  R  |------+
//                  |     +----------+      |
//              +---+                       +-----+
//          sim1|                                 |sim1
//     +----+---+                                 +----+---+
//     |   H1   |           co-located            |   H2   |
//     +---+----+           (0, 0, 3)           +----+---+
//          sim0|                                 |sim0
//              +--+                        +-----+
//                 | sim0 +----------+ sim1 |
//                  +-----|  MmWave R  |------+
//                        +----------+
//                  MmWave              Ethernet
//   <--------------------            ----------------------->

// Author: Michele Polese [email protected]

#include "ns3/network-module.h"
#include "ns3/core-module.h"
#include "ns3/internet-module.h"
#include "ns3/dce-module.h"
#include "ns3/point-to-point-module.h"
#include "ns3/wifi-module.h"
#include "ns3/lte-module.h"
#include "ns3/buildings-module.h"
#include "ns3/mmwave-module.h"
#include "ns3/mobility-module.h"
#include "ns3/applications-module.h"
#include "ns3/netanim-module.h"
#include "ns3/constant-position-mobility-model.h"
#include "ns3/config-store-module.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <sstream>

#define SSTR( x ) static_cast< std::ostringstream & >( \
        ( std::ostringstream() << std::dec << x ) ).str()

using namespace ns3;
using namespace ns3::mmwave;
void setPos (Ptr<Node> n, int x, int y, int z)
  Ptr<ConstantVelocityMobilityModel> loc = CreateObject<ConstantVelocityMobilityModel> ();
  n->AggregateObject (loc);
  Vector locVec2 (x, y, z);
  loc->SetPosition (locVec2);


void randomPos (Ptr<Node> n, int R_max, int z)
  Ptr<UniformRandomVariable> rand = CreateObject<UniformRandomVariable>();
  // already U[0,1] by default
  double rho = R_max*std::sqrt(rand->GetValue());
  double theta = rand->GetValue();
  double x = rho*std::cos(theta);
  double y = rho*std::sin(theta);
  Ptr<ConstantPositionMobilityModel> loc = CreateObject<ConstantPositionMobilityModel> ();
  n->AggregateObject (loc);
  Vector locVec2 (x, y, z);
  NS_LOG_UNCOND("UE in Position " << locVec2);
  loc->SetPosition (locVec2);

void changePos(Ptr<Node> node, int x, int y, int z)
  Ptr<ConstantVelocityMobilityModel> model = node->GetObject<ConstantVelocityMobilityModel> ();
  Vector locVec2 (x, y, z);
  NS_LOG_UNCOND("************************--------------------Change Position-------------------------------*****************");

ChangeSpeed(Ptr<Node> n, Vector speed)
  n->GetObject<ConstantVelocityMobilityModel> ()->SetVelocity (speed);
  NS_LOG_UNCOND("************************--------------------Change Speed-------------------------------*****************");

PrintTcpFlags (std::string key, std::string value)
  NS_LOG_INFO (key << "=" << value);

PrintPid (ApplicationContainer apps, DceApplicationHelper dce)
    NS_LOG_UNCOND("PID " << dce.GetPid(PeekPointer(apps.Get(0))));

static ns3::GlobalValue g_runNumber ("runNumber", "Run number for rng",
    ns3::UintegerValue(1), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t>());
static ns3::GlobalValue g_dist ("dist", "Distance from eNB",
    ns3::UintegerValue(190), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t>());
static ns3::GlobalValue g_outPath("outPath",
    "The path of output log files",
    ns3::StringValue("./"), ns3::MakeStringChecker());
static ns3::GlobalValue g_congestionControl("congestionControl",
    "CC algorithm",
    ns3::StringValue("balia"), ns3::MakeStringChecker());
static ns3::GlobalValue g_rlcAmEnabled("rlcAmEnabled", "If true, use RLC AM, else use RLC UM",
    ns3::BooleanValue(true), ns3::MakeBooleanChecker());
static ns3::GlobalValue g_harqEnabled("harqEnabled",
    "If true, enable harq",
    ns3::BooleanValue(true), ns3::MakeBooleanChecker());

NotifyConnectionEstablishedUe (std::string context,
                               uint64_t imsi,
                               uint16_t cellid,
                               uint16_t rnti)
  std::cout << Simulator::Now ().As (Time::S) << " " << context
            << " UE IMSI " << imsi
            << ": connected to cell id " << cellid
            << " with RNTI " << rnti
            << std::endl;
NotifyConnectionEstablishedEnb (std::string context,
                                uint64_t imsi,
                                uint16_t cellId,
                                uint16_t rnti)
  std::cout << Simulator::Now ().As (Time::S) << " " << context
            << " eNB cell id " << cellId
            << ": successful connection of UE with IMSI " << imsi
            << " RNTI " << rnti
            << std::endl;
  //In this example, a UE should experience RLF at least one time in
  //cell 1. For the case, when there is only one eNB with ideal RRC,
  //a UE might reconnects to the eNB multiple times due to more than
  //one RLF. To handle this, we reset the counter here so, even if the UE
  //connects multiple time to cell 1 we count N310
  //indication correctly, i.e., for each RLF UE RRC should receive
  //configured number of N310 indications.
 /* if (cellId == 1)
      counterN310FirsteNB = 0;

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  LogComponentEnable ("DceMptcpMmWave", LOG_LEVEL_ALL);

  // Command line arguments
  CommandLine cmd;
  //cmd.AddValue("numberOfNodes", "Number of eNodeBs + UE pairs", numberOfNodes);
  //cmd.AddValue("simTime", "Total duration of the simulation [s])", simTime);
  //cmd.AddValue("interPacketInterval", "Inter packet interval [ms])", interPacketInterval);
  cmd.Parse(argc, argv);

  std::string bufSize = "";
  double stopTime = 23.0;
  std::string p2pdelay = "0ms";

  UintegerValue uintegerValue;
  StringValue stringValue;
  BooleanValue booleanValue;

  // rng things
  GlobalValue::GetValueByName("runNumber", uintegerValue);
  uint32_t runSet = uintegerValue.Get();
  uint32_t seedSet = 1;
  NS_LOG_UNCOND("runSet " << runSet);
  RngSeedManager::SetSeed (seedSet);
  RngSeedManager::SetRun (runSet);
  char seedSetStr[21];
  char runSetStr[21];
  sprintf(seedSetStr, "%d", seedSet);
  sprintf(runSetStr, "%d", runSet);

  GlobalValue::GetValueByName("outPath", stringValue);
  std::string path = stringValue.Get();
  std::string dlRlcOutName = "DlRlcStats";
  std::string dlPdcpOutName = "DlPdcpStats";
  std::string ulRlcOutName = "UlRlcStats";
  std::string ulPdcpOutName = "UlPdcpStats";
  std::string extension = ".txt";

  //get current time
  time_t rawtime;
  struct tm * timeinfo;
  char buffer[80];
  time (&rawtime);
  timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);
  std::string time_str(buffer);

  // Congestion Control algorithm
  GlobalValue::GetValueByName("congestionControl", stringValue);
  std::string ccAlg = stringValue.Get();

  // mmWave config
  GlobalValue::GetValueByName("harqEnabled", booleanValue);
  bool harqEnabled = booleanValue.Get();
  GlobalValue::GetValueByName("rlcAmEnabled", booleanValue);
  bool rlcAmEnabled = booleanValue.Get();
  bool fixedTti = false;
  unsigned symPerSf = 24;
  double sfPeriod = 100.0;
  uint32_t bufferSize = 10;

  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteRlcUm::MaxTxBufferSize", UintegerValue (20 * 1024 * 1024));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteRlcUmLowLat::MaxTxBufferSize", UintegerValue (20 * 1024 * 1024));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteRlcAm::MaxTxBufferSize", UintegerValue (20 * 1024 * 1024));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteHelper::UseIdealRrc", BooleanValue (false));

  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWaveHelper::RlcAmEnabled", BooleanValue(rlcAmEnabled));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWaveHelper::HarqEnabled", BooleanValue(harqEnabled));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWaveFlexTtiMacScheduler::HarqEnabled", BooleanValue(harqEnabled));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWaveFlexTtiMaxWeightMacScheduler::HarqEnabled", BooleanValue(harqEnabled));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWaveFlexTtiMaxWeightMacScheduler::FixedTti", BooleanValue(fixedTti));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWaveFlexTtiMaxWeightMacScheduler::SymPerSlot", UintegerValue(6));
  //Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWavePhyMacCommon::ResourceBlockNum", UintegerValue(1));
  //Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWavePhyMacCommon::ChunkPerRB", UintegerValue(72));
  //Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWavePhyMacCommon::SymbolsPerSubframe", UintegerValue(symPerSf));
  //Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWavePhyMacCommon::SubframePeriod", DoubleValue(sfPeriod));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWavePhyMacCommon::TbDecodeLatency", UintegerValue(200.0));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWavePhyMacCommon::NumHarqProcess", UintegerValue(100));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWavePhyMacCommon::Numerology", EnumValue(3));
  //Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWavePhyMacCommon::Bandwidth", DoubleValue (200e6));
  /*Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWaveBeamforming::LongTermUpdatePeriod", TimeValue (MilliSeconds (100.0)));*/
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ThreeGppChannelModel::UpdatePeriod", TimeValue (MilliSeconds (100.0)));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteEnbRrc::SystemInformationPeriodicity", TimeValue (MilliSeconds (5.0)));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteEnbRrc::SrsPeriodicity", UintegerValue (320));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteEnbRrc::FirstSibTime", UintegerValue (2));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteHelper::UseIdealRrc", BooleanValue (false));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RadioBearerStatsCalculator::DlRlcOutputFilename", StringValue        (path + dlRlcOutName   + "_" + seedSetStr + "_" + runSetStr + "_" + time_str + extension));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RadioBearerStatsCalculator::UlRlcOutputFilename", StringValue        (path + ulRlcOutName   + "_" + seedSetStr + "_" + runSetStr + "_" + time_str + extension));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RadioBearerStatsCalculator::DlPdcpOutputFilename", StringValue       (path + dlPdcpOutName + "_" + seedSetStr + "_" + runSetStr + "_" + time_str + extension));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RadioBearerStatsCalculator::UlPdcpOutputFilename", StringValue       (path + ulPdcpOutName + "_" + seedSetStr + "_" + runSetStr + "_" + time_str + extension));

  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWavePointToPointEpcHelper::S1uLinkDelay", TimeValue (Seconds(0.001)));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PointToPointEpcHelper::S1uLinkDelay", TimeValue (Seconds(0.001)));

  GlobalValue::Bind ("ChecksumEnabled", BooleanValue (true));
  NodeContainer nodes, routers;
  uint32_t numberOfNodes = 1;
  nodes.Create (numberOfNodes*2);
  routers.Create (1);

  DceManagerHelper dceManager;
  dceManager.SetNetworkStack ("ns3::LinuxSocketFdFactory",
                              "Library", StringValue (""));
  LinuxStackHelper stack;
  stack.Install (nodes);
  stack.Install (routers);

  dceManager.Install (nodes);
  dceManager.Install (routers);

  PointToPointHelper pointToPoint;
  NetDeviceContainer devices1, devices2, devices3;

  // mmWave helper
  Ptr<MmWaveHelper> mmWaveHelper = CreateObject<MmWaveHelper> ();
  mmWaveHelper->SetAttribute("BasicCellId", UintegerValue(7));
  mmWaveHelper->SetAttribute("BasicImsi", UintegerValue(0));
  mmWaveHelper->SetHarqEnabled (harqEnabled);
  //mmWaveHelper->SetAttribute ("PathlossModel", StringValue ("ns3::"));
  mmWaveHelper->SetChannelConditionModelType ("ns3::BuildingsChannelConditionModel");
  //mmWaveHelper->SetAttribute("CenterFreq", DoubleValue(28.0e9));
  Ptr<MmWavePointToPointEpcHelper> mmWaveEpcHelper = CreateObject<MmWavePointToPointEpcHelper> ();
/*  mmWaveEpcHelper->SetAttribute("UeBaseAddress", StringValue(""));
  mmWaveEpcHelper->SetAttribute("X2BaseAddress", StringValue(""));
  mmWaveEpcHelper->SetAttribute("S1apBaseAddress", StringValue(""));
  mmWaveEpcHelper->SetAttribute("S1uBaseAddress", StringValue(""));*/

  // // LTE helper
  Ptr<LteHelper> lteHelper_2 = CreateObject<LteHelper> ();
  lteHelper_2->SetAttribute ("PathlossModel", StringValue ("ns3::HybridBuildingsPropagationLossModel"));
  //lteHelper_2->SetChannelConditionModelType ("ns3::BuildingsChannelConditionModel");
  lteHelper_2->SetPathlossModelAttribute ("ShadowSigmaExtWalls", DoubleValue (0));
  lteHelper_2->SetPathlossModelAttribute ("ShadowSigmaOutdoor", DoubleValue (6));
  lteHelper_2->SetPathlossModelAttribute ("ShadowSigmaIndoor", DoubleValue (8));
  lteHelper_2->SetSpectrumChannelType ("ns3::MultiModelSpectrumChannel");
  Ptr<PointToPointEpcHelper> epcHelper_2 = CreateObject<PointToPointEpcHelper> ();

  Ipv4AddressHelper address1, address2, address3;
  std::ostringstream cmd_oss;
  address1.SetBase ("", "");
  address2.SetBase ("", "");
  address3.SetBase ("", "");
  Ipv4InterfaceContainer if1, if2, if3;
  pointToPoint.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("20Gbps"));
  pointToPoint.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue (p2pdelay));
  Ptr<RateErrorModel> em1 =
    CreateObjectWithAttributes<RateErrorModel> ("RanVar", StringValue ("ns3::UniformRandomVariable[Min=0.0|Max=1.0]"),
                                                "ErrorRate", DoubleValue (0),
                                                "ErrorUnit", EnumValue (RateErrorModel::ERROR_UNIT_PACKET)

  std::cout << "[DEBUGGING]" << std::endl << std::flush;

  NodeContainer ueNodes;
  NodeContainer serverNodes;
  // set UE distance
  for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++)
      setPos (nodes.Get (i), 100, -20, 1);
      setPos (nodes.Get (numberOfNodes + i), 200, 200, 0);

  double x_min = 80.0;
  double x_max = 90.0;
  double y_min = -10.0;
  double y_max = 10.0;
  double z_min = 0.0;
  double z_max = 10.0;
  Ptr<Building> b = CreateObject <Building> ();
  b->SetBoundaries (Box (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max));
  b->SetBuildingType (Building::Residential);
  b->SetExtWallsType (Building::ConcreteWithWindows);
  b->SetNFloors (3);
  b->SetNRoomsX (3);
  b->SetNRoomsY (2);

  BuildingsHelper::Install (nodes);

  Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(2), &ChangeSpeed, nodes.Get(0), Vector(0, 2, 0)); // start UE movement

  // Left link: H1 <-> mmWave eNB
  NodeContainer enbNodes;

  mmWaveHelper->SetEpcHelper (mmWaveEpcHelper);
  Ptr<Node> pgw = mmWaveEpcHelper->GetPgwNode ();
  setPos (enbNodes.Get (0), 0, 0, 3);
  BuildingsHelper::Install (enbNodes);

  NetDeviceContainer enbMmWaveDevs = mmWaveHelper->InstallEnbDevice (enbNodes);
  NetDeviceContainer ueMmWaveDevs = mmWaveHelper->InstallUeDevice (ueNodes);

  // Assign ip addresses
  if1 = mmWaveEpcHelper->AssignUeIpv4Address (NetDeviceContainer (ueMmWaveDevs));
  mmWaveHelper->AttachToClosestEnb (ueMmWaveDevs, enbMmWaveDevs.Get(0));

  // setup ip routes
  for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++)
    cmd_oss.str ("");
    cmd_oss << "rule add from " << if1.GetAddress (i, 0) << " table " << 1;
    NS_LOG_UNCOND("rule add from " << if1.GetAddress (i, 0) << " table " << 1 << " node " << nodes.Get(i));
    LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (nodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.01), cmd_oss.str ().c_str ());
    cmd_oss.str ("");
    cmd_oss << "route add default via " << "7.0.0. "  << i << " dev sim" << 0 << " table " << 1;
    NS_LOG_UNCOND("route add default via " << " "  << i << " dev sim"
            << ueMmWaveDevs.Get (i)->GetIfIndex () << " table " << 1 << " node " << nodes.Get(i));
    LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (nodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.01), cmd_oss.str ().c_str ());

  for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++)
    devices2 = pointToPoint.Install (serverNodes.Get (i), pgw);
    if2 = address2.Assign (devices2);
    address2.NewNetwork ();

    NS_LOG_UNCOND("if2.GetAddress (0, 0) " << if2.GetAddress (0, 0));
    NS_LOG_UNCOND("if2.GetAddress (1, 0) " << if2.GetAddress (1, 0));
    cmd_oss.str ("");
    cmd_oss << "rule add from " << if2.GetAddress (0, 0) << " table " << (1);
    NS_LOG_UNCOND("rule add from " << if2.GetAddress (0, 0) << " table " << (1)<< " node " << serverNodes.Get (i));
    LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (serverNodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.01), cmd_oss.str ().c_str ());
    cmd_oss.str ("");
    cmd_oss << "route add 10.2." << i << ".0/24 dev sim" << 0 << " scope link table " << (1);
    NS_LOG_UNCOND("route add 10.2." << i << ".0/24 dev sim" << 0 << " scope link table " << (1)<< " node " << serverNodes.Get (i));
    LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (serverNodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.01), cmd_oss.str ().c_str ());

  // ------------------------ link: H1 <-> LTE-R
  NodeContainer lteEnbNodes;

  lteHelper_2->SetEpcHelper (epcHelper_2);
  pgw = epcHelper_2->GetPgwNode ();
  setPos (lteEnbNodes.Get (0), 0, 0, 3);
  BuildingsHelper::Install (lteEnbNodes);
  //Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(10.0), &changePos, lteEnbNodes.Get (0), 60, +15000, 3);
  NetDeviceContainer enbLteDevs = lteHelper_2->InstallEnbDevice (lteEnbNodes);
  NetDeviceContainer ueLteDevs = lteHelper_2->InstallUeDevice (ueNodes);
  // // Assign ip addresses
  if1 = epcHelper_2->AssignUeIpv4Address (NetDeviceContainer (ueLteDevs));
  lteHelper_2->Attach (ueLteDevs, enbLteDevs.Get(0));

  //mmWaveHelper->AttachToClosestEnb (ueMmWaveDevs, enbMmWaveDevs.Get(0), enbLteDevs.Get(0));
  // setup ip routes
  for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++)
  cmd_oss.str ("");
  cmd_oss << "rule add from " << if1.GetAddress (i, 0) << " table " << 2;
  NS_LOG_UNCOND("rule add from " << if1.GetAddress (i, 0) << " table " << 2 << " node " << nodes.Get(i));
  LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (nodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.01), cmd_oss.str ().c_str ());
  cmd_oss.str ("");
  cmd_oss << "route add default via " << " " << " dev sim"
  << ueLteDevs.Get (i)->GetIfIndex () << " table " << 2;
  NS_LOG_UNCOND("route add default via " << " " << " dev sim"
  << ueLteDevs.Get (i)->GetIfIndex () << " table " << 2 << " node " << nodes.Get(i));
  LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (nodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.01), cmd_oss.str ().c_str ());
  for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++)
  	devices3 = pointToPoint.Install (serverNodes.Get (i), pgw);
  	if3 = address2.Assign (devices3);
  	address2.NewNetwork ();
  NS_LOG_UNCOND("if3.GetAddress (0, 0) " << if3.GetAddress (0, 0));
  NS_LOG_UNCOND("if3.GetAddress (1, 0) " << if3.GetAddress (1, 0));
  cmd_oss.str ("");
  cmd_oss << "rule add from " << if3.GetAddress (0, 0) << " table " << (2);
  NS_LOG_UNCOND("rule add from " << if3.GetAddress (0, 0) << " table " << (2)<< " node " << serverNodes.Get (i));
  LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (serverNodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.01), cmd_oss.str ().c_str ());
  cmd_oss.str ("");
  cmd_oss << "route add 10.2." << i << ".0/24 dev sim" << 0 << " scope link table " << (2);
  NS_LOG_UNCOND("route add 10.2." << i << ".0/24 dev sim" << 0 << " scope link table " << (2)<< " node " << serverNodes.Get (i));
  LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (serverNodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.01), cmd_oss.str ().c_str ());
  cmd_oss.str ("");
  cmd_oss << "route add via " << if3.GetAddress (1, 0) << " dev sim" << 1 << " table " << (2);
  NS_LOG_UNCOND("route add via " << if3.GetAddress (1, 0) << " dev sim" << 1 << " table " << (2) << " node " << serverNodes.Get (i));
  LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (serverNodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.1), cmd_oss.str ().c_str ());
  setPos (pgw, 70, 0, 0);
  // default route
  for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++)
    LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (nodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.1), "route add default via dev sim0");
    LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (nodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.1), "rule show");
    LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (nodes.Get (i), Seconds (5.1), "route show table all");
    LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (serverNodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.1), "route add default via 10.2." + SSTR(i) + ".2 dev sim0");
    //LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (serverNodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.1), "route add default via 10.3." + SSTR(i) + ".2 dev sim0");
    //LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (nodes.Get (numberOfNodes+1), Seconds (0.1), "route add default via dev sim0");
    LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (serverNodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.1), "rule show");
    LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (serverNodes.Get (i), Seconds (5.1), "route show table all");

  // set
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.mptcp.mptcp_debug", "0");

  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_rmem",
                   "4096 87380 87380");
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_wmem",
                   "4096 87380 87380");
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.mptcp.mptcp_scheduler",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.mptcp.mptcp_checksum",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_rmem",
                   "4096 99999999 204217728");
  //                       "4096 87380 " +bufSize);
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_wmem",
                   "4096 99999999 204217728");
  // stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_mem",
  //                  "768174 10242330 15363480");
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_mem",
                   "204217728 204217728 204217728");
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.core.rmem_max",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.core.wmem_max",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.core.optmem_max",
  //stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.core.rmem_default",
  //                 "199999999");
  //stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.core.wmem_default",
  //                 "199999999");
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.mptcp.mptcp_scheduler",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.mptcp.mptcp_checksum",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_low_latency",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_no_metrics_save",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_sack",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.core.netdev_max_backlog",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_moderate_rcvbuf",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_reordering",

  for (int i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; ++i)
    DceApplicationHelper dce;
    ApplicationContainer apps;

    dce.SetStackSize (1 << 20);
    // Launch iperf client on node 0
    dce.SetBinary ("iperf");
    dce.ResetArguments ();
    dce.ResetEnvironment ();
    dce.AddArgument ("-c");
    dce.AddArgument ("10.2." + SSTR(i) + ".1");
    //dce.ParseArguments ("-y C");
    dce.AddArgument ("-i");
    dce.AddArgument ("0.1");
    dce.AddArgument ("--time");
    dce.AddArgument ("20");
    dce.AddArgument ("-f");
    dce.AddArgument ("m");
    //dce.AddArgument ("-l");
    //dce.AddArgument ("100K");
    //dce.AddArgument ("-w");
    //dce.AddArgument ("99M");
    apps = dce.Install (nodes.Get (i));
    apps.Start (Seconds (2.0));

    Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(2.1), &PrintPid, apps, dce);

    dce.SetStackSize (1 << 20);
    // Launch iperf server on node 1
    dce.SetBinary ("iperf");
    dce.ResetArguments ();
    dce.ResetEnvironment ();
    dce.AddArgument ("-s");
    dce.AddArgument ("-P");
    dce.AddArgument ("1");
    dce.AddArgument ("-f");
    dce.AddArgument ("m");

    apps = dce.Install (nodes.Get (numberOfNodes+i));
    apps.Start (Seconds (1.5));

  lteHelper_2->EnablePdcpTraces ();
  lteHelper_2->EnableRlcTraces ();
  mmWaveHelper->EnableTraces ();
  //Config::Connect ("/NodeList/*/DeviceList/*/ns3::LteEnbRrc/ConnectionEstablished",
    //               MakeCallback (&NotifyConnectionEstablishedEnb));
  //Config::Connect ("/NodeList/*/DeviceList/*/ns3::LteUeRrc/ConnectionEstablished",
//                   MakeCallback (&NotifyConnectionEstablishedUe));

pointToPoint.EnablePcapAll("lte-mmwave2", false);

  // Output config store to txt format
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ConfigStore::Filename", StringValue ("output-attributes.txt"));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ConfigStore::FileFormat", StringValue ("RawText"));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ConfigStore::Mode", StringValue ("Save"));
  ConfigStore outputConfig2;
  outputConfig2.ConfigureDefaults ();
  outputConfig2.ConfigureAttributes ();

  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (stopTime));
  Simulator::Run ();
  Simulator::Destroy ();

  return 0;

After these results, I tried to simulate another scenario to examine what is the problem. So I decided to move the building and UE near the base station. However, I got another weird result.
here is the iperf output:

here is the throughput of LTE, MMwave, and iperf(Generated by captcp):
Most of the time, the throughput of iperf is stable, implying that building does not affect throughput, and also, at the start and end of the simulation, the throughput does not go up as in the pictures in the paper.

here is the throughput of MMwave(Generated by wireshark):
As you can see, the building does not have much effect on the throughput, and the throughput is much lower than the paper throughput.

here is the source code:

/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */

// Handoff scenario with Multipath TCPed iperf
// Simulation Topology:
// Scenario:
//   <--------------------            ----------------------->
//                  LTE               Ethernet
//                   sim0 +----------+ sim1
//                  +------|  LTE  R  |------+
//                  |     +----------+      |
//              +---+                       +-----+
//          sim1|                                 |sim1
//     +----+---+                                 +----+---+
//     |   H1   |           co-located            |   H2   |
//     +---+----+           (0, 0, 3)           +----+---+
//          sim0|                                 |sim0
//              +--+                        +-----+
//                 | sim0 +----------+ sim1 |
//                  +-----|  MmWave R  |------+
//                        +----------+
//                  MmWave              Ethernet
//   <--------------------            ----------------------->

// Author: Michele Polese [email protected]

#include "ns3/network-module.h"
#include "ns3/core-module.h"
#include "ns3/internet-module.h"
#include "ns3/dce-module.h"
#include "ns3/point-to-point-module.h"
#include "ns3/wifi-module.h"
#include "ns3/lte-module.h"
#include "ns3/buildings-module.h"
#include "ns3/mmwave-module.h"
#include "ns3/mobility-module.h"
#include "ns3/applications-module.h"
#include "ns3/netanim-module.h"
#include "ns3/constant-position-mobility-model.h"
#include "ns3/config-store-module.h"
#include "ns3/isotropic-antenna-model.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <sstream>

#define SSTR( x ) static_cast< std::ostringstream & >( \
        ( std::ostringstream() << std::dec << x ) ).str()

using namespace ns3;
using namespace ns3::mmwave;
void setPos (Ptr<Node> n, int x, int y, int z)
  Ptr<ConstantVelocityMobilityModel> loc = CreateObject<ConstantVelocityMobilityModel> ();
  n->AggregateObject (loc);
  Vector locVec2 (x, y, z);
  loc->SetPosition (locVec2);


void randomPos (Ptr<Node> n, int R_max, int z)
  Ptr<UniformRandomVariable> rand = CreateObject<UniformRandomVariable>();
  // already U[0,1] by default
  double rho = R_max*std::sqrt(rand->GetValue());
  double theta = rand->GetValue();
  double x = rho*std::cos(theta);
  double y = rho*std::sin(theta);
  Ptr<ConstantPositionMobilityModel> loc = CreateObject<ConstantPositionMobilityModel> ();
  n->AggregateObject (loc);
  Vector locVec2 (x, y, z);
  NS_LOG_UNCOND("UE in Position " << locVec2);
  loc->SetPosition (locVec2);

void changePos(Ptr<Node> node, int x, int y, int z)
  Ptr<ConstantVelocityMobilityModel> model = node->GetObject<ConstantVelocityMobilityModel> ();
  Vector locVec2 (x, y, z);
  NS_LOG_UNCOND("************************--------------------Change Position-------------------------------*****************");

ChangeSpeed(Ptr<Node> n, Vector speed)
  n->GetObject<ConstantVelocityMobilityModel> ()->SetVelocity (speed);
  NS_LOG_UNCOND("************************--------------------Change Speed-------------------------------*****************");

PrintTcpFlags (std::string key, std::string value)
  NS_LOG_INFO (key << "=" << value);

PrintPid (ApplicationContainer apps, DceApplicationHelper dce)
    NS_LOG_UNCOND("PID " << dce.GetPid(PeekPointer(apps.Get(0))));

static ns3::GlobalValue g_runNumber ("runNumber", "Run number for rng",
    ns3::UintegerValue(1), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t>());
static ns3::GlobalValue g_dist ("dist", "Distance from eNB",
    ns3::UintegerValue(40), ns3::MakeUintegerChecker<uint32_t>());
static ns3::GlobalValue g_outPath("outPath",
    "The path of output log files",
    ns3::StringValue("./"), ns3::MakeStringChecker());
static ns3::GlobalValue g_congestionControl("congestionControl",
    "CC algorithm",
    ns3::StringValue("cubic"), ns3::MakeStringChecker());
static ns3::GlobalValue g_rlcAmEnabled("rlcAmEnabled", "If true, use RLC AM, else use RLC UM",
    ns3::BooleanValue(true), ns3::MakeBooleanChecker());
static ns3::GlobalValue g_harqEnabled("harqEnabled",
    "If true, enable harq",
    ns3::BooleanValue(true), ns3::MakeBooleanChecker());

NotifyConnectionEstablishedUe (std::string context,
                               uint64_t imsi,
                               uint16_t cellid,
                               uint16_t rnti)
  std::cout << Simulator::Now ().As (Time::S) << " " << context
            << " UE IMSI " << imsi
            << ": connected to cell id " << cellid
            << " with RNTI " << rnti
            << std::endl;
NotifyConnectionEstablishedEnb (std::string context,
                                uint64_t imsi,
                                uint16_t cellId,
                                uint16_t rnti)
  std::cout << Simulator::Now ().As (Time::S) << " " << context
            << " eNB cell id " << cellId
            << ": successful connection of UE with IMSI " << imsi
            << " RNTI " << rnti
            << std::endl;
  //In this example, a UE should experience RLF at least one time in
  //cell 1. For the case, when there is only one eNB with ideal RRC,
  //a UE might reconnects to the eNB multiple times due to more than
  //one RLF. To handle this, we reset the counter here so, even if the UE
  //connects multiple time to cell 1 we count N310
  //indication correctly, i.e., for each RLF UE RRC should receive
  //configured number of N310 indications.
 /* if (cellId == 1)
      counterN310FirsteNB = 0;

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  LogComponentEnable ("DceMptcpMmWave", LOG_LEVEL_ALL);

  // Command line arguments
  CommandLine cmd;
  //cmd.AddValue("numberOfNodes", "Number of eNodeBs + UE pairs", numberOfNodes);
  //cmd.AddValue("simTime", "Total duration of the simulation [s])", simTime);
  //cmd.AddValue("interPacketInterval", "Inter packet interval [ms])", interPacketInterval);
  cmd.Parse(argc, argv);

  std::string bufSize = "";
  double stopTime = 23.0;
  std::string p2pdelay = "0ms";

  UintegerValue uintegerValue;
  StringValue stringValue;
  BooleanValue booleanValue;

  // rng things
  GlobalValue::GetValueByName("runNumber", uintegerValue);
  uint32_t runSet = uintegerValue.Get();
  uint32_t seedSet = 1;
  NS_LOG_UNCOND("runSet " << runSet);
  RngSeedManager::SetSeed (seedSet);
  RngSeedManager::SetRun (runSet);
  char seedSetStr[21];
  char runSetStr[21];
  sprintf(seedSetStr, "%d", seedSet);
  sprintf(runSetStr, "%d", runSet);

  GlobalValue::GetValueByName("outPath", stringValue);
  std::string path = stringValue.Get();
  std::string dlRlcOutName = "DlRlcStats";
  std::string dlPdcpOutName = "DlPdcpStats";
  std::string ulRlcOutName = "UlRlcStats";
  std::string ulPdcpOutName = "UlPdcpStats";
  std::string extension = ".txt";

  //get current time
  time_t rawtime;
  struct tm * timeinfo;
  char buffer[80];
  time (&rawtime);
  timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);
  std::string time_str(buffer);

  // Congestion Control algorithm
  GlobalValue::GetValueByName("congestionControl", stringValue);
  std::string ccAlg = stringValue.Get();

  // mmWave config
  GlobalValue::GetValueByName("harqEnabled", booleanValue);
  bool harqEnabled = booleanValue.Get();
  GlobalValue::GetValueByName("rlcAmEnabled", booleanValue);
  bool rlcAmEnabled = booleanValue.Get();
  bool fixedTti = false;
  unsigned symPerSf = 24;
  double sfPeriod = 100.0;
  uint32_t bufferSize = 10;

  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteRlcUm::MaxTxBufferSize", UintegerValue (400 * 1024 * 1024));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteRlcUmLowLat::MaxTxBufferSize", UintegerValue (400 * 1024 * 1024));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteRlcAm::MaxTxBufferSize", UintegerValue (400 * 1024  * 1024));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteHelper::UseIdealRrc", BooleanValue (false));

  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWaveHelper::RlcAmEnabled", BooleanValue(rlcAmEnabled));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWaveHelper::HarqEnabled", BooleanValue(harqEnabled));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWaveFlexTtiMacScheduler::HarqEnabled", BooleanValue(harqEnabled));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWaveFlexTtiMaxWeightMacScheduler::HarqEnabled", BooleanValue(harqEnabled));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWaveFlexTtiMaxWeightMacScheduler::FixedTti", BooleanValue(fixedTti));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWaveFlexTtiMaxWeightMacScheduler::SymPerSlot", UintegerValue(6));
  //Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWaveEnbPhy::TxPower", DoubleValue (60));
  //Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWaveUePhy::TxPower", DoubleValue (60));
  //Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWavePhyMacCommon::ResourceBlockNum", UintegerValue(1));
  //Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWavePhyMacCommon::ChunkPerRB", UintegerValue(72));
  //Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWavePhyMacCommon::SymbolsPerSubframe", UintegerValue(symPerSf));
  //Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWavePhyMacCommon::SubframePeriod", DoubleValue(sfPeriod));
  //Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWavePhyMacCommon::TbDecodeLatency", UintegerValue(2.0));
  //Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWavePhyMacCommon::NumHarqProcess", UintegerValue(100));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWavePhyMacCommon::Numerology", EnumValue(3));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWavePhyMacCommon::Bandwidth", DoubleValue (400e6));
  /*Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWaveBeamforming::LongTermUpdatePeriod", TimeValue (MilliSeconds (100.0)));*/
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ThreeGppChannelModel::UpdatePeriod", TimeValue (MilliSeconds (100.0)));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteEnbRrc::SystemInformationPeriodicity", TimeValue (MilliSeconds (5.0)));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteEnbRrc::SrsPeriodicity", UintegerValue (320));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteEnbRrc::FirstSibTime", UintegerValue (2));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteHelper::UseIdealRrc", BooleanValue (false));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RadioBearerStatsCalculator::DlRlcOutputFilename", StringValue        (path + dlRlcOutName   + "_" + seedSetStr + "_" + runSetStr + "_" + time_str + extension));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RadioBearerStatsCalculator::UlRlcOutputFilename", StringValue        (path + ulRlcOutName   + "_" + seedSetStr + "_" + runSetStr + "_" + time_str + extension));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RadioBearerStatsCalculator::DlPdcpOutputFilename", StringValue       (path + dlPdcpOutName + "_" + seedSetStr + "_" + runSetStr + "_" + time_str + extension));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RadioBearerStatsCalculator::UlPdcpOutputFilename", StringValue       (path + ulPdcpOutName + "_" + seedSetStr + "_" + runSetStr + "_" + time_str + extension));
  //Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWavePointToPointEpcHelper::X2LinkDelay", TimeValue (MicroSeconds (500)));
  //Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWavePointToPointEpcHelper::X2LinkDataRate", DataRateValue (DataRate ("1000Gb/s")));
  //Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWavePointToPointEpcHelper::X2LinkMtu",  UintegerValue (10000));
  //Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWavePointToPointEpcHelper::S1uLinkDelay", TimeValue (MicroSeconds (1000)));
  //Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWavePointToPointEpcHelper::S1apLinkDelay", TimeValue (MicroSeconds (10000)));

  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::MmWavePointToPointEpcHelper::S1uLinkDelay", TimeValue (Seconds(0)));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PointToPointEpcHelper::S1uLinkDelay", TimeValue (Seconds(0)));

  GlobalValue::Bind ("ChecksumEnabled", BooleanValue (true));
  NodeContainer nodes, routers;
  uint32_t numberOfNodes = 1;
  nodes.Create (numberOfNodes*2);
  routers.Create (1);

  DceManagerHelper dceManager;
  dceManager.SetNetworkStack ("ns3::LinuxSocketFdFactory",
                              "Library", StringValue (""));
  LinuxStackHelper stack;
  stack.Install (nodes);
  stack.Install (routers);

  dceManager.Install (nodes);
  dceManager.Install (routers);

  PointToPointHelper pointToPoint;
  NetDeviceContainer devices1, devices2, devices3;

  // mmWave helper
  //Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PhasedArrayModel::AntennaElement", PointerValue (CreateObject<IsotropicAntennaModel> ()));
  Ptr<MmWaveHelper> mmWaveHelper = CreateObject<MmWaveHelper> ();
  mmWaveHelper->SetAttribute("BasicCellId", UintegerValue(7));
  mmWaveHelper->SetAttribute("BasicImsi", UintegerValue(0));
  mmWaveHelper->SetHarqEnabled (harqEnabled);
  mmWaveHelper->SetSchedulerType ("ns3::MmWaveFlexTtiMacScheduler");
  //mmWaveHelper->SetUePhasedArrayModelAttribute ("NumColumns" , UintegerValue (std::sqrt (16)));
  //mmWaveHelper->SetUePhasedArrayModelAttribute ("NumRows" , UintegerValue (std::sqrt (16)));
  //mmWaveHelper->SetEnbPhasedArrayModelAttribute ("NumColumns" , UintegerValue (std::sqrt (64)));
  //mmWaveHelper->SetEnbPhasedArrayModelAttribute ("NumRows" , UintegerValue (std::sqrt (64)));
  //mmWaveHelper->SetAttribute ("PathlossModel", StringValue ("ns3::"));
  mmWaveHelper->SetChannelConditionModelType ("ns3::BuildingsChannelConditionModel");
  //mmWaveHelper->SetAttribute("CenterFreq", DoubleValue(28.0e9));
  Ptr<MmWavePointToPointEpcHelper> mmWaveEpcHelper = CreateObject<MmWavePointToPointEpcHelper> ();
/*  mmWaveEpcHelper->SetAttribute("UeBaseAddress", StringValue(""));
  mmWaveEpcHelper->SetAttribute("X2BaseAddress", StringValue(""));
  mmWaveEpcHelper->SetAttribute("S1apBaseAddress", StringValue(""));
  mmWaveEpcHelper->SetAttribute("S1uBaseAddress", StringValue(""));*/

  // // LTE helper
  Ptr<LteHelper> lteHelper_2 = CreateObject<LteHelper> ();
  lteHelper_2->SetAttribute ("PathlossModel", StringValue ("ns3::HybridBuildingsPropagationLossModel"));
  //lteHelper_2->SetChannelConditionModelType ("ns3::BuildingsChannelConditionModel");
  lteHelper_2->SetPathlossModelAttribute ("ShadowSigmaExtWalls", DoubleValue (0));
  lteHelper_2->SetPathlossModelAttribute ("ShadowSigmaOutdoor", DoubleValue (6));
  lteHelper_2->SetPathlossModelAttribute ("ShadowSigmaIndoor", DoubleValue (8));
  lteHelper_2->SetSpectrumChannelType ("ns3::MultiModelSpectrumChannel");
  Ptr<PointToPointEpcHelper> epcHelper_2 = CreateObject<PointToPointEpcHelper> ();

  Ipv4AddressHelper address1, address2, address3;
  std::ostringstream cmd_oss;
  address1.SetBase ("", "");
  address2.SetBase ("", "");
  address3.SetBase ("", "");
  Ipv4InterfaceContainer if1, if2, if3;
  pointToPoint.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", StringValue ("40Gbps"));
  pointToPoint.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", StringValue (p2pdelay));
  Ptr<RateErrorModel> em1 =
    CreateObjectWithAttributes<RateErrorModel> ("RanVar", StringValue ("ns3::UniformRandomVariable[Min=0.0|Max=1.0]"),
                                                "ErrorRate", DoubleValue (0),
                                                "ErrorUnit", EnumValue (RateErrorModel::ERROR_UNIT_PACKET)

  std::cout << "[DEBUGGING]" << std::endl << std::flush;

  NodeContainer ueNodes;
  NodeContainer serverNodes;
  // set UE distance
  for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++)
      setPos (nodes.Get (i), 40, -20, 1);
      setPos (nodes.Get (numberOfNodes + i), 200, 200, 0);

  double x_min = 20.0;
  double x_max = 30.0;
  double y_min = -10.0;
  double y_max = 10.0;
  double z_min = 0.0;
  double z_max = 10.0;
  Ptr<Building> b = CreateObject <Building> ();
  b->SetBoundaries (Box (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max));
  b->SetBuildingType (Building::Residential);
  b->SetExtWallsType (Building::ConcreteWithWindows);
  b->SetNFloors (3);
  b->SetNRoomsX (3);
  b->SetNRoomsY (2);

  BuildingsHelper::Install (nodes);

  Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(2), &ChangeSpeed, nodes.Get(0), Vector(0, 2, 0)); // start UE movement

  // Left link: H1 <-> mmWave eNB
  NodeContainer enbNodes;

  mmWaveHelper->SetEpcHelper (mmWaveEpcHelper);
  Ptr<Node> pgw = mmWaveEpcHelper->GetPgwNode ();
  setPos (enbNodes.Get (0), 0, 0, 3);
  BuildingsHelper::Install (enbNodes);

  NetDeviceContainer enbMmWaveDevs = mmWaveHelper->InstallEnbDevice (enbNodes);
  NetDeviceContainer ueMmWaveDevs = mmWaveHelper->InstallUeDevice (ueNodes);

  // Assign ip addresses
  if1 = mmWaveEpcHelper->AssignUeIpv4Address (NetDeviceContainer (ueMmWaveDevs));
  mmWaveHelper->AttachToClosestEnb (ueMmWaveDevs, enbMmWaveDevs.Get(0));

  // setup ip routes
  for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++)
    cmd_oss.str ("");
    cmd_oss << "rule add from " << if1.GetAddress (i, 0) << " table " << 1;
    NS_LOG_UNCOND("rule add from " << if1.GetAddress (i, 0) << " table " << 1 << " node " << nodes.Get(i));
    LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (nodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.01), cmd_oss.str ().c_str ());
    cmd_oss.str ("");
    cmd_oss << "route add default via " << "7.0.0. "  << i << " dev sim" << 0 << " table " << 1;
    NS_LOG_UNCOND("route add default via " << " "  << i << " dev sim"
            << ueMmWaveDevs.Get (i)->GetIfIndex () << " table " << 1 << " node " << nodes.Get(i));
    LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (nodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.01), cmd_oss.str ().c_str ());

  for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++)
    devices2 = pointToPoint.Install (serverNodes.Get (i), pgw);
    if2 = address2.Assign (devices2);
    address2.NewNetwork ();

    NS_LOG_UNCOND("if2.GetAddress (0, 0) " << if2.GetAddress (0, 0));
    NS_LOG_UNCOND("if2.GetAddress (1, 0) " << if2.GetAddress (1, 0));
    cmd_oss.str ("");
    cmd_oss << "rule add from " << if2.GetAddress (0, 0) << " table " << (1);
    NS_LOG_UNCOND("rule add from " << if2.GetAddress (0, 0) << " table " << (1)<< " node " << serverNodes.Get (i));
    LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (serverNodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.01), cmd_oss.str ().c_str ());
    cmd_oss.str ("");
    cmd_oss << "route add 10.2." << i << ".0/24 dev sim" << 0 << " scope link table " << (1);
    NS_LOG_UNCOND("route add 10.2." << i << ".0/24 dev sim" << 0 << " scope link table " << (1)<< " node " << serverNodes.Get (i));
    LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (serverNodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.01), cmd_oss.str ().c_str ());

  // ------------------------ link: H1 <-> LTE-R
  NodeContainer lteEnbNodes;

  lteHelper_2->SetEpcHelper (epcHelper_2);
  pgw = epcHelper_2->GetPgwNode ();
  setPos (lteEnbNodes.Get (0), 0, 0, 3);
  BuildingsHelper::Install (lteEnbNodes);
  //Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(10.0), &changePos, lteEnbNodes.Get (0), 60, +15000, 3);
  NetDeviceContainer enbLteDevs = lteHelper_2->InstallEnbDevice (lteEnbNodes);
  NetDeviceContainer ueLteDevs = lteHelper_2->InstallUeDevice (ueNodes);
  // // Assign ip addresses
  if1 = epcHelper_2->AssignUeIpv4Address (NetDeviceContainer (ueLteDevs));
  lteHelper_2->Attach (ueLteDevs, enbLteDevs.Get(0));

  //mmWaveHelper->AttachToClosestEnb (ueMmWaveDevs, enbMmWaveDevs.Get(0), enbLteDevs.Get(0));
  // setup ip routes
  for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++)
  cmd_oss.str ("");
  cmd_oss << "rule add from " << if1.GetAddress (i, 0) << " table " << 2;
  NS_LOG_UNCOND("rule add from " << if1.GetAddress (i, 0) << " table " << 2 << " node " << nodes.Get(i));
  LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (nodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.01), cmd_oss.str ().c_str ());
  cmd_oss.str ("");
  cmd_oss << "route add default via " << " " << " dev sim"
  << ueLteDevs.Get (i)->GetIfIndex () << " table " << 2;
  NS_LOG_UNCOND("route add default via " << " " << " dev sim"
  << ueLteDevs.Get (i)->GetIfIndex () << " table " << 2 << " node " << nodes.Get(i));
  LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (nodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.01), cmd_oss.str ().c_str ());
  for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++)
  	devices3 = pointToPoint.Install (serverNodes.Get (i), pgw);
  	if3 = address2.Assign (devices3);
  	address2.NewNetwork ();
  NS_LOG_UNCOND("if3.GetAddress (0, 0) " << if3.GetAddress (0, 0));
  NS_LOG_UNCOND("if3.GetAddress (1, 0) " << if3.GetAddress (1, 0));
  cmd_oss.str ("");
  cmd_oss << "rule add from " << if3.GetAddress (0, 0) << " table " << (2);
  NS_LOG_UNCOND("rule add from " << if3.GetAddress (0, 0) << " table " << (2)<< " node " << serverNodes.Get (i));
  LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (serverNodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.01), cmd_oss.str ().c_str ());
  cmd_oss.str ("");
  cmd_oss << "route add 10.2." << i << ".0/24 dev sim" << 0 << " scope link table " << (2);
  NS_LOG_UNCOND("route add 10.2." << i << ".0/24 dev sim" << 0 << " scope link table " << (2)<< " node " << serverNodes.Get (i));
  LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (serverNodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.01), cmd_oss.str ().c_str ());
  cmd_oss.str ("");
  cmd_oss << "route add via " << if3.GetAddress (1, 0) << " dev sim" << 1 << " table " << (2);
  NS_LOG_UNCOND("route add via " << if3.GetAddress (1, 0) << " dev sim" << 1 << " table " << (2) << " node " << serverNodes.Get (i));
  LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (serverNodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.1), cmd_oss.str ().c_str ());
  setPos (pgw, 70, 0, 0);
  // default route
  for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++)
    LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (nodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.1), "route add default via dev sim0");
    LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (nodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.1), "rule show");
    LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (nodes.Get (i), Seconds (5.1), "route show table all");
    LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (serverNodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.1), "route add default via 10.2." + SSTR(i) + ".2 dev sim0");
    //LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (serverNodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.1), "route add default via 10.3." + SSTR(i) + ".2 dev sim0");
    //LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (nodes.Get (numberOfNodes+1), Seconds (0.1), "route add default via dev sim0");
    LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (serverNodes.Get (i), Seconds (0.1), "rule show");
    LinuxStackHelper::RunIp (serverNodes.Get (i), Seconds (5.1), "route show table all");

  // set
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.mptcp.mptcp_debug", "0");

  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_rmem",
                   "4096 87380 87380");
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_wmem",
                   "4096 87380 87380");
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.mptcp.mptcp_scheduler",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.mptcp.mptcp_checksum",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_rmem",
                   "4096 99999999 204217728");
  //                       "4096 87380 " +bufSize);
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_wmem",
                   "4096 99999999 204217728");
  // stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_mem",
  //                  "768174 10242330 15363480");
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_mem",
                   "204217728 204217728 204217728");
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.core.rmem_max",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.core.wmem_max",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.core.optmem_max",
  //stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.core.rmem_default",
  //                 "199999999");
  //stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.core.wmem_default",
  //                 "199999999");
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.mptcp.mptcp_scheduler",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.mptcp.mptcp_checksum",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_low_latency",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_no_metrics_save",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_sack",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.core.netdev_max_backlog",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_moderate_rcvbuf",
  stack.SysctlSet (nodes, ".net.ipv4.tcp_reordering",

  for (int i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; ++i)
    DceApplicationHelper dce;
    ApplicationContainer apps;

    dce.SetStackSize (1 << 20);
    // Launch iperf client on node 0
    dce.SetBinary ("iperf");
    dce.ResetArguments ();
    dce.ResetEnvironment ();
    dce.AddArgument ("-c");
    dce.AddArgument ("10.2." + SSTR(i) + ".1");
    //dce.ParseArguments ("-y C");
    dce.AddArgument ("-i");
    dce.AddArgument ("0.1");
    dce.AddArgument ("--time");
    dce.AddArgument ("20");
    dce.AddArgument ("-f");
    dce.AddArgument ("m");
    //dce.AddArgument ("-l");
    //dce.AddArgument ("100K");
    //dce.AddArgument ("-w");
    //dce.AddArgument ("99M");
    apps = dce.Install (nodes.Get (i));
    apps.Start (Seconds (2.0));

    Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(2.1), &PrintPid, apps, dce);

    dce.SetStackSize (1 << 20);
    // Launch iperf server on node 1
    dce.SetBinary ("iperf");
    dce.ResetArguments ();
    dce.ResetEnvironment ();
    dce.AddArgument ("-s");
    dce.AddArgument ("-P");
    dce.AddArgument ("1");
    dce.AddArgument ("-f");
    dce.AddArgument ("m");

    apps = dce.Install (nodes.Get (numberOfNodes+i));
    apps.Start (Seconds (1.5));

  lteHelper_2->EnablePdcpTraces ();
  lteHelper_2->EnableRlcTraces ();
  //mmWaveHelper->EnableTraces ();
  //Config::Connect ("/NodeList/*/DeviceList/*/ns3::LteEnbRrc/ConnectionEstablished",
    //               MakeCallback (&NotifyConnectionEstablishedEnb));
  //Config::Connect ("/NodeList/*/DeviceList/*/ns3::LteUeRrc/ConnectionEstablished",
//                   MakeCallback (&NotifyConnectionEstablishedUe));

pointToPoint.EnablePcapAll("lte-mmwave2", false);

  // Output config store to txt format
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ConfigStore::Filename", StringValue ("output-attributes.txt"));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ConfigStore::FileFormat", StringValue ("RawText"));
  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ConfigStore::Mode", StringValue ("Save"));
  ConfigStore outputConfig2;
  outputConfig2.ConfigureDefaults ();
  outputConfig2.ConfigureAttributes ();

  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (stopTime));
  Simulator::Run ();
  Simulator::Destroy ();

  return 0;

After these results, I come up with several questions:

  1. How can I fix this issue? What is the cause of this problem? How can I get the same results as the paper for subframe period 1-millisecond?
  2. Does this mean the paper simulation settings are slightly different from the 3GGP specification? or because of some release changes?
  3. I tried several settings, but none have a significant impact, like the subframes period on the throughput. Why does the subframe period have such an impact?

Please let me know if you need any more information.

Thank you.

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