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Releases: oakes/Nightcode


27 Jan 20:28
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This release updates the internal JRE version to 9.0.4 for the mac/windows installers. On Windows I think you will need to uninstall your existing Nightcode first -- if you try to install it on top of an existing installation, it won't launch. This apparently is always necessary when I update the internal JRE. I have no idea why.


14 Jan 02:21
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This release adds support for selecting the nearest form with alt+arrow up and alt+arrow down. On macs, this is the option key.


13 Jan 21:06
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Improve editor


16 Dec 20:30
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This release updates Nightcode and all the built-in templates to use Clojure 1.9! I also tried my best to make the templates work with Java 9 (I think the only one that doesn't is the graphics template, but the issue appears to only be fixable in the quil library itself).


15 Nov 19:42
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This release fixes a problem that caused the lein build commands to break. Thanks to Github user adamhoward for reporting the bug.


09 Nov 01:06
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Have you ever pasted a block of code from Github and was frustrated to find it all ended up on one line? Yeah...sorry about that. This has been a longstanding problem caused by an idiosyncrasy with browser-based editing. Unfortunately I think it's still an issue on Windows, so this will need more debugging work to resolve there.


29 Oct 18:46
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This is an emergency release to fix a bug that sometimes caused the file you edit to be evaluated even when the instarepl was not turned on. Most of the time you wouldn't even notice, but I wanted to get the fix out because that can clearly cause issues depending on what your code is doing.


27 Oct 03:46
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This release finally adds a feature that every other IDE on the planet has: detecting when open files have been modified by an external program. If it happens, you'll see a modal dialog giving you the option to reload the file. This finally closes an issue from almost 4 years ago. I like to take my time.

It also adds a feature that was in Nightcode 1.x, but never made it over when I rewrote it. When a directory is selected, a file grid is displayed. It's a nicer way to click through nested directories because the click targets are so big, and I even show special icons for some file types. See the screenshot.


30 Sep 21:34
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This release updates the Mac and Windows installers to bundle the newly-released JRE 9! The Linux installers are still bundled with JRE 8 until I figure out how to configure 9 on my system. The biggest improvement this brings is that I can now use the new Java 9 Process API, which finally allows me to fix the longstanding problem on Windows where the "Stop" button didn't actually work. This has been a painful problem since the beginning, because when you kill a process on Windows, the child processes aren't automatically killed. With this new API I was able to detect all the child processes and kill them as well.

Additionally, I updated the Clojure version to 1.9.0-beta1, and I fixed an editor issue in which double-colon keywords (like ::foo) were displaying with an error.

EDIT: if you are an existing Windows user, please uninstall Nightcode first. Existing installations seem to prevent this version from running.


28 Jul 01:22
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In this release, I finally decided to stop showing an error in the editor when hash maps have an uneven number of forms. The fact is, it has caused too much trouble because we lose syntax highlighting and auto-indentation when reader errors are displayed. Sorry for taking so long to make a decision that, in retrospect, seems like it should have been obvious.

I also improved some parinfer behavior. When you first open a file, parinfer sometimes has to make indentation adjustments right away. The intended behavior has always been that Nightcode does not automatically save the change; you either have to explicitly save or start typing with autosave turned on. I recently discovered that there was a situation when autosave caused the change to be saved even when you made no edits. I fixed that issue.