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File metadata and controls

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Table S2. Deployment metadata template

Deployment information including instrument settings, organism metadata, and tagging procedures. The Deployment metadata template is to be completed by the researcher and uploaded to a compliant repository alongside the data, as well as the Device metadata template provided by the manufacturer. All attributes are mandatory, but fields can be “unknown” or “NA” if data do not exist or are not applicable. Organism weight can be measured at instrument deployment and remeasured once if applicable; up to three size measurement fields can be reported (e.g. for a shark: pre-caudal length, fork length, total length; for a pinniped: standard length, curve length, axillary girth; for a turtle: curved carapace length).

ITIS = Integrated Taxonomic Information System ( CF = Climate and Forecast Metadata Conventions ACDD = Attribute Conventions for Data Discovery ISO = International Organization for Standardization (

attributeName description standard format
deploymentID Unique identifier for single deployment of device.

Instrument metadata

attributeName description standard format
instrumentID Unique instrument ID. Can be the instrument serial number, or other similar identification system used by the manufacturer. alpha-numerical, e.g. “09A0178”
ptt Platform Transmitter Terminal for Argos transmission. numerical, e.g. “178937”
transmissionSettings Step duration and location uplink limit (can add rows if needed) String with duration in hours, followed by number of messages e.g. “24 hours, 200 messages”
transmissionMode User-defined conditions for entering and exiting power-saving mode (i.e. slower sampling rate) and transmission control, if applicable. Time settings in minutes e.g. “Haul-Out state entered after 10 consecutive dry minutes (40 seconds/minute), exited if wet for 30 seconds/minute” OR “disabled”
dutyCycle Detailed instrument settings defined in a file (e.g. Wildlife Computers Report, htm file/URL, or screenshot of tag settings). String e.g. "PTT active 12 hours, followed by 6 hours sleep-mode"
instrumentSettings Attach a file with detailed instrument settings (eg. Wildlife Computers Report .htm file or screenshot of tag settings). File (.htm, .pdf)

Movement metadata

attributeName description standard format
deploymentDateTime Timestamp the instrument was deployed on the organism. ISO-8601 Datetime in UTC, yyyy-MM-ddT HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, eg. “2020-03-29T 17:56:10.000Z”
deploymentLatitude Latitude in decimal degrees of instrument deployment. ISO 6709:2008 Decimal degrees north, -90.0000 to 90.0000
deploymentLongitude Longitude in decimal degrees of instrument deployment. ISO 6709:2008 Decimal degrees east, -180.0000 to 180.0000
deploymentEndType Classification of instrument deployment end, i.e. what ended the collection of usable data, which may or may not be tag removal. Movebank Categorical (e.g. removal, equipment failure, fall off)
detachmentDateTime Timestamp the instrument was recovered or otherwise detached from the organism (if known). ISO-8601 Datetime in UTC, yyyy-MM-ddT HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, eg. “2020-03-29T 17:56:10.000Z”
detachmentDetails Brief description of recovery/detachment if known (e.g., caught in fisheries, recaptured animal, predetermined detachment). String in sentence case (e.g., caught in fisheries)
detachmentLatitude Latitude in decimal degrees of instrument recovery/detachment from organism (if known). ISO 6709:2008 Decimal degrees north, -90.0000 to 90.0000
detachmentLongitude Longitude in decimal degrees of instrument recovery/detachment from organism (if known). ISO 6709:2008 Decimal degrees east, -180.0000 to 180.0000
trackStartTime Timestamp at which organism track starts if different from deployment time. ISO-8601 Datetime in UTC, yyyy-MM-ddT HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, eg. “2020-03-29T 17:56:10.000Z”
trackStartLatitude Latitude at which track of organism begins (may or may not be different from deployment latitude). ISO 6709:2008 Decimal degrees north, -90.0000 to 90.0000
trackStartLongitude Longitude at which track of organism begins (may or may not be different from deployment longitude). ISO 6709:2008 Decimal degrees east, -180.0000 to 180.0000
trackEndTime Timestamp at which track of organism ends. ISO-8601 Datetime in UTC, yyyy-MM-ddT HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g. “2020-03-29T 17:56:10.000Z”
trackEndLatitude Latitude at which organism track ends. ISO 6709:2008 Decimal degrees north, -90.0000 to 90.0000
trackEndLongitude Longitude at which organism track ends. ISO 6709:2008 Decimal degrees east, -180.0000 to 180.0000
sunElevationAngle Angle of the sun to determine twilight derived at the beginning of deployment. Numerical in degrees
argosFilterMethod Filter method implemented by CLS/Argos to generate location. CLS Argos  Categorical: Least squares or Kalman

Organism metadata

attributeName description standard format
organismID Unique identifier for an individual, link data from different deployments or instruments on the same animal. Alpha-numerical
scientificName Binomial species name of organism carrying instrument. String of the format “Genus species”, genus capitalized, separated by one space, e.g. “Mirounga angustirostris”
scientificNameSource URN denoting the authority from which the species identification is defined ITIS / WoRMS / other free-text, e.g. for 'blue shark':, TSN 160424 , (Linnaeus, 1758)
commonName One or more common name(s) of organism carrying instrument. String in sentence case, separated by space
organismSex Sex of organism carrying instrument. Categorical: M, F, U
organismWeightAtDeployment Weight of organism carrying instrument measured at tag deployment. numerical in kg
organismWeightRemeasurement Weight of organism carrying instrument at another time (specified in "Organism weight re-measurement time") than deployment. numerical in kg
organismWeightRemeasurementTime Timestamp when the additional measurement of organism weight was taken. ISO-8601 Datetime in UTC, yyyy-MM-ddT HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g. “2020-03-29T 17:56:10.000Z”
organismSize Size of organism carrying instrument (can be repeated for up to three measurements). numerical in m or unknown
organismSizeMeasurementType Type of method used for size measurement reported. String, e.g. "total length"
organismSizeMeasurementDescription Description of method used for size measurement reported. String, e.g. "from shark snout to top tip of tail"
organismSizeMeasurementTime Timestamp when the organism size measurement was taken. ISO-8601 Datetime in UTC, yyyy-MM-ddT HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g. “2020-03-29T 17:56:10.000Z”
organismAgeReproductiveClass Age class of organism carrying instrument at the time the instrument was attached. Categorical: adu, sub, juv, new, unk
trappingMethodDetails Method used to trap the organism for instrumentation, or to deploy the instrument without trapping. String, eg. "trapped with hand-net on nest in breeding colony", "tag attached with pole onto organism feeding on bait, from vessel"
attachmentMethod Method with which instrument was attached. String, e.g. “anchor”, "glue", "suction cup"

Environmental data calibration

attributeName description standard format
calibrationsDone Provide link to calibration file. DOI or URL
qcDone Whether quality control was performed. Y/N
qcProblemsFound Whether data quality problem(s) were detected. Y/N
qcNotes Description of QC done, e.g. “temperatures outside of xx range removed”, number of cases flagged. text field

Physiological data calibration

attributeName description standard format
calibrationsDone Provide link to calibration file. DOI or URL
qcDone Whether quality control was performed. Y/N
qcProblemsFound Whether data quality problem(s) were detected. Y/N
qcNotes Description of QC done, e.g. codes used, # of cases flagged, description of problem. text field

Accelerometry data calibration

attributeName description standard format
positionOfAccelerometerOnOrganism Where the accelerometer was placed on the organism. string, e.g. “head”
orientationOfAccelerometerOnOrganism The orientation of the accelerometer on the organism, if applicable. string, e.g. “facing towards front of head”
calibrationsDone Provide link to calibration file. DOI or URL
qcDone Whether quality control was performed. Y/N
qcProblemsFound Whether data quality problem(s) were detected. Y/N
qcNotes Description of QC done, e.g. codes used, # of cases flagged, description of problem. text field

Other data

attributeName description standard format
ownerName Name of person to contact regarding the deployment. String containing full name
ownerEmailContact Email contact for person indicated under "Owner name". String containing e-mail
ownerInstitutionalContact Institutional address for person indicated under "Owner name". String containing institutional address
ownerPhoneContact Phone contact for person indicated under "Owner name". String containing contact phone
license Terms of use for the data in the study, provided by the study owner. If no license terms are specified by researcher, the General repository Terms of Use apply. Categorical
otherRelevantIdentifiers Other identifiers relevant to deployment (e.g. WMO number for data contribution to GTS). string
otherDataTypesAssociatedWithDeployment Any additional data collected with instrument deployment that is not entered in other fields in deployment template, e.g. from ancillary sensors, photo-ID, biopsy sample for genetics. string, e.g. "light level", "fin clip biopsy sample"
references Published or web-based references that describe the data or methods. DOI or URL
citation Statement citing parties responsible for data collection and sharing. String, e.g. “These data were collected and made freely available by Reseasercher X."