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7ff1f68 · Feb 17, 2018


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File metadata and controls

235 lines (210 loc) · 27.5 KB
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Custom key bindings

When recording EmacsGifs I try to avoid using most of these key bindings. However, chances are my gonzo recording style means I'll probably slip up every pretty often.

Of course, if I'm showing you something that has no standard key bindings and I have something useful set here already, I'll use them.

Please bear in mind these have been assembled over many years and while I've added many to muscle memory, there will probably be several I set up and completely forgotten about. There will also be a few duplicates, but I'll probably remove those in most cases.

I've listed bucky-bits (i.e. modifier keys: Ctrl / Meta / Super / Hyper) in a non-Emacsen way so that they're easier to read for people new to Emacs.

TODO: I'll add hyperlinks to commands to help you learn more about them.

Global bindings

Key name Command Comments
Meta-Return ac-auto-complete-mode-start
Ctrl-c Space ace-jump-mode
Ctrl-x g ag-hydra/body
Ctrl-x / align-regexp
Meta-% anzu-query-replace was query-replace
Meta-Ctrl-% anzu-query-replace-regexp was query-eplace-regexp
Ctrl-x Ctrl-a append-to-file
Ctrl-c q auto-fill-mode
Meta-s c c avy-copy-line
Meta-s c r avy-copy-region
Meta-s s c avy-goto-char
Meta-s s i avy-goto-char-in-line
Meta-s s l avy-goto-line
Meta-s Meta-s w avy-goto-word-0
Meta-s s w avy-goto-word-or-subword-1
Meta-s c m avy-move-line
Meta-s z t avy-zap-to-char
Meta-s z u avy-zap-up-to-char
Home beginning-of-line was move-beginning-of-line
Ctrl-c Ctrl-x t case-transform/body
Meta-; comment-dwim-2 was comment-dwim
Ctrl-tab completion-at-point
Ctrl-c Meta-c copy-region-or-rest-of-line-to-other-window
Ctrl-x r u cua-set-rectangle-mark
Ctrl-c Meta-- decrease-default-font-height
Hyper-Backspace delete-char
ESC Meta-i describe-thing-at-point
ESC Meta-p describe-thing-in-popup
C-c Meta-d dired-menu
Ctrl-c Meta-h edit-handy-functions
Ctrl-c Meta-i edit-init-el
Ctrl-x r a embrace-add
Ctrl-x r c embrace-change was clear-rectangle
Ctrl-x r d embrace-delete was delete-rectangle
End end-of-line was move-end-of-line
Hyper-Right end-of-line
Ctrl-Meta-. enlarge-window-horizontally was xref-find-apropos
Ctrl-x x er/expand-region
Ctrl-x ESC e eval-buffer
Meta-ESC e eval-buffer
Meta-i evil-mode was tab-to-tab-stop
ESC Meta-g find-function-at-point
ESC Meta-k find-function-on-key-other-window
ESC Meta-v find-variable-at-point
Ctrl-c s hydra-smerge/body
F14 ibuffer
Ctrl-x Ctrl-d ido-dired was list-directory
Ctrl-c ; iedit-mode
Ctrl-c Meta-= increase-default-font-height
Ctrl-x </kbd> indent-buffer
Ctrl-c Ctrl-x i insert-buffer-base-filename
Ctrl-c Ctrl-x d insert-iso8601-date
Ctrl-^ join-line-from-below
Ctrl-x k kill-current-buffer was kill-buffer
ESC Meta-d kill-whole-word
Meta-Hyper-Backspace kill-word
Ctrl-x Ctrl-Meta-Down mac-set-frame-bottom-w100-h50-percent
Ctrl-x Ctrl-Meta-Left mac-set-frame-left-w50-h100-percent
Ctrl-x Meta-Left mac-set-frame-left-w66-h100-percent
Ctrl-x Ctrl-Meta-Right mac-set-frame-right-w50-h100-percent
Ctrl-x Meta-Right mac-set-frame-right-w66-h100-percent
Ctrl-x Meta-Down mac-set-frame-to-footer
Ctrl-x Ctrl-Meta-Up mac-set-frame-top-w100-h50-percent
Ctrl-x Meta-Up mac-toggle-kiosk-mode
F15 magit-status
Meta-&124; magit-status was tmm-menubar
Ctrl-< mc/mark-all-like-this
Ctrl-> mc/mark-next-like-this
Ctrl-c Ctrl-< mc/mark-previous-like-this
Return newline-and-indent was newline
Ctrl-Shift-o open-line-above
Ctrl-o open-line-below was open-line
Ctrl-~ other-frame
Meta-o w other-window
F13 overwrite-mode
Ctrl-x p projectile-find-file
Meta-P projectile-find-file
Meta-p projectile-find-file
Ctrl-c Ctrl-l rotate-layout
Ctrl-c Ctrl-w rotate-window
Hyper-Up scroll-down-command
Hyper-Down scroll-up-command
Ctrl-c = set-default-font-height
Ctrl-Meta-, shrink-window-horizontally
Ctrl-a smart-beginning-of-line was move-beginning-of-line
Hyper-Left smart-beginning-of-line
Meta-x smex was execute-extended-command
Meta-X smex-major-mode-commands
Ctrl-x r Shift-Right sp-backward-barf-sexp
Ctrl-x r Shift-Left sp-backward-slurp-sexp
Ctrl-x r Right sp-forward-barf-sexp
Ctrl-x r Left sp-forward-slurp-sexp
Ctrl-x r j sp-join-sexp was jump-to-register
Ctrl-x r r sp-rewrap-sexp was copy-rectangle-to-register
Ctrl-x r s sp-split-sexp was copy-to-register
Ctrl-Shift-s swiper
F12 switch-to-minibuffer-window
Ctrl-` switch-window
Ctrl-x o switch-window was other-window
Ctrl-c Ctrl-u undo-tree-visualize
Ctrl-x n g which-key-mode
Ctrl-h Meta-t which-key-show-top-level
Meta-Z zap-to-char
Meta-z zap-up-to-char was zap-to-char
ESC Meta-Z zap-up-to-regexp
ESC Meta-z zap-up-to-string
Key name Command Comments
Super-Shift-Return toggle-fullscreen
Super-% anzu-query-replace-at-cursor
Super-| shell-command-on-region-replace
Super-` switch-window
Super-' switch-window
Super-- text-scale-decrease
Super-/ hippie-expand
Super-0 delete-window
Super-1 delete-other-windows
Super-2 split-window-vertically
Super-3 split-window-horizontally
Super-4 delete-other-windows-vertically
Super-7 rotate-layout
Super-8 rotate-window
Super-= text-scale-increase
Super-Down duplicate-current-line-or-region
Super-F file-commands/body
Super-Left previous-buffer
Super-R write-region
Super-Return completion-at-point
Super-Right next-buffer
Super-S write-file
Super-Up duplicate-current-line-or-region-up
Super-</kbd> linum-mode
Super-] paren-completer-add-single-delimiter
Super-a mark-whole-buffer
Super-b switch-to-buffer
Super-c cua-copy-region
Super-f avy-commands/body
Super-g minibuffer-keyboard-quit
Super-i ispell-complete-word
Super-k kill-this-buffer
Super-l goto-line
Super-o find-file
Super-p find-file-at-point
Super-q save-buffers-kill-emacs
Super-r region-commands/body
Super-s save-buffer
Super-t projectile-find-file
Super-u revert-buffer
Super-v cua-paste
Super-w delete-frame
Super-x cua-cut-region
Super-z undo
Super-} paren-completer-add-all-delimiters
Super-~ other-frame


Key name Command Comments
Ctrl-c Ctrl-r coffee-compile-region was coffee-send-region
Ctrl-c Ctrl-, coffee-indent-shift-left
Ctrl-c Ctrl-. coffee-indent-shift-right
Ctrl-c Ctrl-</kbd> coffee-toggle-fatness
Ctrl-c Ctrl-n flymake-goto-next-error
Ctrl-c Ctrl-p flymake-goto-prev-error


Key name Command Comments
F my-dired-find-file was: dired-do-find-marked-files
W wdired-change-to-wdired-mode


Key name Command Comments
L browse-web


Key name Command Comments
Meta-s Meta-s avy-isearch


Key name Command Comments
Ctrl-c Ctrl-c insert-semi-colon-at-eol


Key name Command Comments
Ctrl-c # ruby-make-interpolated-string-at-point-or-region
Ctrl-c { ruby-toggle-block
Ctrl-c + ruby-toggle-hash-syntax
Ctrl-c : ruby-toggle-symbol-at-point


Key name Command Comments
Ctrl-c m markdown-mode