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This is a sample project that provides a starting point for running GraphHopper on iOS. This is the easiest way to get started. It uses mbxmapkit, so most of the code is boilerplate, the GraphHopper-related code is in Directions.m.

Getting Started

To get started the only thing you need to do is to import data.

The sample Xcode project has a reference to the graph data at graphhopper-ios/graphhopper/graph-data.osm-gh, where you can place your graph data.

Import Data

Caution: The import method described below uses the graphhopper master branch in /graphhopper-ios/graphhopper to import the graph data using ./ import command.

You can import a sample graph by running this command in Terminal (while in the root of graphhopper-ios):


This will import romania-latest.osm.pbf from and you'll be able to create routes inside Romania.

To import another country you can use something like:

FILE=germany-latest.osm.pbf JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx4096m -Xms1000m -server" ./graphhopper-ios-sample/
# if a large file is imported, JAVA_OPTS may need to be changed

You're done! Open graphhopper-ios-sample/graphhopper-ios-sample.xcodeproj in Xcode, build & run and experiment with GraphHopper on iOS and OS X. You can place start and end points on the map by holding down the tap.


Error: JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly

If you get errors when importing data with the above script, make sure you have Maven installed by running mvn -version. If not, you can install it with brew install maven.

Command /usr/bin/make failed with exit code 2

Most of the times this happens because of some incorrect paths to the SDK. Try cleaning the project in Xcode (Product - Clean) and build again.


Everything that graphhopper-ios requires but the sample project was only tested on iOS 8.0+.

Also for the automatic import method described above you'll need Maven.