Allows customers to easily access the Okta Management APIs
This C# SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 2024.07.0
- SDK version: 9.2.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.CSharpNetCoreClientCodegen For more information, please visit
- .NET Core >=1.0
- .NET Framework >=4.6
- Mono/Xamarin >=vNext
- RestSharp - 106.13.0 or later
- Json.NET - 12.0.3 or later
- JsonSubTypes - 1.8.0 or later
The DLLs included in the package may not be the latest version. We recommend using NuGet to obtain the latest version of the packages:
Install-Package RestSharp
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
Install-Package JsonSubTypes
NOTE: RestSharp versions greater than 105.1.0 have a bug which causes file uploads to fail. See RestSharp#742. NOTE: RestSharp for .Net Core creates a new socket for each api call, which can lead to a socket exhaustion problem. See RestSharp#1406.
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AgentPoolsApi | ActivateAgentPoolsUpdate | POST /api/v1/agentPools/{poolId}/updates/{updateId}/activate | Activate an Agent Pool update |
AgentPoolsApi | CreateAgentPoolsUpdate | POST /api/v1/agentPools/{poolId}/updates | Create an Agent Pool update |
AgentPoolsApi | DeactivateAgentPoolsUpdate | POST /api/v1/agentPools/{poolId}/updates/{updateId}/deactivate | Deactivate an Agent Pool update |
AgentPoolsApi | DeleteAgentPoolsUpdate | DELETE /api/v1/agentPools/{poolId}/updates/{updateId} | Delete an Agent Pool update |
AgentPoolsApi | GetAgentPoolsUpdateInstance | GET /api/v1/agentPools/{poolId}/updates/{updateId} | Retrieve an Agent Pool update by id |
AgentPoolsApi | GetAgentPoolsUpdateSettings | GET /api/v1/agentPools/{poolId}/updates/settings | Retrieve an Agent Pool update's settings |
AgentPoolsApi | ListAgentPools | GET /api/v1/agentPools | List all Agent Pools |
AgentPoolsApi | ListAgentPoolsUpdates | GET /api/v1/agentPools/{poolId}/updates | List all Agent Pool updates |
AgentPoolsApi | PauseAgentPoolsUpdate | POST /api/v1/agentPools/{poolId}/updates/{updateId}/pause | Pause an Agent Pool update |
AgentPoolsApi | ResumeAgentPoolsUpdate | POST /api/v1/agentPools/{poolId}/updates/{updateId}/resume | Resume an Agent Pool update |
AgentPoolsApi | RetryAgentPoolsUpdate | POST /api/v1/agentPools/{poolId}/updates/{updateId}/retry | Retry an Agent Pool update |
AgentPoolsApi | StopAgentPoolsUpdate | POST /api/v1/agentPools/{poolId}/updates/{updateId}/stop | Stop an Agent Pool update |
AgentPoolsApi | UpdateAgentPoolsUpdate | POST /api/v1/agentPools/{poolId}/updates/{updateId} | Update an Agent Pool update by id |
AgentPoolsApi | UpdateAgentPoolsUpdateSettings | POST /api/v1/agentPools/{poolId}/updates/settings | Update an Agent Pool update settings |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi | ActivateApiServiceIntegrationInstanceSecret | POST /integrations/api/v1/api-services/{apiServiceId}/credentials/secrets/{secretId}/lifecycle/activate | Activate an API Service Integration instance Secret |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi | CreateApiServiceIntegrationInstance | POST /integrations/api/v1/api-services | Create an API Service Integration instance |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi | CreateApiServiceIntegrationInstanceSecret | POST /integrations/api/v1/api-services/{apiServiceId}/credentials/secrets | Create an API Service Integration instance Secret |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi | DeactivateApiServiceIntegrationInstanceSecret | POST /integrations/api/v1/api-services/{apiServiceId}/credentials/secrets/{secretId}/lifecycle/deactivate | Deactivate an API Service Integration instance Secret |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi | DeleteApiServiceIntegrationInstance | DELETE /integrations/api/v1/api-services/{apiServiceId} | Delete an API Service Integration instance |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi | DeleteApiServiceIntegrationInstanceSecret | DELETE /integrations/api/v1/api-services/{apiServiceId}/credentials/secrets/{secretId} | Delete an API Service Integration instance Secret |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi | GetApiServiceIntegrationInstance | GET /integrations/api/v1/api-services/{apiServiceId} | Retrieve an API Service Integration instance |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi | ListApiServiceIntegrationInstanceSecrets | GET /integrations/api/v1/api-services/{apiServiceId}/credentials/secrets | List all API Service Integration instance Secrets |
ApiServiceIntegrationsApi | ListApiServiceIntegrationInstances | GET /integrations/api/v1/api-services | List all API Service Integration instances |
ApiTokenApi | GetApiToken | GET /api/v1/api-tokens/{apiTokenId} | Retrieve an API Token's Metadata |
ApiTokenApi | ListApiTokens | GET /api/v1/api-tokens | List all API Token Metadata |
ApiTokenApi | RevokeApiToken | DELETE /api/v1/api-tokens/{apiTokenId} | Revoke an API Token |
ApiTokenApi | RevokeCurrentApiToken | DELETE /api/v1/api-tokens/current | Revoke the Current API Token |
ApiTokenApi | UpsertApiToken | PUT /api/v1/api-tokens/{apiTokenId} | Upsert an API Token Network Condition |
ApplicationApi | ActivateApplication | POST /api/v1/apps/{appId}/lifecycle/activate | Activate an Application |
ApplicationApi | CreateApplication | POST /api/v1/apps | Create an Application |
ApplicationApi | DeactivateApplication | POST /api/v1/apps/{appId}/lifecycle/deactivate | Deactivate an Application |
ApplicationApi | DeleteApplication | DELETE /api/v1/apps/{appId} | Delete an Application |
ApplicationApi | GetApplication | GET /api/v1/apps/{appId} | Retrieve an Application |
ApplicationApi | ListApplications | GET /api/v1/apps | List all Applications |
ApplicationApi | ReplaceApplication | PUT /api/v1/apps/{appId} | Replace an Application |
ApplicationConnectionsApi | ActivateDefaultProvisioningConnectionForApplication | POST /api/v1/apps/{appId}/connections/default/lifecycle/activate | Activate the default Provisioning Connection |
ApplicationConnectionsApi | DeactivateDefaultProvisioningConnectionForApplication | POST /api/v1/apps/{appId}/connections/default/lifecycle/deactivate | Deactivate the default Provisioning Connection |
ApplicationConnectionsApi | GetDefaultProvisioningConnectionForApplication | GET /api/v1/apps/{appId}/connections/default | Retrieve the default Provisioning Connection |
ApplicationConnectionsApi | UpdateDefaultProvisioningConnectionForApplication | POST /api/v1/apps/{appId}/connections/default | Update the default Provisioning Connection |
ApplicationConnectionsApi | VerifyProvisioningConnectionForApplication | POST /api/v1/apps/{appName}/{appId}/oauth2/callback | Verify the Provisioning Connection |
ApplicationCredentialsApi | CloneApplicationKey | POST /api/v1/apps/{appId}/credentials/keys/{keyId}/clone | Clone a Key Credential |
ApplicationCredentialsApi | GenerateApplicationKey | POST /api/v1/apps/{appId}/credentials/keys/generate | Generate a Key Credential |
ApplicationCredentialsApi | GenerateCsrForApplication | POST /api/v1/apps/{appId}/credentials/csrs | Generate a Certificate Signing Request |
ApplicationCredentialsApi | GetApplicationKey | GET /api/v1/apps/{appId}/credentials/keys/{keyId} | Retrieve a Key Credential |
ApplicationCredentialsApi | GetCsrForApplication | GET /api/v1/apps/{appId}/credentials/csrs/{csrId} | Retrieve a Certificate Signing Request |
ApplicationCredentialsApi | ListApplicationKeys | GET /api/v1/apps/{appId}/credentials/keys | List all Key Credentials |
ApplicationCredentialsApi | ListCsrsForApplication | GET /api/v1/apps/{appId}/credentials/csrs | List all Certificate Signing Requests |
ApplicationCredentialsApi | PublishCsrFromApplication | POST /api/v1/apps/{appId}/credentials/csrs/{csrId}/lifecycle/publish | Publish a Certificate Signing Request |
ApplicationCredentialsApi | RevokeCsrFromApplication | DELETE /api/v1/apps/{appId}/credentials/csrs/{csrId} | Revoke a Certificate Signing Request |
ApplicationFeaturesApi | GetFeatureForApplication | GET /api/v1/apps/{appId}/features/{featureName} | Retrieve a Feature |
ApplicationFeaturesApi | ListFeaturesForApplication | GET /api/v1/apps/{appId}/features | List all Features |
ApplicationFeaturesApi | UpdateFeatureForApplication | PUT /api/v1/apps/{appId}/features/{featureName} | Update a Feature |
ApplicationGrantsApi | GetScopeConsentGrant | GET /api/v1/apps/{appId}/grants/{grantId} | Retrieve an app Grant |
ApplicationGrantsApi | GrantConsentToScope | POST /api/v1/apps/{appId}/grants | Grant consent to scope |
ApplicationGrantsApi | ListScopeConsentGrants | GET /api/v1/apps/{appId}/grants | List all app Grants |
ApplicationGrantsApi | RevokeScopeConsentGrant | DELETE /api/v1/apps/{appId}/grants/{grantId} | Revoke an app Grant |
ApplicationGroupsApi | AssignGroupToApplication | PUT /api/v1/apps/{appId}/groups/{groupId} | Assign an Application Group |
ApplicationGroupsApi | GetApplicationGroupAssignment | GET /api/v1/apps/{appId}/groups/{groupId} | Retrieve an Application Group |
ApplicationGroupsApi | ListApplicationGroupAssignments | GET /api/v1/apps/{appId}/groups | List all Application Groups |
ApplicationGroupsApi | UnassignApplicationFromGroup | DELETE /api/v1/apps/{appId}/groups/{groupId} | Unassign an Application Group |
ApplicationGroupsApi | UpdateGroupAssignmentToApplication | PATCH /api/v1/apps/{appId}/groups/{groupId} | Update an Application Group |
ApplicationLogosApi | UploadApplicationLogo | POST /api/v1/apps/{appId}/logo | Upload an application Logo |
ApplicationPoliciesApi | AssignApplicationPolicy | PUT /api/v1/apps/{appId}/policies/{policyId} | Assign an application to a Policy |
ApplicationSSOApi | PreviewSAMLmetadataForApplication | GET /api/v1/apps/{appId}/sso/saml/metadata | Preview the application SAML metadata |
ApplicationTokensApi | GetOAuth2TokenForApplication | GET /api/v1/apps/{appId}/tokens/{tokenId} | Retrieve an application Token |
ApplicationTokensApi | ListOAuth2TokensForApplication | GET /api/v1/apps/{appId}/tokens | List all application refresh Tokens |
ApplicationTokensApi | RevokeOAuth2TokenForApplication | DELETE /api/v1/apps/{appId}/tokens/{tokenId} | Revoke an application Token |
ApplicationTokensApi | RevokeOAuth2TokensForApplication | DELETE /api/v1/apps/{appId}/tokens | Revoke all application Tokens |
ApplicationUsersApi | AssignUserToApplication | POST /api/v1/apps/{appId}/users | Assign an Application User |
ApplicationUsersApi | GetApplicationUser | GET /api/v1/apps/{appId}/users/{userId} | Retrieve an Application User |
ApplicationUsersApi | ListApplicationUsers | GET /api/v1/apps/{appId}/users | List all Application Users |
ApplicationUsersApi | UnassignUserFromApplication | DELETE /api/v1/apps/{appId}/users/{userId} | Unassign an Application User |
ApplicationUsersApi | UpdateApplicationUser | POST /api/v1/apps/{appId}/users/{userId} | Update an Application User |
AttackProtectionApi | GetAuthenticatorSettings | GET /attack-protection/api/v1/authenticator-settings | Retrieve the Authenticator Settings |
AttackProtectionApi | GetUserLockoutSettings | GET /attack-protection/api/v1/user-lockout-settings | Retrieve the User Lockout Settings |
AttackProtectionApi | ReplaceAuthenticatorSettings | PUT /attack-protection/api/v1/authenticator-settings | Replace the Authenticator Settings |
AttackProtectionApi | ReplaceUserLockoutSettings | PUT /attack-protection/api/v1/user-lockout-settings | Replace the User Lockout Settings |
AuthenticatorApi | ActivateAuthenticator | POST /api/v1/authenticators/{authenticatorId}/lifecycle/activate | Activate an Authenticator |
AuthenticatorApi | ActivateAuthenticatorMethod | POST /api/v1/authenticators/{authenticatorId}/methods/{methodType}/lifecycle/activate | Activate an Authenticator Method |
AuthenticatorApi | CreateAuthenticator | POST /api/v1/authenticators | Create an Authenticator |
AuthenticatorApi | DeactivateAuthenticator | POST /api/v1/authenticators/{authenticatorId}/lifecycle/deactivate | Deactivate an Authenticator |
AuthenticatorApi | DeactivateAuthenticatorMethod | POST /api/v1/authenticators/{authenticatorId}/methods/{methodType}/lifecycle/deactivate | Deactivate an Authenticator Method |
AuthenticatorApi | GetAuthenticator | GET /api/v1/authenticators/{authenticatorId} | Retrieve an Authenticator |
AuthenticatorApi | GetAuthenticatorMethod | GET /api/v1/authenticators/{authenticatorId}/methods/{methodType} | Retrieve an Authenticator Method |
AuthenticatorApi | GetWellKnownAppAuthenticatorConfiguration | GET /.well-known/app-authenticator-configuration | Retrieve the Well-Known App Authenticator Configuration |
AuthenticatorApi | ListAuthenticatorMethods | GET /api/v1/authenticators/{authenticatorId}/methods | List all Methods of an Authenticator |
AuthenticatorApi | ListAuthenticators | GET /api/v1/authenticators | List all Authenticators |
AuthenticatorApi | ReplaceAuthenticator | PUT /api/v1/authenticators/{authenticatorId} | Replace an Authenticator |
AuthenticatorApi | ReplaceAuthenticatorMethod | PUT /api/v1/authenticators/{authenticatorId}/methods/{methodType} | Replace an Authenticator Method |
AuthorizationServerApi | ActivateAuthorizationServer | POST /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/lifecycle/activate | Activate an Authorization Server |
AuthorizationServerApi | CreateAuthorizationServer | POST /api/v1/authorizationServers | Create an Authorization Server |
AuthorizationServerApi | DeactivateAuthorizationServer | POST /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/lifecycle/deactivate | Deactivate an Authorization Server |
AuthorizationServerApi | DeleteAuthorizationServer | DELETE /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId} | Delete an Authorization Server |
AuthorizationServerApi | GetAuthorizationServer | GET /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId} | Retrieve an Authorization Server |
AuthorizationServerApi | ListAuthorizationServers | GET /api/v1/authorizationServers | List all Authorization Servers |
AuthorizationServerApi | ReplaceAuthorizationServer | PUT /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId} | Replace an Authorization Server |
AuthorizationServerAssocApi | CreateAssociatedServers | POST /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/associatedServers | Create an associated Authorization Server |
AuthorizationServerAssocApi | DeleteAssociatedServer | DELETE /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/associatedServers/{associatedServerId} | Delete an associated Authorization Server |
AuthorizationServerAssocApi | ListAssociatedServersByTrustedType | GET /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/associatedServers | List all associated Authorization Servers |
AuthorizationServerClaimsApi | CreateOAuth2Claim | POST /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/claims | Create a custom token Claim |
AuthorizationServerClaimsApi | DeleteOAuth2Claim | DELETE /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/claims/{claimId} | Delete a custom token Claim |
AuthorizationServerClaimsApi | GetOAuth2Claim | GET /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/claims/{claimId} | Retrieve a custom token Claim |
AuthorizationServerClaimsApi | ListOAuth2Claims | GET /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/claims | List all custom token Claims |
AuthorizationServerClaimsApi | ReplaceOAuth2Claim | PUT /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/claims/{claimId} | Replace a custom token Claim |
AuthorizationServerClientsApi | GetRefreshTokenForAuthorizationServerAndClient | GET /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/clients/{clientId}/tokens/{tokenId} | Retrieve a refresh token for a Client |
AuthorizationServerClientsApi | ListOAuth2ClientsForAuthorizationServer | GET /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/clients | List all Client resources for an authorization server |
AuthorizationServerClientsApi | ListRefreshTokensForAuthorizationServerAndClient | GET /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/clients/{clientId}/tokens | List all refresh tokens for a Client |
AuthorizationServerClientsApi | RevokeRefreshTokenForAuthorizationServerAndClient | DELETE /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/clients/{clientId}/tokens/{tokenId} | Revoke a refresh token for a Client |
AuthorizationServerClientsApi | RevokeRefreshTokensForAuthorizationServerAndClient | DELETE /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/clients/{clientId}/tokens | Revoke all refresh tokens for a Client |
AuthorizationServerKeysApi | ListAuthorizationServerKeys | GET /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/credentials/keys | List all Credential Keys |
AuthorizationServerKeysApi | RotateAuthorizationServerKeys | POST /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/credentials/lifecycle/keyRotate | Rotate all Credential Keys |
AuthorizationServerPoliciesApi | ActivateAuthorizationServerPolicy | POST /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/policies/{policyId}/lifecycle/activate | Activate a Policy |
AuthorizationServerPoliciesApi | CreateAuthorizationServerPolicy | POST /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/policies | Create a Policy |
AuthorizationServerPoliciesApi | DeactivateAuthorizationServerPolicy | POST /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/policies/{policyId}/lifecycle/deactivate | Deactivate a Policy |
AuthorizationServerPoliciesApi | DeleteAuthorizationServerPolicy | DELETE /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/policies/{policyId} | Delete a Policy |
AuthorizationServerPoliciesApi | GetAuthorizationServerPolicy | GET /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/policies/{policyId} | Retrieve a Policy |
AuthorizationServerPoliciesApi | ListAuthorizationServerPolicies | GET /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/policies | List all Policies |
AuthorizationServerPoliciesApi | ReplaceAuthorizationServerPolicy | PUT /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/policies/{policyId} | Replace a Policy |
AuthorizationServerRulesApi | ActivateAuthorizationServerPolicyRule | POST /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/policies/{policyId}/rules/{ruleId}/lifecycle/activate | Activate a Policy Rule |
AuthorizationServerRulesApi | CreateAuthorizationServerPolicyRule | POST /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/policies/{policyId}/rules | Create a Policy Rule |
AuthorizationServerRulesApi | DeactivateAuthorizationServerPolicyRule | POST /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/policies/{policyId}/rules/{ruleId}/lifecycle/deactivate | Deactivate a Policy Rule |
AuthorizationServerRulesApi | DeleteAuthorizationServerPolicyRule | DELETE /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/policies/{policyId}/rules/{ruleId} | Delete a Policy Rule |
AuthorizationServerRulesApi | GetAuthorizationServerPolicyRule | GET /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/policies/{policyId}/rules/{ruleId} | Retrieve a Policy Rule |
AuthorizationServerRulesApi | ListAuthorizationServerPolicyRules | GET /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/policies/{policyId}/rules | List all Policy Rules |
AuthorizationServerRulesApi | ReplaceAuthorizationServerPolicyRule | PUT /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/policies/{policyId}/rules/{ruleId} | Replace a Policy Rule |
AuthorizationServerScopesApi | CreateOAuth2Scope | POST /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/scopes | Create a Custom Token Scope |
AuthorizationServerScopesApi | DeleteOAuth2Scope | DELETE /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/scopes/{scopeId} | Delete a Custom Token Scope |
AuthorizationServerScopesApi | GetOAuth2Scope | GET /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/scopes/{scopeId} | Retrieve a Custom Token Scope |
AuthorizationServerScopesApi | ListOAuth2Scopes | GET /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/scopes | List all Custom Token Scopes |
AuthorizationServerScopesApi | ReplaceOAuth2Scope | PUT /api/v1/authorizationServers/{authServerId}/scopes/{scopeId} | Replace a Custom Token Scope |
BehaviorApi | ActivateBehaviorDetectionRule | POST /api/v1/behaviors/{behaviorId}/lifecycle/activate | Activate a Behavior Detection Rule |
BehaviorApi | CreateBehaviorDetectionRule | POST /api/v1/behaviors | Create a Behavior Detection Rule |
BehaviorApi | DeactivateBehaviorDetectionRule | POST /api/v1/behaviors/{behaviorId}/lifecycle/deactivate | Deactivate a Behavior Detection Rule |
BehaviorApi | DeleteBehaviorDetectionRule | DELETE /api/v1/behaviors/{behaviorId} | Delete a Behavior Detection Rule |
BehaviorApi | GetBehaviorDetectionRule | GET /api/v1/behaviors/{behaviorId} | Retrieve a Behavior Detection Rule |
BehaviorApi | ListBehaviorDetectionRules | GET /api/v1/behaviors | List all Behavior Detection Rules |
BehaviorApi | ReplaceBehaviorDetectionRule | PUT /api/v1/behaviors/{behaviorId} | Replace a Behavior Detection Rule |
BrandsApi | CreateBrand | POST /api/v1/brands | Create a Brand |
BrandsApi | DeleteBrand | DELETE /api/v1/brands/{brandId} | Delete a brand |
BrandsApi | GetBrand | GET /api/v1/brands/{brandId} | Retrieve a Brand |
BrandsApi | ListBrandDomains | GET /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/domains | List all Domains associated with a Brand |
BrandsApi | ListBrands | GET /api/v1/brands | List all Brands |
BrandsApi | ReplaceBrand | PUT /api/v1/brands/{brandId} | Replace a Brand |
CAPTCHAApi | CreateCaptchaInstance | POST /api/v1/captchas | Create a CAPTCHA instance |
CAPTCHAApi | DeleteCaptchaInstance | DELETE /api/v1/captchas/{captchaId} | Delete a CAPTCHA Instance |
CAPTCHAApi | DeleteOrgCaptchaSettings | DELETE /api/v1/org/captcha | Delete the Org-wide CAPTCHA Settings |
CAPTCHAApi | GetCaptchaInstance | GET /api/v1/captchas/{captchaId} | Retrieve a CAPTCHA Instance |
CAPTCHAApi | GetOrgCaptchaSettings | GET /api/v1/org/captcha | Retrieve the Org-wide CAPTCHA Settings |
CAPTCHAApi | ListCaptchaInstances | GET /api/v1/captchas | List all CAPTCHA Instances |
CAPTCHAApi | ReplaceCaptchaInstance | PUT /api/v1/captchas/{captchaId} | Replace a CAPTCHA Instance |
CAPTCHAApi | ReplacesOrgCaptchaSettings | PUT /api/v1/org/captcha | Replace the Org-wide CAPTCHA Settings |
CAPTCHAApi | UpdateCaptchaInstance | POST /api/v1/captchas/{captchaId} | Update a CAPTCHA Instance |
CustomDomainApi | CreateCustomDomain | POST /api/v1/domains | Create a Custom Domain |
CustomDomainApi | DeleteCustomDomain | DELETE /api/v1/domains/{domainId} | Delete a Custom Domain |
CustomDomainApi | GetCustomDomain | GET /api/v1/domains/{domainId} | Retrieve a Custom Domain |
CustomDomainApi | ListCustomDomains | GET /api/v1/domains | List all Custom Domains |
CustomDomainApi | ReplaceCustomDomain | PUT /api/v1/domains/{domainId} | Replace a Custom Domain's Brand |
CustomDomainApi | UpsertCertificate | PUT /api/v1/domains/{domainId}/certificate | Upsert the Custom Domain's Certificate |
CustomDomainApi | VerifyDomain | POST /api/v1/domains/{domainId}/verify | Verify a Custom Domain |
CustomPagesApi | DeleteCustomizedErrorPage | DELETE /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/error/customized | Delete the Customized Error Page |
CustomPagesApi | DeleteCustomizedSignInPage | DELETE /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/sign-in/customized | Delete the Customized Sign-in Page |
CustomPagesApi | DeletePreviewErrorPage | DELETE /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/error/preview | Delete the Preview Error Page |
CustomPagesApi | DeletePreviewSignInPage | DELETE /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/sign-in/preview | Delete the Preview Sign-in Page |
CustomPagesApi | GetCustomizedErrorPage | GET /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/error/customized | Retrieve the Customized Error Page |
CustomPagesApi | GetCustomizedSignInPage | GET /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/sign-in/customized | Retrieve the Customized Sign-in Page |
CustomPagesApi | GetDefaultErrorPage | GET /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/error/default | Retrieve the Default Error Page |
CustomPagesApi | GetDefaultSignInPage | GET /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/sign-in/default | Retrieve the Default Sign-in Page |
CustomPagesApi | GetErrorPage | GET /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/error | Retrieve the Error Page Sub-Resources |
CustomPagesApi | GetPreviewErrorPage | GET /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/error/preview | Retrieve the Preview Error Page Preview |
CustomPagesApi | GetPreviewSignInPage | GET /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/sign-in/preview | Retrieve the Preview Sign-in Page Preview |
CustomPagesApi | GetSignInPage | GET /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/sign-in | Retrieve the Sign-in Page Sub-Resources |
CustomPagesApi | GetSignOutPageSettings | GET /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/sign-out/customized | Retrieve the Sign-out Page Settings |
CustomPagesApi | ListAllSignInWidgetVersions | GET /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/sign-in/widget-versions | List all Sign-in Widget Versions |
CustomPagesApi | ReplaceCustomizedErrorPage | PUT /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/error/customized | Replace the Customized Error Page |
CustomPagesApi | ReplaceCustomizedSignInPage | PUT /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/sign-in/customized | Replace the Customized Sign-in Page |
CustomPagesApi | ReplacePreviewErrorPage | PUT /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/error/preview | Replace the Preview Error Page |
CustomPagesApi | ReplacePreviewSignInPage | PUT /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/sign-in/preview | Replace the Preview Sign-in Page |
CustomPagesApi | ReplaceSignOutPageSettings | PUT /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/sign-out/customized | Replace the Sign-out Page Settings |
CustomTemplatesApi | CreateEmailCustomization | POST /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/customizations | Create an Email Customization |
CustomTemplatesApi | DeleteAllCustomizations | DELETE /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/customizations | Delete all Email Customizations |
CustomTemplatesApi | DeleteEmailCustomization | DELETE /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/customizations/{customizationId} | Delete an Email Customization |
CustomTemplatesApi | GetCustomizationPreview | GET /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/customizations/{customizationId}/preview | Retrieve a Preview of an Email Customization |
CustomTemplatesApi | GetEmailCustomization | GET /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/customizations/{customizationId} | Retrieve an Email Customization |
CustomTemplatesApi | GetEmailDefaultContent | GET /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/default-content | Retrieve an Email Template Default Content |
CustomTemplatesApi | GetEmailDefaultPreview | GET /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/default-content/preview | Retrieve a Preview of the Email Template default content |
CustomTemplatesApi | GetEmailSettings | GET /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/settings | Retrieve the Email Template Settings |
CustomTemplatesApi | GetEmailTemplate | GET /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName} | Retrieve an Email Template |
CustomTemplatesApi | ListEmailCustomizations | GET /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/customizations | List all Email Customizations |
CustomTemplatesApi | ListEmailTemplates | GET /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email | List all Email Templates |
CustomTemplatesApi | ReplaceEmailCustomization | PUT /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/customizations/{customizationId} | Replace an Email Customization |
CustomTemplatesApi | ReplaceEmailSettings | PUT /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/settings | Replace the Email Template Settings |
CustomTemplatesApi | SendTestEmail | POST /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/test | Send a Test Email |
DeviceApi | ActivateDevice | POST /api/v1/devices/{deviceId}/lifecycle/activate | Activate a Device |
DeviceApi | DeactivateDevice | POST /api/v1/devices/{deviceId}/lifecycle/deactivate | Deactivate a Device |
DeviceApi | DeleteDevice | DELETE /api/v1/devices/{deviceId} | Delete a Device |
DeviceApi | GetDevice | GET /api/v1/devices/{deviceId} | Retrieve a Device |
DeviceApi | ListDeviceUsers | GET /api/v1/devices/{deviceId}/users | List all Users for a Device |
DeviceApi | ListDevices | GET /api/v1/devices | List all Devices |
DeviceApi | SuspendDevice | POST /api/v1/devices/{deviceId}/lifecycle/suspend | Suspend a Device |
DeviceApi | UnsuspendDevice | POST /api/v1/devices/{deviceId}/lifecycle/unsuspend | Unsuspend a Device |
DeviceAssuranceApi | CreateDeviceAssurancePolicy | POST /api/v1/device-assurances | Create a Device Assurance Policy |
DeviceAssuranceApi | DeleteDeviceAssurancePolicy | DELETE /api/v1/device-assurances/{deviceAssuranceId} | Delete a Device Assurance Policy |
DeviceAssuranceApi | GetDeviceAssurancePolicy | GET /api/v1/device-assurances/{deviceAssuranceId} | Retrieve a Device Assurance Policy |
DeviceAssuranceApi | ListDeviceAssurancePolicies | GET /api/v1/device-assurances | List all Device Assurance Policies |
DeviceAssuranceApi | ReplaceDeviceAssurancePolicy | PUT /api/v1/device-assurances/{deviceAssuranceId} | Replace a Device Assurance Policy |
DirectoriesIntegrationApi | UpdateADGroupMembership | POST /api/v1/directories/{appInstanceId}/groups/modify | Update an AD Group membership |
EmailDomainApi | CreateEmailDomain | POST /api/v1/email-domains | Create an Email Domain |
EmailDomainApi | DeleteEmailDomain | DELETE /api/v1/email-domains/{emailDomainId} | Delete an Email Domain |
EmailDomainApi | GetEmailDomain | GET /api/v1/email-domains/{emailDomainId} | Retrieve an Email Domain |
EmailDomainApi | ListEmailDomains | GET /api/v1/email-domains | List all Email Domains |
EmailDomainApi | ReplaceEmailDomain | PUT /api/v1/email-domains/{emailDomainId} | Replace an Email Domain |
EmailDomainApi | VerifyEmailDomain | POST /api/v1/email-domains/{emailDomainId}/verify | Verify an Email Domain |
EmailServerApi | CreateEmailServer | POST /api/v1/email-servers | Create a custom SMTP server |
EmailServerApi | DeleteEmailServer | DELETE /api/v1/email-servers/{emailServerId} | Delete an SMTP Server configuration |
EmailServerApi | GetEmailServer | GET /api/v1/email-servers/{emailServerId} | Retrieve an SMTP Server configuration |
EmailServerApi | ListEmailServers | GET /api/v1/email-servers | List all enrolled SMTP servers |
EmailServerApi | TestEmailServer | POST /api/v1/email-servers/{emailServerId}/test | Test an SMTP Server configuration |
EmailServerApi | UpdateEmailServer | PATCH /api/v1/email-servers/{emailServerId} | Update an SMTP Server configuration |
EventHookApi | ActivateEventHook | POST /api/v1/eventHooks/{eventHookId}/lifecycle/activate | Activate an Event Hook |
EventHookApi | CreateEventHook | POST /api/v1/eventHooks | Create an Event Hook |
EventHookApi | DeactivateEventHook | POST /api/v1/eventHooks/{eventHookId}/lifecycle/deactivate | Deactivate an Event Hook |
EventHookApi | DeleteEventHook | DELETE /api/v1/eventHooks/{eventHookId} | Delete an Event Hook |
EventHookApi | GetEventHook | GET /api/v1/eventHooks/{eventHookId} | Retrieve an Event Hook |
EventHookApi | ListEventHooks | GET /api/v1/eventHooks | List all Event Hooks |
EventHookApi | ReplaceEventHook | PUT /api/v1/eventHooks/{eventHookId} | Replace an Event Hook |
EventHookApi | VerifyEventHook | POST /api/v1/eventHooks/{eventHookId}/lifecycle/verify | Verify an Event Hook |
FeatureApi | GetFeature | GET /api/v1/features/{featureId} | Retrieve a Feature |
FeatureApi | ListFeatureDependencies | GET /api/v1/features/{featureId}/dependencies | List all dependencies |
FeatureApi | ListFeatureDependents | GET /api/v1/features/{featureId}/dependents | List all dependents |
FeatureApi | ListFeatures | GET /api/v1/features | List all Features |
FeatureApi | UpdateFeatureLifecycle | POST /api/v1/features/{featureId}/{lifecycle} | Update a Feature lifecycle |
GroupApi | ActivateGroupRule | POST /api/v1/groups/rules/{groupRuleId}/lifecycle/activate | Activate a Group Rule |
GroupApi | AssignUserToGroup | PUT /api/v1/groups/{groupId}/users/{userId} | Assign a User |
GroupApi | CreateGroup | POST /api/v1/groups | Create a Group |
GroupApi | CreateGroupRule | POST /api/v1/groups/rules | Create a Group Rule |
GroupApi | DeactivateGroupRule | POST /api/v1/groups/rules/{groupRuleId}/lifecycle/deactivate | Deactivate a Group Rule |
GroupApi | DeleteGroup | DELETE /api/v1/groups/{groupId} | Delete a Group |
GroupApi | DeleteGroupRule | DELETE /api/v1/groups/rules/{groupRuleId} | Delete a group Rule |
GroupApi | GetGroup | GET /api/v1/groups/{groupId} | Retrieve a Group |
GroupApi | GetGroupRule | GET /api/v1/groups/rules/{groupRuleId} | Retrieve a Group Rule |
GroupApi | ListAssignedApplicationsForGroup | GET /api/v1/groups/{groupId}/apps | List all Assigned Applications |
GroupApi | ListGroupRules | GET /api/v1/groups/rules | List all Group Rules |
GroupApi | ListGroupUsers | GET /api/v1/groups/{groupId}/users | List all Member Users |
GroupApi | ListGroups | GET /api/v1/groups | List all Groups |
GroupApi | ReplaceGroup | PUT /api/v1/groups/{groupId} | Replace a Group |
GroupApi | ReplaceGroupRule | PUT /api/v1/groups/rules/{groupRuleId} | Replace a Group Rule |
GroupApi | UnassignUserFromGroup | DELETE /api/v1/groups/{groupId}/users/{userId} | Unassign a User |
GroupOwnerApi | AssignGroupOwner | POST /api/v1/groups/{groupId}/owners | Assign a Group Owner |
GroupOwnerApi | DeleteGroupOwner | DELETE /api/v1/groups/{groupId}/owners/{ownerId} | Delete a Group Owner |
GroupOwnerApi | ListGroupOwners | GET /api/v1/groups/{groupId}/owners | List all Group Owners |
HookKeyApi | CreateHookKey | POST /api/v1/hook-keys | Create a key |
HookKeyApi | DeleteHookKey | DELETE /api/v1/hook-keys/{hookKeyId} | Delete a key |
HookKeyApi | GetHookKey | GET /api/v1/hook-keys/{hookKeyId} | Retrieve a key |
HookKeyApi | GetPublicKey | GET /api/v1/hook-keys/public/{publicKeyId} | Retrieve a public key |
HookKeyApi | ListHookKeys | GET /api/v1/hook-keys | List all keys |
HookKeyApi | ReplaceHookKey | PUT /api/v1/hook-keys/{hookKeyId} | Replace a key |
IdentityProviderApi | ActivateIdentityProvider | POST /api/v1/idps/{idpId}/lifecycle/activate | Activate an Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | CloneIdentityProviderKey | POST /api/v1/idps/{idpId}/credentials/keys/{idpKeyId}/clone | Clone a Signing Credential Key |
IdentityProviderApi | CreateIdentityProvider | POST /api/v1/idps | Create an Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | CreateIdentityProviderKey | POST /api/v1/idps/credentials/keys | Create an X.509 Certificate Public Key |
IdentityProviderApi | DeactivateIdentityProvider | POST /api/v1/idps/{idpId}/lifecycle/deactivate | Deactivate an Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | DeleteIdentityProvider | DELETE /api/v1/idps/{idpId} | Delete an Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | DeleteIdentityProviderKey | DELETE /api/v1/idps/credentials/keys/{idpKeyId} | Delete a Signing Credential Key |
IdentityProviderApi | GenerateCsrForIdentityProvider | POST /api/v1/idps/{idpId}/credentials/csrs | Generate a Certificate Signing Request |
IdentityProviderApi | GenerateIdentityProviderSigningKey | POST /api/v1/idps/{idpId}/credentials/keys/generate | Generate a new Signing Credential Key |
IdentityProviderApi | GetCsrForIdentityProvider | GET /api/v1/idps/{idpId}/credentials/csrs/{idpCsrId} | Retrieve a Certificate Signing Request |
IdentityProviderApi | GetIdentityProvider | GET /api/v1/idps/{idpId} | Retrieve an Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | GetIdentityProviderApplicationUser | GET /api/v1/idps/{idpId}/users/{userId} | Retrieve a User |
IdentityProviderApi | GetIdentityProviderKey | GET /api/v1/idps/credentials/keys/{idpKeyId} | Retrieve an Credential Key |
IdentityProviderApi | GetIdentityProviderSigningKey | GET /api/v1/idps/{idpId}/credentials/keys/{idpKeyId} | Retrieve a Signing Credential Key |
IdentityProviderApi | LinkUserToIdentityProvider | POST /api/v1/idps/{idpId}/users/{userId} | Link a User to a Social IdP |
IdentityProviderApi | ListCsrsForIdentityProvider | GET /api/v1/idps/{idpId}/credentials/csrs | List all Certificate Signing Requests |
IdentityProviderApi | ListIdentityProviderApplicationUsers | GET /api/v1/idps/{idpId}/users | List all Users |
IdentityProviderApi | ListIdentityProviderKeys | GET /api/v1/idps/credentials/keys | List all Credential Keys |
IdentityProviderApi | ListIdentityProviderSigningKeys | GET /api/v1/idps/{idpId}/credentials/keys | List all Signing Credential Keys |
IdentityProviderApi | ListIdentityProviders | GET /api/v1/idps | List all Identity Providers |
IdentityProviderApi | ListSocialAuthTokens | GET /api/v1/idps/{idpId}/users/{userId}/credentials/tokens | List all Tokens from a OIDC Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | PublishCsrForIdentityProvider | POST /api/v1/idps/{idpId}/credentials/csrs/{idpCsrId}/lifecycle/publish | Publish a Certificate Signing Request |
IdentityProviderApi | ReplaceIdentityProvider | PUT /api/v1/idps/{idpId} | Replace an Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | RevokeCsrForIdentityProvider | DELETE /api/v1/idps/{idpId}/credentials/csrs/{idpCsrId} | Revoke a Certificate Signing Request |
IdentityProviderApi | UnlinkUserFromIdentityProvider | DELETE /api/v1/idps/{idpId}/users/{userId} | Unlink a User from IdP |
IdentitySourceApi | CreateIdentitySourceSession | POST /api/v1/identity-sources/{identitySourceId}/sessions | Create an Identity Source Session |
IdentitySourceApi | DeleteIdentitySourceSession | DELETE /api/v1/identity-sources/{identitySourceId}/sessions/{sessionId} | Delete an Identity Source Session |
IdentitySourceApi | GetIdentitySourceSession | GET /api/v1/identity-sources/{identitySourceId}/sessions/{sessionId} | Retrieve an Identity Source Session |
IdentitySourceApi | ListIdentitySourceSessions | GET /api/v1/identity-sources/{identitySourceId}/sessions | List all Identity Source Sessions |
IdentitySourceApi | StartImportFromIdentitySource | POST /api/v1/identity-sources/{identitySourceId}/sessions/{sessionId}/start-import | Start the import from the Identity Source |
IdentitySourceApi | UploadIdentitySourceDataForDelete | POST /api/v1/identity-sources/{identitySourceId}/sessions/{sessionId}/bulk-delete | Upload the data to be deleted in Okta |
IdentitySourceApi | UploadIdentitySourceDataForUpsert | POST /api/v1/identity-sources/{identitySourceId}/sessions/{sessionId}/bulk-upsert | Upload the data to be upserted in Okta |
InlineHookApi | ActivateInlineHook | POST /api/v1/inlineHooks/{inlineHookId}/lifecycle/activate | Activate an Inline Hook |
InlineHookApi | CreateInlineHook | POST /api/v1/inlineHooks | Create an Inline Hook |
InlineHookApi | DeactivateInlineHook | POST /api/v1/inlineHooks/{inlineHookId}/lifecycle/deactivate | Deactivate an Inline Hook |
InlineHookApi | DeleteInlineHook | DELETE /api/v1/inlineHooks/{inlineHookId} | Delete an Inline Hook |
InlineHookApi | ExecuteInlineHook | POST /api/v1/inlineHooks/{inlineHookId}/execute | Execute an Inline Hook |
InlineHookApi | GetInlineHook | GET /api/v1/inlineHooks/{inlineHookId} | Retrieve an Inline Hook |
InlineHookApi | ListInlineHooks | GET /api/v1/inlineHooks | List all Inline Hooks |
InlineHookApi | ReplaceInlineHook | PUT /api/v1/inlineHooks/{inlineHookId} | Replace an Inline Hook |
InlineHookApi | UpdateInlineHook | POST /api/v1/inlineHooks/{inlineHookId} | Update an Inline Hook |
LinkedObjectApi | CreateLinkedObjectDefinition | POST /api/v1/meta/schemas/user/linkedObjects | Create a Linked Object Definition |
LinkedObjectApi | DeleteLinkedObjectDefinition | DELETE /api/v1/meta/schemas/user/linkedObjects/{linkedObjectName} | Delete a Linked Object Definition |
LinkedObjectApi | GetLinkedObjectDefinition | GET /api/v1/meta/schemas/user/linkedObjects/{linkedObjectName} | Retrieve a Linked Object Definition |
LinkedObjectApi | ListLinkedObjectDefinitions | GET /api/v1/meta/schemas/user/linkedObjects | List all Linked Object Definitions |
LogStreamApi | ActivateLogStream | POST /api/v1/logStreams/{logStreamId}/lifecycle/activate | Activate a Log Stream |
LogStreamApi | CreateLogStream | POST /api/v1/logStreams | Create a Log Stream |
LogStreamApi | DeactivateLogStream | POST /api/v1/logStreams/{logStreamId}/lifecycle/deactivate | Deactivate a Log Stream |
LogStreamApi | DeleteLogStream | DELETE /api/v1/logStreams/{logStreamId} | Delete a Log Stream |
LogStreamApi | GetLogStream | GET /api/v1/logStreams/{logStreamId} | Retrieve a Log Stream |
LogStreamApi | ListLogStreams | GET /api/v1/logStreams | List all Log Streams |
LogStreamApi | ReplaceLogStream | PUT /api/v1/logStreams/{logStreamId} | Replace a Log Stream |
NetworkZoneApi | ActivateNetworkZone | POST /api/v1/zones/{zoneId}/lifecycle/activate | Activate a Network Zone |
NetworkZoneApi | CreateNetworkZone | POST /api/v1/zones | Create a Network Zone |
NetworkZoneApi | DeactivateNetworkZone | POST /api/v1/zones/{zoneId}/lifecycle/deactivate | Deactivate a Network Zone |
NetworkZoneApi | DeleteNetworkZone | DELETE /api/v1/zones/{zoneId} | Delete a Network Zone |
NetworkZoneApi | GetNetworkZone | GET /api/v1/zones/{zoneId} | Retrieve a Network Zone |
NetworkZoneApi | ListNetworkZones | GET /api/v1/zones | List all Network Zones |
NetworkZoneApi | ReplaceNetworkZone | PUT /api/v1/zones/{zoneId} | Replace a Network Zone |
OktaApplicationSettingsApi | GetFirstPartyAppSettings | GET /api/v1/first-party-app-settings/{appName} | Retrieve the Okta Application Settings |
OktaApplicationSettingsApi | ReplaceFirstPartyAppSettings | PUT /api/v1/first-party-app-settings/{appName} | Replace the Okta Application Settings |
OrgSettingApi | AssignClientPrivilegesSetting | PUT /api/v1/org/settings/clientPrivilegesSetting | Assign the Super Admin role to a public client app |
OrgSettingApi | BulkRemoveEmailAddressBounces | POST /api/v1/org/email/bounces/remove-list | Remove Emails from Email Provider Bounce List |
OrgSettingApi | ExtendOktaSupport | POST /api/v1/org/privacy/oktaSupport/extend | Extend Okta Support Access |
OrgSettingApi | GetClientPrivilegesSetting | GET /api/v1/org/settings/clientPrivilegesSetting | Retrieve the Org settings to assign the Super Admin role |
OrgSettingApi | GetOktaCommunicationSettings | GET /api/v1/org/privacy/oktaCommunication | Retrieve the Okta Communication Settings |
OrgSettingApi | GetOrgContactTypes | GET /api/v1/org/contacts | Retrieve the Org Contact Types |
OrgSettingApi | GetOrgContactUser | GET /api/v1/org/contacts/{contactType} | Retrieve the User of the Contact Type |
OrgSettingApi | GetOrgOktaSupportSettings | GET /api/v1/org/privacy/oktaSupport | Retrieve the Okta Support Settings |
OrgSettingApi | GetOrgPreferences | GET /api/v1/org/preferences | Retrieve the Org Preferences |
OrgSettingApi | GetOrgSettings | GET /api/v1/org | Retrieve the Org Settings |
OrgSettingApi | GetThirdPartyAdminSetting | GET /api/v1/org/orgSettings/thirdPartyAdminSetting | Retrieve the Org Third-Party Admin setting |
OrgSettingApi | GetWellknownOrgMetadata | GET /.well-known/okta-organization | Retrieve the Well-Known Org Metadata |
OrgSettingApi | GrantOktaSupport | POST /api/v1/org/privacy/oktaSupport/grant | Grant Okta Support Access to your Org |
OrgSettingApi | OptInUsersToOktaCommunicationEmails | POST /api/v1/org/privacy/oktaCommunication/optIn | Opt in all Users to Okta Communication emails |
OrgSettingApi | OptOutUsersFromOktaCommunicationEmails | POST /api/v1/org/privacy/oktaCommunication/optOut | Opt out all Users from Okta Communication emails |
OrgSettingApi | ReplaceOrgContactUser | PUT /api/v1/org/contacts/{contactType} | Replace the User of the Contact Type |
OrgSettingApi | ReplaceOrgSettings | PUT /api/v1/org | Replace the Org Settings |
OrgSettingApi | RevokeOktaSupport | POST /api/v1/org/privacy/oktaSupport/revoke | Revoke Okta Support Access |
OrgSettingApi | UpdateOrgHideOktaUIFooter | POST /api/v1/org/preferences/hideEndUserFooter | Update the Preference to Hide the Okta Dashboard Footer |
OrgSettingApi | UpdateOrgSettings | POST /api/v1/org | Update the Org Settings |
OrgSettingApi | UpdateOrgShowOktaUIFooter | POST /api/v1/org/preferences/showEndUserFooter | Update the Preference to Show the Okta Dashboard Footer |
OrgSettingApi | UpdateThirdPartyAdminSetting | POST /api/v1/org/orgSettings/thirdPartyAdminSetting | Update the Org Third-Party Admin setting |
OrgSettingApi | UploadOrgLogo | POST /api/v1/org/logo | Upload the Org Logo |
PolicyApi | ActivatePolicy | POST /api/v1/policies/{policyId}/lifecycle/activate | Activate a Policy |
PolicyApi | ActivatePolicyRule | POST /api/v1/policies/{policyId}/rules/{ruleId}/lifecycle/activate | Activate a Policy Rule |
PolicyApi | ClonePolicy | POST /api/v1/policies/{policyId}/clone | Clone an existing Policy |
PolicyApi | CreatePolicy | POST /api/v1/policies | Create a Policy |
PolicyApi | CreatePolicyRule | POST /api/v1/policies/{policyId}/rules | Create a Policy Rule |
PolicyApi | CreatePolicySimulation | POST /api/v1/policies/simulate | Create a Policy Simulation |
PolicyApi | DeactivatePolicy | POST /api/v1/policies/{policyId}/lifecycle/deactivate | Deactivate a Policy |
PolicyApi | DeactivatePolicyRule | POST /api/v1/policies/{policyId}/rules/{ruleId}/lifecycle/deactivate | Deactivate a Policy Rule |
PolicyApi | DeletePolicy | DELETE /api/v1/policies/{policyId} | Delete a Policy |
PolicyApi | DeletePolicyResourceMapping | DELETE /api/v1/policies/{policyId}/mappings/{mappingId} | Delete a policy resource Mapping |
PolicyApi | DeletePolicyRule | DELETE /api/v1/policies/{policyId}/rules/{ruleId} | Delete a Policy Rule |
PolicyApi | GetPolicy | GET /api/v1/policies/{policyId} | Retrieve a Policy |
PolicyApi | GetPolicyMapping | GET /api/v1/policies/{policyId}/mappings/{mappingId} | Retrieve a policy resource Mapping |
PolicyApi | GetPolicyRule | GET /api/v1/policies/{policyId}/rules/{ruleId} | Retrieve a Policy Rule |
PolicyApi | ListPolicies | GET /api/v1/policies | List all Policies |
PolicyApi | ListPolicyApps | GET /api/v1/policies/{policyId}/app | List all Applications mapped to a Policy |
PolicyApi | ListPolicyMappings | GET /api/v1/policies/{policyId}/mappings | List all resources mapped to a Policy |
PolicyApi | ListPolicyRules | GET /api/v1/policies/{policyId}/rules | List all Policy Rules |
PolicyApi | MapResourceToPolicy | POST /api/v1/policies/{policyId}/mappings | Map a resource to a Policy |
PolicyApi | ReplacePolicy | PUT /api/v1/policies/{policyId} | Replace a Policy |
PolicyApi | ReplacePolicyRule | PUT /api/v1/policies/{policyId}/rules/{ruleId} | Replace a Policy Rule |
PrincipalRateLimitApi | CreatePrincipalRateLimitEntity | POST /api/v1/principal-rate-limits | Create a Principal Rate Limit |
PrincipalRateLimitApi | GetPrincipalRateLimitEntity | GET /api/v1/principal-rate-limits/{principalRateLimitId} | Retrieve a Principal Rate Limit |
PrincipalRateLimitApi | ListPrincipalRateLimitEntities | GET /api/v1/principal-rate-limits | List all Principal Rate Limits |
PrincipalRateLimitApi | ReplacePrincipalRateLimitEntity | PUT /api/v1/principal-rate-limits/{principalRateLimitId} | Replace a Principal Rate Limit |
ProfileMappingApi | GetProfileMapping | GET /api/v1/mappings/{mappingId} | Retrieve a Profile Mapping |
ProfileMappingApi | ListProfileMappings | GET /api/v1/mappings | List all Profile Mappings |
ProfileMappingApi | UpdateProfileMapping | POST /api/v1/mappings/{mappingId} | Update a Profile Mapping |
PushProviderApi | CreatePushProvider | POST /api/v1/push-providers | Create a Push Provider |
PushProviderApi | DeletePushProvider | DELETE /api/v1/push-providers/{pushProviderId} | Delete a Push Provider |
PushProviderApi | GetPushProvider | GET /api/v1/push-providers/{pushProviderId} | Retrieve a Push Provider |
PushProviderApi | ListPushProviders | GET /api/v1/push-providers | List all Push Providers |
PushProviderApi | ReplacePushProvider | PUT /api/v1/push-providers/{pushProviderId} | Replace a Push Provider |
RateLimitSettingsApi | GetRateLimitSettingsAdminNotifications | GET /api/v1/rate-limit-settings/admin-notifications | Retrieve the Rate Limit Admin Notification Settings |
RateLimitSettingsApi | GetRateLimitSettingsPerClient | GET /api/v1/rate-limit-settings/per-client | Retrieve the Per-Client Rate Limit Settings |
RateLimitSettingsApi | GetRateLimitSettingsWarningThreshold | GET /api/v1/rate-limit-settings/warning-threshold | Retrieve the Rate Limit Warning Threshold Percentage |
RateLimitSettingsApi | ReplaceRateLimitSettingsAdminNotifications | PUT /api/v1/rate-limit-settings/admin-notifications | Replace the Rate Limit Admin Notification Settings |
RateLimitSettingsApi | ReplaceRateLimitSettingsPerClient | PUT /api/v1/rate-limit-settings/per-client | Replace the Per-Client Rate Limit Settings |
RateLimitSettingsApi | ReplaceRateLimitSettingsWarningThreshold | PUT /api/v1/rate-limit-settings/warning-threshold | Replace the Rate Limit Warning Threshold Percentage |
RealmApi | CreateRealm | POST /api/v1/realms | Create a Realm |
RealmApi | DeleteRealm | DELETE /api/v1/realms/{realmId} | Delete a Realm |
RealmApi | GetRealm | GET /api/v1/realms/{realmId} | Retrieve a Realm |
RealmApi | ListRealms | GET /api/v1/realms | List all Realms |
RealmApi | ReplaceRealm | PUT /api/v1/realms/{realmId} | Replace the realm profile |
RealmAssignmentApi | ActivateRealmAssignment | POST /api/v1/realm-assignments/{assignmentId}/lifecycle/activate | Activate a Realm Assignment |
RealmAssignmentApi | CreateRealmAssignment | POST /api/v1/realm-assignments | Create a Realm Assignment |
RealmAssignmentApi | DeactivateRealmAssignment | POST /api/v1/realm-assignments/{assignmentId}/lifecycle/deactivate | Deactivate a Realm Assignment |
RealmAssignmentApi | DeleteRealmAssignment | DELETE /api/v1/realm-assignments/{assignmentId} | Delete a Realm Assignment |
RealmAssignmentApi | ExecuteRealmAssignment | POST /api/v1/realm-assignments/operations | Execute a Realm Assignment |
RealmAssignmentApi | GetRealmAssignment | GET /api/v1/realm-assignments/{assignmentId} | Retrieve a Realm Assignment |
RealmAssignmentApi | ListRealmAssignmentOperations | GET /api/v1/realm-assignments/operations | List all Realm Assignment operations |
RealmAssignmentApi | ListRealmAssignments | GET /api/v1/realm-assignments | List all Realm Assignments |
RealmAssignmentApi | ReplaceRealmAssignment | PUT /api/v1/realm-assignments/{assignmentId} | Replace a Realm Assignment |
ResourceSetApi | AddMembersToBinding | PATCH /api/v1/iam/resource-sets/{resourceSetId}/bindings/{roleIdOrLabel}/members | Add more Members to a binding |
ResourceSetApi | AddResourceSetResource | PATCH /api/v1/iam/resource-sets/{resourceSetId}/resources | Add more Resource to a Resource Set |
ResourceSetApi | CreateResourceSet | POST /api/v1/iam/resource-sets | Create a Resource Set |
ResourceSetApi | CreateResourceSetBinding | POST /api/v1/iam/resource-sets/{resourceSetId}/bindings | Create a Resource Set Binding |
ResourceSetApi | DeleteBinding | DELETE /api/v1/iam/resource-sets/{resourceSetId}/bindings/{roleIdOrLabel} | Delete a Binding |
ResourceSetApi | DeleteResourceSet | DELETE /api/v1/iam/resource-sets/{resourceSetId} | Delete a Resource Set |
ResourceSetApi | DeleteResourceSetResource | DELETE /api/v1/iam/resource-sets/{resourceSetId}/resources/{resourceId} | Delete a Resource from a Resource Set |
ResourceSetApi | GetBinding | GET /api/v1/iam/resource-sets/{resourceSetId}/bindings/{roleIdOrLabel} | Retrieve a Binding |
ResourceSetApi | GetMemberOfBinding | GET /api/v1/iam/resource-sets/{resourceSetId}/bindings/{roleIdOrLabel}/members/{memberId} | Retrieve a Member of a binding |
ResourceSetApi | GetResourceSet | GET /api/v1/iam/resource-sets/{resourceSetId} | Retrieve a Resource Set |
ResourceSetApi | ListBindings | GET /api/v1/iam/resource-sets/{resourceSetId}/bindings | List all Bindings |
ResourceSetApi | ListMembersOfBinding | GET /api/v1/iam/resource-sets/{resourceSetId}/bindings/{roleIdOrLabel}/members | List all Members of a binding |
ResourceSetApi | ListResourceSetResources | GET /api/v1/iam/resource-sets/{resourceSetId}/resources | List all Resources of a Resource Set |
ResourceSetApi | ListResourceSets | GET /api/v1/iam/resource-sets | List all Resource Sets |
ResourceSetApi | ReplaceResourceSet | PUT /api/v1/iam/resource-sets/{resourceSetId} | Replace a Resource Set |
ResourceSetApi | UnassignMemberFromBinding | DELETE /api/v1/iam/resource-sets/{resourceSetId}/bindings/{roleIdOrLabel}/members/{memberId} | Unassign a Member from a binding |
RiskEventApi | SendRiskEvents | POST /api/v1/risk/events/ip | Send multiple Risk Events |
RiskProviderApi | CreateRiskProvider | POST /api/v1/risk/providers | Create a Risk Provider |
RiskProviderApi | DeleteRiskProvider | DELETE /api/v1/risk/providers/{riskProviderId} | Delete a Risk Provider |
RiskProviderApi | GetRiskProvider | GET /api/v1/risk/providers/{riskProviderId} | Retrieve a Risk Provider |
RiskProviderApi | ListRiskProviders | GET /api/v1/risk/providers | List all Risk Providers |
RiskProviderApi | ReplaceRiskProvider | PUT /api/v1/risk/providers/{riskProviderId} | Replace a Risk Provider |
RoleApi | CreateRole | POST /api/v1/iam/roles | Create a Role |
RoleApi | CreateRolePermission | POST /api/v1/iam/roles/{roleIdOrLabel}/permissions/{permissionType} | Create a Permission |
RoleApi | DeleteRole | DELETE /api/v1/iam/roles/{roleIdOrLabel} | Delete a Role |
RoleApi | DeleteRolePermission | DELETE /api/v1/iam/roles/{roleIdOrLabel}/permissions/{permissionType} | Delete a Permission |
RoleApi | GetRole | GET /api/v1/iam/roles/{roleIdOrLabel} | Retrieve a Role |
RoleApi | GetRolePermission | GET /api/v1/iam/roles/{roleIdOrLabel}/permissions/{permissionType} | Retrieve a Permission |
RoleApi | ListRolePermissions | GET /api/v1/iam/roles/{roleIdOrLabel}/permissions | List all Permissions |
RoleApi | ListRoles | GET /api/v1/iam/roles | List all Roles |
RoleApi | ReplaceRole | PUT /api/v1/iam/roles/{roleIdOrLabel} | Replace a Role |
RoleApi | ReplaceRolePermission | PUT /api/v1/iam/roles/{roleIdOrLabel}/permissions/{permissionType} | Replace a Permission |
RoleAssignmentApi | AssignRoleToClient | POST /oauth2/v1/clients/{clientId}/roles | Assign Role to Client |
RoleAssignmentApi | AssignRoleToGroup | POST /api/v1/groups/{groupId}/roles | Assign a Role to a Group |
RoleAssignmentApi | AssignRoleToUser | POST /api/v1/users/{userId}/roles | Assign a Role to a User |
RoleAssignmentApi | DeleteRoleFromClient | DELETE /oauth2/v1/clients/{clientId}/roles/{roleId} | Unassign a Role from a Client |
RoleAssignmentApi | GetGroupAssignedRole | GET /api/v1/groups/{groupId}/roles/{roleId} | Retrieve a Role assigned to Group |
RoleAssignmentApi | GetUserAssignedRole | GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/roles/{roleId} | Retrieve a Role assigned to a User |
RoleAssignmentApi | ListAssignedRolesForUser | GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/roles | List all Roles assigned to a User |
RoleAssignmentApi | ListGroupAssignedRoles | GET /api/v1/groups/{groupId}/roles | List all Assigned Roles of Group |
RoleAssignmentApi | ListRolesForClient | GET /oauth2/v1/clients/{clientId}/roles | List all Roles for a Client |
RoleAssignmentApi | ListUsersWithRoleAssignments | GET /api/v1/iam/assignees/users | List all Users with Role Assignments |
RoleAssignmentApi | RetrieveClientRole | GET /oauth2/v1/clients/{clientId}/roles/{roleId} | Retrieve a Client Role |
RoleAssignmentApi | UnassignRoleFromGroup | DELETE /api/v1/groups/{groupId}/roles/{roleId} | Unassign a Role from a Group |
RoleAssignmentApi | UnassignRoleFromUser | DELETE /api/v1/users/{userId}/roles/{roleId} | Unassign a Role from a User |
RoleTargetApi | AssignAllAppsAsTargetToRoleForUser | PUT /api/v1/users/{userId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/catalog/apps | Assign all Apps as Target to Role |
RoleTargetApi | AssignAppInstanceTargetToAppAdminRoleForGroup | PUT /api/v1/groups/{groupId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/catalog/apps/{appName}/{appId} | Assign an Application Instance Target to Application Administrator Role |
RoleTargetApi | AssignAppInstanceTargetToAppAdminRoleForUser | PUT /api/v1/users/{userId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/catalog/apps/{appName}/{appId} | Assign an Application Instance Target to an Application Administrator Role |
RoleTargetApi | AssignAppTargetInstanceRoleForClient | PUT /oauth2/v1/clients/{clientId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/catalog/apps/{appName}/{appInstanceId} | Replace an App Instance Target for a Client |
RoleTargetApi | AssignAppTargetRoleToClient | PUT /oauth2/v1/clients/{clientId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/catalog/apps/{appName} | Assign an App Target to a Client |
RoleTargetApi | AssignAppTargetToAdminRoleForGroup | PUT /api/v1/groups/{groupId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/catalog/apps/{appName} | Assign an Application Target to Administrator Role |
RoleTargetApi | AssignAppTargetToAdminRoleForUser | PUT /api/v1/users/{userId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/catalog/apps/{appName} | Assign an Application Target to Administrator Role |
RoleTargetApi | AssignGroupTargetRoleForClient | PUT /oauth2/v1/clients/{clientId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/groups/{groupId} | Assign a Group Target to a Client |
RoleTargetApi | AssignGroupTargetToGroupAdminRole | PUT /api/v1/groups/{groupId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/groups/{targetGroupId} | Assign a Group Target to a Group Role |
RoleTargetApi | AssignGroupTargetToUserRole | PUT /api/v1/users/{userId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/groups/{groupId} | Assign a Group Target to Role |
RoleTargetApi | ListAppTargetRoleToClient | GET /oauth2/v1/clients/{clientId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/catalog/apps | List all App Targets assigned to a Client |
RoleTargetApi | ListApplicationTargetsForApplicationAdministratorRoleForGroup | GET /api/v1/groups/{groupId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/catalog/apps | List all Application Targets for an Application Administrator Role |
RoleTargetApi | ListApplicationTargetsForApplicationAdministratorRoleForUser | GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/catalog/apps | List all Application Targets for Application Administrator Role |
RoleTargetApi | ListGroupTargetRoleForClient | GET /oauth2/v1/clients/{clientId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/groups | List all Group Targets for a Client |
RoleTargetApi | ListGroupTargetsForGroupRole | GET /api/v1/groups/{groupId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/groups | List all Group Targets for a Group Role |
RoleTargetApi | ListGroupTargetsForRole | GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/groups | List all Group Targets for Role |
RoleTargetApi | RemoveAppTargetInstanceRoleForClient | DELETE /oauth2/v1/clients/{clientId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/catalog/apps/{appName}/{appInstanceId} | Delete an App Instance Target for a Client |
RoleTargetApi | RemoveAppTargetRoleFromClient | DELETE /oauth2/v1/clients/{clientId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/catalog/apps/{appName} | Remove an App Target from a Client |
RoleTargetApi | RemoveGroupTargetRoleFromClient | DELETE /oauth2/v1/clients/{clientId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/groups/{groupId} | Delete a Group Target from a Client |
RoleTargetApi | UnassignAppInstanceTargetFromAdminRoleForUser | DELETE /api/v1/users/{userId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/catalog/apps/{appName}/{appId} | Unassign an Application Instance Target from an Application Administrator Role |
RoleTargetApi | UnassignAppInstanceTargetToAppAdminRoleForGroup | DELETE /api/v1/groups/{groupId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/catalog/apps/{appName}/{appId} | Unassign an Application Instance Target from an Application Administrator Role |
RoleTargetApi | UnassignAppTargetFromAppAdminRoleForUser | DELETE /api/v1/users/{userId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/catalog/apps/{appName} | Unassign an Application Target from an Application Administrator Role |
RoleTargetApi | UnassignAppTargetToAdminRoleForGroup | DELETE /api/v1/groups/{groupId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/catalog/apps/{appName} | Unassign an Application Target from Application Administrator Role |
RoleTargetApi | UnassignGroupTargetFromGroupAdminRole | DELETE /api/v1/groups/{groupId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/groups/{targetGroupId} | Unassign a Group Target from a Group Role |
RoleTargetApi | UnassignGroupTargetFromUserAdminRole | DELETE /api/v1/users/{userId}/roles/{roleId}/targets/groups/{groupId} | Unassign a Group Target from Role |
SSFReceiverApi | ActivateSecurityEventsProviderInstance | POST /api/v1/security-events-providers/{securityEventProviderId}/lifecycle/activate | Activate a Security Events Provider |
SSFReceiverApi | CreateSecurityEventsProviderInstance | POST /api/v1/security-events-providers | Create a Security Events Provider |
SSFReceiverApi | DeactivateSecurityEventsProviderInstance | POST /api/v1/security-events-providers/{securityEventProviderId}/lifecycle/deactivate | Deactivate a Security Events Provider |
SSFReceiverApi | DeleteSecurityEventsProviderInstance | DELETE /api/v1/security-events-providers/{securityEventProviderId} | Delete a Security Events Provider |
SSFReceiverApi | GetSecurityEventsProviderInstance | GET /api/v1/security-events-providers/{securityEventProviderId} | Retrieve the Security Events Provider |
SSFReceiverApi | ListSecurityEventsProviderInstances | GET /api/v1/security-events-providers | List all Security Events Providers |
SSFReceiverApi | ReplaceSecurityEventsProviderInstance | PUT /api/v1/security-events-providers/{securityEventProviderId} | Replace a Security Events Provider |
SSFSecurityEventTokenApi | PublishSecurityEventTokens | POST /security/api/v1/security-events | Publish a Security Event Token |
SSFTransmitterApi | GetWellknownSsfMetadata | GET /.well-known/ssf-configuration | Retrieve the SSF Transmitter metadata |
SchemaApi | GetApplicationUserSchema | GET /api/v1/meta/schemas/apps/{appId}/default | Retrieve the default Application User Schema for an Application |
SchemaApi | GetGroupSchema | GET /api/v1/meta/schemas/group/default | Retrieve the default Group Schema |
SchemaApi | GetLogStreamSchema | GET /api/v1/meta/schemas/logStream/{logStreamType} | Retrieve the Log Stream Schema for the schema type |
SchemaApi | GetUserSchema | GET /api/v1/meta/schemas/user/{schemaId} | Retrieve a User Schema |
SchemaApi | ListLogStreamSchemas | GET /api/v1/meta/schemas/logStream | List the Log Stream Schemas |
SchemaApi | UpdateApplicationUserProfile | POST /api/v1/meta/schemas/apps/{appId}/default | Update the default Application User Schema for an Application |
SchemaApi | UpdateGroupSchema | POST /api/v1/meta/schemas/group/default | Update the default Group Schema |
SchemaApi | UpdateUserProfile | POST /api/v1/meta/schemas/user/{schemaId} | Update a User Schema |
SessionApi | CloseCurrentSession | DELETE /api/v1/sessions/me | Close the current Session |
SessionApi | CreateSession | POST /api/v1/sessions | Create a Session with session token |
SessionApi | GetCurrentSession | GET /api/v1/sessions/me | Retrieve the current Session |
SessionApi | GetSession | GET /api/v1/sessions/{sessionId} | Retrieve a Session |
SessionApi | RefreshCurrentSession | POST /api/v1/sessions/me/lifecycle/refresh | Refresh the current Session |
SessionApi | RefreshSession | POST /api/v1/sessions/{sessionId}/lifecycle/refresh | Refresh a Session |
SessionApi | RevokeSession | DELETE /api/v1/sessions/{sessionId} | Revoke a Session |
SubscriptionApi | GetSubscriptionsNotificationTypeRole | GET /api/v1/roles/{roleRef}/subscriptions/{notificationType} | Retrieve a Subscription for a Role |
SubscriptionApi | GetSubscriptionsNotificationTypeUser | GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/subscriptions/{notificationType} | Retrieve a Subscription for a User |
SubscriptionApi | ListSubscriptionsRole | GET /api/v1/roles/{roleRef}/subscriptions | List all Subscriptions for a Role |
SubscriptionApi | ListSubscriptionsUser | GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/subscriptions | List all Subscriptions for a User |
SubscriptionApi | SubscribeByNotificationTypeRole | POST /api/v1/roles/{roleRef}/subscriptions/{notificationType}/subscribe | Subscribe a Role to a Specific Notification Type |
SubscriptionApi | SubscribeByNotificationTypeUser | POST /api/v1/users/{userId}/subscriptions/{notificationType}/subscribe | Subscribe a User to a Specific Notification Type |
SubscriptionApi | UnsubscribeByNotificationTypeRole | POST /api/v1/roles/{roleRef}/subscriptions/{notificationType}/unsubscribe | Unsubscribe a Role from a Specific Notification Type |
SubscriptionApi | UnsubscribeByNotificationTypeUser | POST /api/v1/users/{userId}/subscriptions/{notificationType}/unsubscribe | Unsubscribe a User from a Specific Notification Type |
SystemLogApi | ListLogEvents | GET /api/v1/logs | List all System Log Events |
TemplateApi | CreateSmsTemplate | POST /api/v1/templates/sms | Create an SMS Template |
TemplateApi | DeleteSmsTemplate | DELETE /api/v1/templates/sms/{templateId} | Delete an SMS Template |
TemplateApi | GetSmsTemplate | GET /api/v1/templates/sms/{templateId} | Retrieve an SMS Template |
TemplateApi | ListSmsTemplates | GET /api/v1/templates/sms | List all SMS Templates |
TemplateApi | ReplaceSmsTemplate | PUT /api/v1/templates/sms/{templateId} | Replace an SMS Template |
TemplateApi | UpdateSmsTemplate | POST /api/v1/templates/sms/{templateId} | Update an SMS Template |
ThemesApi | DeleteBrandThemeBackgroundImage | DELETE /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/themes/{themeId}/background-image | Delete the Background Image |
ThemesApi | DeleteBrandThemeFavicon | DELETE /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/themes/{themeId}/favicon | Delete the Favicon |
ThemesApi | DeleteBrandThemeLogo | DELETE /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/themes/{themeId}/logo | Delete the Logo |
ThemesApi | GetBrandTheme | GET /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/themes/{themeId} | Retrieve a Theme |
ThemesApi | ListBrandThemes | GET /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/themes | List all Themes |
ThemesApi | ReplaceBrandTheme | PUT /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/themes/{themeId} | Replace a Theme |
ThemesApi | UploadBrandThemeBackgroundImage | POST /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/themes/{themeId}/background-image | Upload the Background Image |
ThemesApi | UploadBrandThemeFavicon | POST /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/themes/{themeId}/favicon | Upload the Favicon |
ThemesApi | UploadBrandThemeLogo | POST /api/v1/brands/{brandId}/themes/{themeId}/logo | Upload the Logo |
ThreatInsightApi | GetCurrentConfiguration | GET /api/v1/threats/configuration | Retrieve the ThreatInsight Configuration |
ThreatInsightApi | UpdateConfiguration | POST /api/v1/threats/configuration | Update the ThreatInsight Configuration |
TrustedOriginApi | ActivateTrustedOrigin | POST /api/v1/trustedOrigins/{trustedOriginId}/lifecycle/activate | Activate a Trusted Origin |
TrustedOriginApi | CreateTrustedOrigin | POST /api/v1/trustedOrigins | Create a Trusted Origin |
TrustedOriginApi | DeactivateTrustedOrigin | POST /api/v1/trustedOrigins/{trustedOriginId}/lifecycle/deactivate | Deactivate a Trusted Origin |
TrustedOriginApi | DeleteTrustedOrigin | DELETE /api/v1/trustedOrigins/{trustedOriginId} | Delete a Trusted Origin |
TrustedOriginApi | GetTrustedOrigin | GET /api/v1/trustedOrigins/{trustedOriginId} | Retrieve a Trusted Origin |
TrustedOriginApi | ListTrustedOrigins | GET /api/v1/trustedOrigins | List all Trusted Origins |
TrustedOriginApi | ReplaceTrustedOrigin | PUT /api/v1/trustedOrigins/{trustedOriginId} | Replace a Trusted Origin |
UISchemaApi | CreateUISchema | POST /api/v1/meta/uischemas | Create a UI Schema |
UISchemaApi | DeleteUISchemas | DELETE /api/v1/meta/uischemas/{id} | Delete a UI Schema |
UISchemaApi | GetUISchema | GET /api/v1/meta/uischemas/{id} | Retrieve a UI Schema |
UISchemaApi | ListUISchemas | GET /api/v1/meta/uischemas | List all UI Schemas |
UISchemaApi | ReplaceUISchemas | PUT /api/v1/meta/uischemas/{id} | Replace a UI Schema |
UserApi | ActivateUser | POST /api/v1/users/{userId}/lifecycle/activate | Activate a User |
UserApi | ChangePassword | POST /api/v1/users/{userId}/credentials/change_password | Change Password |
UserApi | ChangeRecoveryQuestion | POST /api/v1/users/{userId}/credentials/change_recovery_question | Change Recovery Question |
UserApi | CreateUser | POST /api/v1/users | Create a User |
UserApi | DeactivateUser | POST /api/v1/users/{userId}/lifecycle/deactivate | Deactivate a User |
UserApi | DeleteLinkedObjectForUser | DELETE /api/v1/users/{userIdOrLogin}/linkedObjects/{relationshipName} | Delete a Linked Object |
UserApi | DeleteUser | DELETE /api/v1/users/{userId} | Delete a User |
UserApi | ExpirePassword | POST /api/v1/users/{userId}/lifecycle/expire_password | Expire Password |
UserApi | ExpirePasswordAndGetTemporaryPassword | POST /api/v1/users/{userId}/lifecycle/expire_password_with_temp_password | Expire Password and Set Temporary Password |
UserApi | ForgotPassword | POST /api/v1/users/{userId}/credentials/forgot_password | Initiate Forgot Password |
UserApi | ForgotPasswordSetNewPassword | POST /api/v1/users/{userId}/credentials/forgot_password_recovery_question | Reset Password with Recovery Question |
UserApi | GenerateResetPasswordToken | POST /api/v1/users/{userId}/lifecycle/reset_password | Generate a Reset Password Token |
UserApi | GetRefreshTokenForUserAndClient | GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/clients/{clientId}/tokens/{tokenId} | Retrieve a Refresh Token for a Client |
UserApi | GetUser | GET /api/v1/users/{userId} | Retrieve a User |
UserApi | GetUserGrant | GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/grants/{grantId} | Retrieve a User Grant |
UserApi | ListAppLinks | GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/appLinks | List all Assigned Application Links |
UserApi | ListGrantsForUserAndClient | GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/clients/{clientId}/grants | List all Grants for a Client |
UserApi | ListLinkedObjectsForUser | GET /api/v1/users/{userIdOrLogin}/linkedObjects/{relationshipName} | List the primary or all of the associated Linked Object values |
UserApi | ListRefreshTokensForUserAndClient | GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/clients/{clientId}/tokens | List all Refresh Tokens for a Client |
UserApi | ListUserBlocks | GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/blocks | List all User Blocks |
UserApi | ListUserClients | GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/clients | List all Clients |
UserApi | ListUserGrants | GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/grants | List all User Grants |
UserApi | ListUserGroups | GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/groups | List all Groups |
UserApi | ListUserIdentityProviders | GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/idps | List all Identity Providers |
UserApi | ListUsers | GET /api/v1/users | List all Users |
UserApi | ReactivateUser | POST /api/v1/users/{userId}/lifecycle/reactivate | Reactivate a User |
UserApi | ReplaceLinkedObjectForUser | PUT /api/v1/users/{userIdOrLogin}/linkedObjects/{primaryRelationshipName}/{primaryUserId} | Replace the Linked Object value for primary |
UserApi | ReplaceUser | PUT /api/v1/users/{userId} | Replace a User |
UserApi | ResetFactors | POST /api/v1/users/{userId}/lifecycle/reset_factors | Reset all Factors |
UserApi | RevokeGrantsForUserAndClient | DELETE /api/v1/users/{userId}/clients/{clientId}/grants | Revoke all Grants for a Client |
UserApi | RevokeTokenForUserAndClient | DELETE /api/v1/users/{userId}/clients/{clientId}/tokens/{tokenId} | Revoke a Token for a Client |
UserApi | RevokeTokensForUserAndClient | DELETE /api/v1/users/{userId}/clients/{clientId}/tokens | Revoke all Refresh Tokens for a Client |
UserApi | RevokeUserGrant | DELETE /api/v1/users/{userId}/grants/{grantId} | Revoke a User Grant |
UserApi | RevokeUserGrants | DELETE /api/v1/users/{userId}/grants | Revoke all User Grants |
UserApi | RevokeUserSessions | DELETE /api/v1/users/{userId}/sessions | Revoke all User Sessions |
UserApi | SuspendUser | POST /api/v1/users/{userId}/lifecycle/suspend | Suspend a User |
UserApi | UnlockUser | POST /api/v1/users/{userId}/lifecycle/unlock | Unlock a User |
UserApi | UnsuspendUser | POST /api/v1/users/{userId}/lifecycle/unsuspend | Unsuspend a User |
UserApi | UpdateUser | POST /api/v1/users/{userId} | Update a User |
UserFactorApi | ActivateFactor | POST /api/v1/users/{userId}/factors/{factorId}/lifecycle/activate | Activate a Factor |
UserFactorApi | EnrollFactor | POST /api/v1/users/{userId}/factors | Enroll a Factor |
UserFactorApi | GetFactor | GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/factors/{factorId} | Retrieve a Factor |
UserFactorApi | GetFactorTransactionStatus | GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/factors/{factorId}/transactions/{transactionId} | Retrieve a Factor transaction status |
UserFactorApi | ListFactors | GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/factors | List all enrolled Factors |
UserFactorApi | ListSupportedFactors | GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/factors/catalog | List all supported Factors |
UserFactorApi | ListSupportedSecurityQuestions | GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/factors/questions | List all supported Security Questions |
UserFactorApi | ResendEnrollFactor | POST /api/v1/users/{userId}/factors/{factorId}/resend | Resend a Factor enrollment |
UserFactorApi | UnenrollFactor | DELETE /api/v1/users/{userId}/factors/{factorId} | Unenroll a Factor |
UserFactorApi | VerifyFactor | POST /api/v1/users/{userId}/factors/{factorId}/verify | Verify a Factor |
UserTypeApi | CreateUserType | POST /api/v1/meta/types/user | Create a User Type |
UserTypeApi | DeleteUserType | DELETE /api/v1/meta/types/user/{typeId} | Delete a User Type |
UserTypeApi | GetUserType | GET /api/v1/meta/types/user/{typeId} | Retrieve a User Type |
UserTypeApi | ListUserTypes | GET /api/v1/meta/types/user | List all User Types |
UserTypeApi | ReplaceUserType | PUT /api/v1/meta/types/user/{typeId} | Replace a User Type |
UserTypeApi | UpdateUserType | POST /api/v1/meta/types/user/{typeId} | Update a User Type |
- Model.AAGUIDGroupObject
- Model.APIServiceIntegrationInstance
- Model.APIServiceIntegrationInstanceSecret
- Model.APIServiceIntegrationLinks
- Model.APIServiceIntegrationSecretLinks
- Model.APNSConfiguration
- Model.APNSPushProvider
- Model.APNSPushProviderAllOf
- Model.AccessPolicy
- Model.AccessPolicyAllOf
- Model.AccessPolicyConstraint
- Model.AccessPolicyConstraints
- Model.AccessPolicyRule
- Model.AccessPolicyRuleActions
- Model.AccessPolicyRuleActionsAllOf
- Model.AccessPolicyRuleAllOf
- Model.AccessPolicyRuleApplicationSignOn
- Model.AccessPolicyRuleConditions
- Model.AccessPolicyRuleConditionsAllOf
- Model.AccessPolicyRuleCustomCondition
- Model.AcsEndpoint
- Model.Actions
- Model.AdminConsoleSettings
- Model.Agent
- Model.AgentAction
- Model.AgentPool
- Model.AgentPoolUpdate
- Model.AgentPoolUpdateSetting
- Model.AgentType
- Model.AgentUpdateInstanceStatus
- Model.AgentUpdateJobStatus
- Model.AllowedForEnum
- Model.ApiToken
- Model.ApiTokenNetwork
- Model.ApiTokenUpdate
- Model.AppAccountContainerDetails
- Model.AppAndInstanceConditionEvaluatorAppOrInstance
- Model.AppAndInstancePolicyRuleCondition
- Model.AppAndInstanceType
- Model.AppCustomHrefObject
- Model.AppCustomHrefObjectHints
- Model.AppInstancePolicyRuleCondition
- Model.AppLink
- Model.AppUser
- Model.AppUserAssignRequest
- Model.AppUserCredentials
- Model.AppUserCredentialsRequestPayload
- Model.AppUserPasswordCredential
- Model.AppUserProfileRequestPayload
- Model.AppUserStatus
- Model.AppUserSyncState
- Model.AppUserUpdateRequest
- Model.Application
- Model.ApplicationAccessibility
- Model.ApplicationCredentials
- Model.ApplicationCredentialsOAuthClient
- Model.ApplicationCredentialsScheme
- Model.ApplicationCredentialsSigning
- Model.ApplicationCredentialsSigningUse
- Model.ApplicationCredentialsUsernameTemplate
- Model.ApplicationFeature
- Model.ApplicationFeatureLinks
- Model.ApplicationFeatureType
- Model.ApplicationGroupAssignment
- Model.ApplicationGroupAssignmentLinks
- Model.ApplicationGroupAssignmentLinksAllOf
- Model.ApplicationLayout
- Model.ApplicationLayoutRule
- Model.ApplicationLayoutRuleCondition
- Model.ApplicationLayouts
- Model.ApplicationLayoutsLinks
- Model.ApplicationLicensing
- Model.ApplicationLifecycleStatus
- Model.ApplicationLinks
- Model.ApplicationSettings
- Model.ApplicationSettingsNotes
- Model.ApplicationSettingsNotifications
- Model.ApplicationSettingsNotificationsVpn
- Model.ApplicationSettingsNotificationsVpnNetwork
- Model.ApplicationSignOnMode
- Model.ApplicationType
- Model.ApplicationVisibility
- Model.ApplicationVisibilityHide
- Model.AssignGroupOwnerRequestBody
- Model.AssignRoleRequest
- Model.AssignRoleToClientRequest
- Model.AssignUserToRealm
- Model.AssociatedServerMediated
- Model.AttackProtectionAuthenticatorSettings
- Model.AuthServerLinks
- Model.AuthServerLinksAllOf
- Model.AuthenticationMethodObject
- Model.AuthenticationProvider
- Model.AuthenticationProviderType
- Model.AuthenticatorBase
- Model.AuthenticatorIdentity
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyCustomApp
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyCustomAppAllOf
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyCustomAppAllOfProvider
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyCustomAppAllOfProviderConfiguration
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyCustomAppAllOfProviderConfigurationApns
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyCustomAppAllOfProviderConfigurationFcm
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyCustomAppAllOfSettings
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyDuo
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyDuoAllOf
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyDuoAllOfProvider
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyDuoAllOfProviderConfiguration
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyDuoAllOfProviderConfigurationUserNameTemplate
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyEmail
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyEmailAllOf
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyEmailAllOfSettings
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyEnum
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyExternalIdp
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyGoogleOtp
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyOktaVerify
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyOktaVerifyAllOf
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyOktaVerifyAllOfSettings
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyOnprem
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyPassword
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyPhone
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyPhoneAllOf
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyPhoneAllOfSettings
- Model.AuthenticatorKeySecurityKey
- Model.AuthenticatorKeySecurityQuestion
- Model.AuthenticatorKeySmartCard
- Model.AuthenticatorKeySymantecVip
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyWebauthn
- Model.AuthenticatorKeyYubikey
- Model.AuthenticatorLinks
- Model.AuthenticatorLinksAllOf
- Model.AuthenticatorMethodAlgorithm
- Model.AuthenticatorMethodBase
- Model.AuthenticatorMethodConstraint
- Model.AuthenticatorMethodOtp
- Model.AuthenticatorMethodOtpAllOf
- Model.AuthenticatorMethodProperty
- Model.AuthenticatorMethodPush
- Model.AuthenticatorMethodPushAllOf
- Model.AuthenticatorMethodPushAllOfSettings
- Model.AuthenticatorMethodSignedNonce
- Model.AuthenticatorMethodSignedNonceAllOf
- Model.AuthenticatorMethodSignedNonceAllOfSettings
- Model.AuthenticatorMethodSimple
- Model.AuthenticatorMethodTotp
- Model.AuthenticatorMethodTotpAllOf
- Model.AuthenticatorMethodTotpAllOfSettings
- Model.AuthenticatorMethodTransactionType
- Model.AuthenticatorMethodType
- Model.AuthenticatorMethodWebAuthn
- Model.AuthenticatorMethodWebAuthnAllOf
- Model.AuthenticatorMethodWebAuthnAllOfSettings
- Model.AuthenticatorMethodWithVerifiableProperties
- Model.AuthenticatorMethodWithVerifiablePropertiesAllOf
- Model.AuthenticatorSimple
- Model.AuthenticatorType
- Model.AuthorizationServer
- Model.AuthorizationServerCredentials
- Model.AuthorizationServerCredentialsRotationMode
- Model.AuthorizationServerCredentialsSigningConfig
- Model.AuthorizationServerCredentialsUse
- Model.AuthorizationServerJsonWebKey
- Model.AuthorizationServerPolicy
- Model.AuthorizationServerPolicyAllOf
- Model.AuthorizationServerPolicyConditions
- Model.AuthorizationServerPolicyPeopleCondition
- Model.AuthorizationServerPolicyRule
- Model.AuthorizationServerPolicyRuleActions
- Model.AuthorizationServerPolicyRuleActionsAllOf
- Model.AuthorizationServerPolicyRuleAllOf
- Model.AuthorizationServerPolicyRuleConditions
- Model.AuthorizationServerPolicyRuleGroupCondition
- Model.AuthorizationServerPolicyRuleUserCondition
- Model.AuthorizationServerPolicyStatus
- Model.AutoAssignAdminAppSetting
- Model.AutoLoginApplication
- Model.AutoLoginApplicationAllOf
- Model.AutoLoginApplicationSettings
- Model.AutoLoginApplicationSettingsAllOf
- Model.AutoLoginApplicationSettingsSignOn
- Model.AutoUpdateSchedule
- Model.AwsRegion
- Model.BaseEmailDomain
- Model.BaseEmailServer
- Model.BasicApplicationSettings
- Model.BasicApplicationSettingsAllOf
- Model.BasicApplicationSettingsApplication
- Model.BasicAuthApplication
- Model.BasicAuthApplicationAllOf
- Model.BeforeScheduledActionPolicyRuleCondition
- Model.BehaviorDetectionRuleSettingsBasedOnDeviceVelocityInKilometersPerHour
- Model.BehaviorDetectionRuleSettingsBasedOnEventHistory
- Model.BehaviorRule
- Model.BehaviorRuleAnomalousDevice
- Model.BehaviorRuleAnomalousDeviceAllOf
- Model.BehaviorRuleAnomalousIP
- Model.BehaviorRuleAnomalousIPAllOf
- Model.BehaviorRuleAnomalousLocation
- Model.BehaviorRuleAnomalousLocationAllOf
- Model.BehaviorRuleSettingsAnomalousDevice
- Model.BehaviorRuleSettingsAnomalousIP
- Model.BehaviorRuleSettingsAnomalousIPAllOf
- Model.BehaviorRuleSettingsAnomalousLocation
- Model.BehaviorRuleSettingsAnomalousLocationAllOf
- Model.BehaviorRuleSettingsHistoryBased
- Model.BehaviorRuleSettingsVelocity
- Model.BehaviorRuleType
- Model.BehaviorRuleVelocity
- Model.BehaviorRuleVelocityAllOf
- Model.BindingMethod
- Model.BookmarkApplication
- Model.BookmarkApplicationAllOf
- Model.BookmarkApplicationSettings
- Model.BookmarkApplicationSettingsAllOf
- Model.BookmarkApplicationSettingsApplication
- Model.BouncesRemoveListError
- Model.BouncesRemoveListObj
- Model.BouncesRemoveListResult
- Model.Brand
- Model.BrandRequest
- Model.BrandWithEmbedded
- Model.BrowserPluginApplication
- Model.BrowserPluginApplicationAllOf
- Model.BulkDeleteRequestBody
- Model.BulkUpsertRequestBody
- Model.BundleEntitlement
- Model.BundleEntitlementLinks
- Model.BundleEntitlementLinksAllOf
- Model.BundleEntitlementsResponse
- Model.BundleEntitlementsResponseBundle
- Model.BundleEntitlementsResponseNext
- Model.CAPTCHAInstance
- Model.CAPTCHAType
- Model.CaepDeviceComplianceChangeEvent
- Model.CaepDeviceComplianceChangeEventReasonAdmin
- Model.CaepDeviceComplianceChangeEventReasonUser
- Model.CaepSecurityEvent
- Model.CaepSessionRevokedEvent
- Model.Call
- Model.CapabilitiesCreateObject
- Model.CapabilitiesImportRulesObject
- Model.CapabilitiesImportRulesUserCreateAndMatchObject
- Model.CapabilitiesImportSettingsObject
- Model.CapabilitiesInboundProvisioningObject
- Model.CapabilitiesObject
- Model.CapabilitiesUpdateObject
- Model.CatalogApplication
- Model.CatalogApplicationStatus
- Model.ChallengeType
- Model.ChangeEnum
- Model.ChangePasswordRequest
- Model.Channel
- Model.ChannelBinding
- Model.ChromeBrowserVersion
- Model.ClientPolicyCondition
- Model.ClientPrivilegesSetting
- Model.CodeChallengeMethod
- Model.Compliance
- Model.Conditions
- Model.ContentSecurityPolicySetting
- Model.ContextPolicyRuleCondition
- Model.ContextPolicyRuleConditionAllOf
- Model.ContinuousAccessFailureActionsObject
- Model.ContinuousAccessPolicy
- Model.ContinuousAccessPolicyAllOf
- Model.ContinuousAccessPolicyRule
- Model.ContinuousAccessPolicyRuleAllOf
- Model.ContinuousAccessPolicyRuleAllOfActions
- Model.ContinuousAccessPolicyRuleAllOfActionsContinuousAccess
- Model.ContinuousAccessPolicyRuleAllOfConditions
- Model.ContinuousAccessPolicyRuleRunWorkflow
- Model.ContinuousAccessPolicyRuleRunWorkflowWorkflow
- Model.ContinuousAccessPolicyRuleTerminateSession
- Model.ContinuousAccessPolicyRuleTerminateSessionSlo
- Model.CreateBrandRequest
- Model.CreateIamRoleRequest
- Model.CreateRealmAssignmentRequest
- Model.CreateRealmRequest
- Model.CreateResourceSetRequest
- Model.CreateSessionRequest
- Model.CreateUISchema
- Model.CreateUpdateIamRolePermissionRequest
- Model.CreateUserRequest
- Model.CreateUserRequestType
- Model.CredentialSyncState
- Model.Csr
- Model.CsrMetadata
- Model.CsrMetadataSubject
- Model.CsrMetadataSubjectAltNames
- Model.CustomAppUserVerificationEnum
- Model.CustomRoleAssignmentSchema
- Model.CustomizablePage
- Model.DNSRecord
- Model.DNSRecordType
- Model.DTCChromeOS
- Model.DTCMacOS
- Model.DTCWindows
- Model.DefaultApp
- Model.DetectedRiskEvents
- Model.Device
- Model.DeviceAccessPolicyRuleCondition
- Model.DeviceAccessPolicyRuleConditionAllOf
- Model.DeviceAssurance
- Model.DeviceAssuranceAndroidPlatform
- Model.DeviceAssuranceAndroidPlatformAllOf
- Model.DeviceAssuranceAndroidPlatformAllOfDiskEncryptionType
- Model.DeviceAssuranceAndroidPlatformAllOfScreenLockType
- Model.DeviceAssuranceChromeOSPlatform
- Model.DeviceAssuranceChromeOSPlatformAllOf
- Model.DeviceAssuranceChromeOSPlatformAllOfThirdPartySignalProviders
- Model.DeviceAssuranceIOSPlatform
- Model.DeviceAssuranceIOSPlatformAllOf
- Model.DeviceAssuranceMacOSPlatform
- Model.DeviceAssuranceMacOSPlatformAllOf
- Model.DeviceAssuranceMacOSPlatformAllOfDiskEncryptionType
- Model.DeviceAssuranceMacOSPlatformAllOfThirdPartySignalProviders
- Model.DeviceAssuranceWindowsPlatform
- Model.DeviceAssuranceWindowsPlatformAllOf
- Model.DeviceAssuranceWindowsPlatformAllOfThirdPartySignalProviders
- Model.DeviceDisplayName
- Model.DeviceList
- Model.DeviceListAllOf
- Model.DeviceListAllOfEmbedded
- Model.DevicePlatform
- Model.DevicePolicyMDMFramework
- Model.DevicePolicyPlatformType
- Model.DevicePolicyRuleCondition
- Model.DevicePolicyRuleConditionAssurance
- Model.DevicePolicyRuleConditionPlatform
- Model.DevicePolicyTrustLevel
- Model.DeviceProfile
- Model.DeviceStatus
- Model.DeviceUser
- Model.DigestAlgorithm
- Model.DiskEncryptionTypeAndroid
- Model.DiskEncryptionTypeDef
- Model.DiskEncryptionTypeDesktop
- Model.DomainCertificate
- Model.DomainCertificateMetadata
- Model.DomainCertificateSourceType
- Model.DomainCertificateType
- Model.DomainLinks
- Model.DomainLinksAllOf
- Model.DomainListResponse
- Model.DomainRequest
- Model.DomainResponse
- Model.DomainValidationStatus
- Model.Duration
- Model.ECKeyJWK
- Model.Email
- Model.EmailContent
- Model.EmailCustomization
- Model.EmailCustomizationAllOf
- Model.EmailDefaultContent
- Model.EmailDefaultContentAllOf
- Model.EmailDomain
- Model.EmailDomainDNSRecord
- Model.EmailDomainDNSRecordType
- Model.EmailDomainResponse
- Model.EmailDomainResponseWithEmbedded
- Model.EmailDomainStatus
- Model.EmailPreview
- Model.EmailPreviewLinks
- Model.EmailPreviewLinksAllOf
- Model.EmailServerListResponse
- Model.EmailServerPost
- Model.EmailServerRequest
- Model.EmailServerRequestAllOf
- Model.EmailServerResponse
- Model.EmailServerResponseAllOf
- Model.EmailSettings
- Model.EmailSettingsResponse
- Model.EmailSettingsResponseLinks
- Model.EmailSettingsResponseLinksAllOf
- Model.EmailTemplateResponse
- Model.EmailTemplateResponseEmbedded
- Model.EmailTemplateResponseLinks
- Model.EmailTemplateResponseLinksAllOf
- Model.EmailTemplateTouchPointVariant
- Model.EmailTestAddresses
- Model.EnabledPagesType
- Model.EnabledStatus
- Model.EndUserDashboardTouchPointVariant
- Model.EndpointAuthMethod
- Model.EnrollmentActivationRequest
- Model.EnrollmentActivationResponse
- Model.EnrollmentInitializationRequest
- Model.EnrollmentInitializationResponse
- Model.EntitlementValue
- Model.EntitlementValueLinks
- Model.EntitlementValuesResponse
- Model.EntitlementValuesResponseLinks
- Model.EntityRiskPolicy
- Model.EntityRiskPolicyRule
- Model.EntityRiskPolicyRuleActionRunWorkflow
- Model.EntityRiskPolicyRuleActionTerminateAllSessions
- Model.EntityRiskPolicyRuleActionsObject
- Model.EntityRiskPolicyRuleAllOf
- Model.EntityRiskPolicyRuleAllOfActions
- Model.EntityRiskPolicyRuleAllOfActionsEntityRisk
- Model.EntityRiskPolicyRuleAllOfConditions
- Model.EntityRiskPolicyRuleAllOfConditionsEntityRisk
- Model.EntityRiskPolicyRuleAllOfConditionsRiskDetectionTypes
- Model.Error
- Model.ErrorCause
- Model.ErrorPage
- Model.ErrorPageAllOf
- Model.ErrorPageTouchPointVariant
- Model.EventHook
- Model.EventHookChannel
- Model.EventHookChannelConfig
- Model.EventHookChannelConfigAuthScheme
- Model.EventHookChannelConfigAuthSchemeType
- Model.EventHookChannelConfigHeader
- Model.EventHookChannelType
- Model.EventHookFilterMapObject
- Model.EventHookFilterMapObjectCondition
- Model.EventHookFilters
- Model.EventHookLinks
- Model.EventHookLinksAllOf
- Model.EventHookVerificationStatus
- Model.EventSubscriptionType
- Model.EventSubscriptions
- Model.Expression
- Model.FCMConfiguration
- Model.FCMPushProvider
- Model.FCMPushProviderAllOf
- Model.Feature
- Model.FeatureLifecycle
- Model.FeatureLinks
- Model.FeatureLinksAllOf
- Model.FeatureLinksAllOfDependencies
- Model.FeatureLinksAllOfDependents
- Model.FeatureStage
- Model.FeatureStageState
- Model.FeatureStageValue
- Model.FeatureType
- Model.FipsEnum
- Model.ForgotPasswordResponse
- Model.FulfillmentData
- Model.FulfillmentRequest
- Model.GoogleApplication
- Model.GoogleApplicationAllOf
- Model.GoogleApplicationSettings
- Model.GoogleApplicationSettingsAllOf
- Model.GoogleApplicationSettingsApplication
- Model.GovernanceBundle
- Model.GovernanceBundleCreateRequest
- Model.GovernanceBundleLinks
- Model.GovernanceBundleLinksAllOf
- Model.GovernanceBundleUpdateRequest
- Model.GovernanceBundlesResponse
- Model.GovernanceBundlesResponseLinks
- Model.GrantOrTokenStatus
- Model.GrantType
- Model.GrantTypePolicyRuleCondition
- Model.Group
- Model.GroupCondition
- Model.GroupLinks
- Model.GroupLinksAllOf
- Model.GroupMember
- Model.GroupOwner
- Model.GroupOwnerOriginType
- Model.GroupOwnerType
- Model.GroupPolicyRuleCondition
- Model.GroupProfile
- Model.GroupRule
- Model.GroupRuleAction
- Model.GroupRuleConditions
- Model.GroupRuleExpression
- Model.GroupRuleGroupAssignment
- Model.GroupRuleGroupCondition
- Model.GroupRulePeopleCondition
- Model.GroupRuleStatus
- Model.GroupRuleUserCondition
- Model.GroupSchema
- Model.GroupSchemaAttribute
- Model.GroupSchemaBase
- Model.GroupSchemaBaseProperties
- Model.GroupSchemaCustom
- Model.GroupSchemaDefinitions
- Model.GroupType
- Model.HookKey
- Model.HostedPage
- Model.HostedPageType
- Model.HrefHints
- Model.HrefHintsGuidanceObject
- Model.HrefHintsGuidanceObjectAllOf
- Model.HrefObject
- Model.HrefObjectActivateLink
- Model.HrefObjectAppLink
- Model.HrefObjectAuthorizeLink
- Model.HrefObjectClientLink
- Model.HrefObjectDeactivateLink
- Model.HrefObjectDeleteLink
- Model.HrefObjectGroupLink
- Model.HrefObjectLogoLink
- Model.HrefObjectMappingsLink
- Model.HrefObjectRulesLink
- Model.HrefObjectSelfLink
- Model.HrefObjectSuspendLink
- Model.HrefObjectUnsuspendLink
- Model.HrefObjectUserLink
- Model.HttpMethod
- Model.IAMBundleEntitlement
- Model.IPNetworkZone
- Model.IPNetworkZoneAllOf
- Model.IPServiceCategory
- Model.IamRole
- Model.IamRoleLinks
- Model.IamRoleLinksAllOf
- Model.IamRoles
- Model.IdentityProvider
- Model.IdentityProviderApplicationUser
- Model.IdentityProviderCredentials
- Model.IdentityProviderCredentialsClient
- Model.IdentityProviderCredentialsSigning
- Model.IdentityProviderCredentialsTrust
- Model.IdentityProviderCredentialsTrustRevocation
- Model.IdentityProviderLinks
- Model.IdentityProviderLinksAllOf
- Model.IdentityProviderLinksAllOfAcs
- Model.IdentityProviderLinksAllOfActivate
- Model.IdentityProviderLinksAllOfAuthorize
- Model.IdentityProviderLinksAllOfClientRedirectUri
- Model.IdentityProviderLinksAllOfDeactivate
- Model.IdentityProviderLinksAllOfKeys
- Model.IdentityProviderLinksAllOfMetadata
- Model.IdentityProviderLinksAllOfUsers
- Model.IdentityProviderPolicy
- Model.IdentityProviderPolicyAllOf
- Model.IdentityProviderPolicyProvider
- Model.IdentityProviderPolicyRuleCondition
- Model.IdentityProviderProperties
- Model.IdentityProviderType
- Model.IdentitySourceSession
- Model.IdentitySourceSessionStatus
- Model.IdentitySourceUserProfileForDelete
- Model.IdentitySourceUserProfileForUpsert
- Model.IdpDiscoveryPolicy
- Model.IdpDiscoveryPolicyAllOf
- Model.IdpDiscoveryPolicyRule
- Model.IdpDiscoveryPolicyRuleAllOf
- Model.IdpDiscoveryPolicyRuleCondition
- Model.IdpDiscoveryPolicyRuleConditionAllOf
- Model.IdpPolicyRuleAction
- Model.IdpPolicyRuleActionIdp
- Model.IdpPolicyRuleActionMatchCriteria
- Model.IdpPolicyRuleActionProvider
- Model.IdpSelectionType
- Model.IframeEmbedScopeAllowedApps
- Model.ImageUploadResponse
- Model.ImportScheduleObject
- Model.ImportScheduleObjectFullImport
- Model.ImportScheduleObjectIncrementalImport
- Model.ImportScheduleSettings
- Model.ImportUsernameObject
- Model.InactivityPolicyRuleCondition
- Model.InboundProvisioningApplicationFeature
- Model.InboundProvisioningApplicationFeatureAllOf
- Model.InlineHook
- Model.InlineHookBasePayload
- Model.InlineHookChannel
- Model.InlineHookChannelConfig
- Model.InlineHookChannelConfigAuthScheme
- Model.InlineHookChannelConfigHeaders
- Model.InlineHookChannelHttp
- Model.InlineHookChannelHttpAllOf
- Model.InlineHookChannelOAuth
- Model.InlineHookChannelOAuthAllOf
- Model.InlineHookChannelType
- Model.InlineHookOAuthBasicConfig
- Model.InlineHookOAuthChannelConfig
- Model.InlineHookOAuthClientSecretConfig
- Model.InlineHookOAuthPrivateKeyJwtConfig
- Model.InlineHookRequestObject
- Model.InlineHookRequestObjectRequest
- Model.InlineHookRequestObjectRequestUrl
- Model.InlineHookResponse
- Model.InlineHookResponseCommandValue
- Model.InlineHookResponseCommands
- Model.InlineHookStatus
- Model.InlineHookType
- Model.IssuerMode
- Model.JsonPatchOperation
- Model.JsonWebKey
- Model.JsonWebKeyEC
- Model.JsonWebKeyECAllOf
- Model.JsonWebKeyRsa
- Model.JsonWebKeyRsaAllOf
- Model.JsonWebKeyStatus
- Model.JsonWebKeyType
- Model.JsonWebKeyUse
- Model.JwkUse
- Model.JwkUseType
- Model.KeyRequest
- Model.KeyTrustLevelBrowserKey
- Model.KeyTrustLevelOSMode
- Model.KnowledgeConstraint
- Model.LifecycleCreateSettingObject
- Model.LifecycleDeactivateSettingObject
- Model.LifecycleExpirationPolicyRuleCondition
- Model.LifecycleStatus
- Model.LinkedHrefObject
- Model.LinkedObject
- Model.LinkedObjectDetails
- Model.LinkedObjectDetailsType
- Model.LinkedObjectLinksSelf
- Model.LinksActivate
- Model.LinksActivateActivate
- Model.LinksAppAndUser
- Model.LinksCancel
- Model.LinksCancelCancel
- Model.LinksDeactivate
- Model.LinksDeactivateDeactivate
- Model.LinksEnroll
- Model.LinksEnrollEnroll
- Model.LinksFactor
- Model.LinksFactorFactor
- Model.LinksNext
- Model.LinksPoll
- Model.LinksPollPoll
- Model.LinksQrcode
- Model.LinksQrcodeQrcode
- Model.LinksQuestions
- Model.LinksQuestionsQuestion
- Model.LinksResend
- Model.LinksResendResend
- Model.LinksSelf
- Model.LinksSelfAndFullUsersLifecycle
- Model.LinksSelfAndFullUsersLifecycleAllOf
- Model.LinksSelfAndLifecycle
- Model.LinksSelfAndLifecycleAllOf
- Model.LinksSelfAndRoles
- Model.LinksSelfAndRolesAllOf
- Model.LinksSelfLifecycleAndAuthorize
- Model.LinksSelfLifecycleAndAuthorizeAllOf
- Model.LinksSend
- Model.LinksSendSend
- Model.LinksUser
- Model.LinksUserUser
- Model.LinksVerify
- Model.LinksVerifyVerify
- Model.ListDeviceExpandSummaryType
- Model.ListProfileMappings
- Model.ListSubscriptionsRoleRoleRefParameter
- Model.LoadingPageTouchPointVariant
- Model.LocationGranularity
- Model.LogActor
- Model.LogAuthenticationContext
- Model.LogAuthenticationProvider
- Model.LogClient
- Model.LogCredentialProvider
- Model.LogCredentialType
- Model.LogDebugContext
- Model.LogEvent
- Model.LogGeographicalContext
- Model.LogGeolocation
- Model.LogIpAddress
- Model.LogIssuer
- Model.LogOutcome
- Model.LogRequest
- Model.LogSecurityContext
- Model.LogSeverity
- Model.LogStream
- Model.LogStreamActivateLink
- Model.LogStreamAws
- Model.LogStreamAwsAllOf
- Model.LogStreamAwsPutSchema
- Model.LogStreamDeactivateLink
- Model.LogStreamLinkObject
- Model.LogStreamLinksSelfAndLifecycle
- Model.LogStreamPutSchema
- Model.LogStreamSchema
- Model.LogStreamSelfLink
- Model.LogStreamSettingsAws
- Model.LogStreamSettingsSplunk
- Model.LogStreamSettingsSplunkPut
- Model.LogStreamSplunk
- Model.LogStreamSplunkAllOf
- Model.LogStreamSplunkPutSchema
- Model.LogStreamSplunkPutSchemaAllOf
- Model.LogStreamType
- Model.LogTarget
- Model.LogTargetChangeDetails
- Model.LogTransaction
- Model.LogUserAgent
- Model.MDMEnrollmentPolicyEnrollment
- Model.MDMEnrollmentPolicyRuleCondition
- Model.ModelClient
- Model.MultifactorEnrollmentPolicy
- Model.MultifactorEnrollmentPolicyAllOf
- Model.MultifactorEnrollmentPolicyAuthenticatorSettings
- Model.MultifactorEnrollmentPolicyAuthenticatorSettingsConstraints
- Model.MultifactorEnrollmentPolicyAuthenticatorSettingsEnroll
- Model.MultifactorEnrollmentPolicyAuthenticatorStatus
- Model.MultifactorEnrollmentPolicyAuthenticatorType
- Model.MultifactorEnrollmentPolicySettings
- Model.MultifactorEnrollmentPolicySettingsType
- Model.NetworkZone
- Model.NetworkZoneAddress
- Model.NetworkZoneAddressType
- Model.NetworkZoneLocation
- Model.NetworkZoneStatus
- Model.NetworkZoneType
- Model.NetworkZoneUsage
- Model.NotificationType
- Model.OAuth2Actor
- Model.OAuth2Claim
- Model.OAuth2ClaimConditions
- Model.OAuth2ClaimGroupFilterType
- Model.OAuth2ClaimType
- Model.OAuth2ClaimValueType
- Model.OAuth2Client
- Model.OAuth2RefreshToken
- Model.OAuth2RefreshTokenEmbedded
- Model.OAuth2RefreshTokenLinks
- Model.OAuth2RefreshTokenLinksAllOf
- Model.OAuth2RefreshTokenLinksAllOfApp
- Model.OAuth2RefreshTokenLinksAllOfAuthorizationServer
- Model.OAuth2RefreshTokenLinksAllOfClient
- Model.OAuth2RefreshTokenLinksAllOfRevoke
- Model.OAuth2RefreshTokenLinksAllOfRevokeAllOf
- Model.OAuth2RefreshTokenLinksAllOfRevokeAllOfHints
- Model.OAuth2RefreshTokenLinksAllOfUser
- Model.OAuth2RefreshTokenScope
- Model.OAuth2RefreshTokenScopeLinks
- Model.OAuth2RefreshTokenScopeLinksScope
- Model.OAuth2Scope
- Model.OAuth2ScopeConsentGrant
- Model.OAuth2ScopeConsentGrantEmbedded
- Model.OAuth2ScopeConsentGrantEmbeddedScope
- Model.OAuth2ScopeConsentGrantLinks
- Model.OAuth2ScopeConsentGrantLinksAllOf
- Model.OAuth2ScopeConsentGrantSource
- Model.OAuth2ScopeConsentType
- Model.OAuth2ScopeMetadataPublish
- Model.OAuth2ScopesMediationPolicyRuleCondition
- Model.OAuth2Token
- Model.OAuthApplicationCredentials
- Model.OAuthApplicationCredentialsAllOf
- Model.OAuthEndpointAuthenticationMethod
- Model.OAuthGrantType
- Model.OAuthMetadata
- Model.OAuthProvisioningEnabledApp
- Model.OAuthResponseType
- Model.OINApplication
- Model.OINSaml11ApplicationSettingsSignOn
- Model.OINSaml20ApplicationSettingsSignOn
- Model.OSVersion
- Model.OSVersionConstraint
- Model.OSVersionConstraintDynamicVersionRequirement
- Model.OSVersionDynamicVersionRequirement
- Model.OSVersionFourComponents
- Model.OSVersionThreeComponents
- Model.Office365Application
- Model.Office365ApplicationAllOf
- Model.Office365ApplicationSettings
- Model.Office365ApplicationSettingsAllOf
- Model.Office365ProvisioningSettings
- Model.Oidc
- Model.OktaDeviceRiskChangeEvent
- Model.OktaIpChangeEvent
- Model.OktaSignOnPolicy
- Model.OktaSignOnPolicyAllOf
- Model.OktaSignOnPolicyConditions
- Model.OktaSignOnPolicyFactorPromptMode
- Model.OktaSignOnPolicyRule
- Model.OktaSignOnPolicyRuleActions
- Model.OktaSignOnPolicyRuleActionsAllOf
- Model.OktaSignOnPolicyRuleAllOf
- Model.OktaSignOnPolicyRuleConditions
- Model.OktaSignOnPolicyRuleConditionsAllOf
- Model.OktaSignOnPolicyRuleSignonActions
- Model.OktaSignOnPolicyRuleSignonSessionActions
- Model.OktaUserRiskChangeEvent
- Model.OpenIdConnectApplication
- Model.OpenIdConnectApplicationAllOf
- Model.OpenIdConnectApplicationConsentMethod
- Model.OpenIdConnectApplicationIdpInitiatedLogin
- Model.OpenIdConnectApplicationIssuerMode
- Model.OpenIdConnectApplicationSettings
- Model.OpenIdConnectApplicationSettingsAllOf
- Model.OpenIdConnectApplicationSettingsClient
- Model.OpenIdConnectApplicationSettingsClientKeys
- Model.OpenIdConnectApplicationSettingsRefreshToken
- Model.OpenIdConnectApplicationType
- Model.OpenIdConnectRefreshTokenRotationType
- Model.OperationRequest
- Model.OperationResponse
- Model.OperationResponseAssignmentOperation
- Model.OperationResponseAssignmentOperationConfiguration
- Model.OperationResponseAssignmentOperationConfigurationActions
- Model.OperationResponseAssignmentOperationConfigurationActionsAssignUserToRealm
- Model.OperationalStatus
- Model.OptInStatusResponse
- Model.OptInStatusResponseLinks
- Model.OptInStatusResponseLinksAllOf
- Model.OrgCAPTCHASettings
- Model.OrgCAPTCHASettingsLinks
- Model.OrgContactType
- Model.OrgContactTypeObj
- Model.OrgContactUser
- Model.OrgOktaCommunicationSetting
- Model.OrgOktaSupportSetting
- Model.OrgOktaSupportSettingsObj
- Model.OrgPreferences
- Model.OrgSetting
- Model.OtpProtocol
- Model.OtpTotpAlgorithm
- Model.OtpTotpEncoding
- Model.PageRoot
- Model.PageRootEmbedded
- Model.PageRootLinks
- Model.PageRootLinksAllOf
- Model.Parameters
- Model.PasswordCredential
- Model.PasswordCredentialHash
- Model.PasswordCredentialHashAlgorithm
- Model.PasswordCredentialHook
- Model.PasswordDictionary
- Model.PasswordDictionaryCommon
- Model.PasswordExpirationPolicyRuleCondition
- Model.PasswordImportRequest
- Model.PasswordImportRequestData
- Model.PasswordImportRequestDataAction
- Model.PasswordImportRequestDataContext
- Model.PasswordImportRequestDataContextCredential
- Model.PasswordImportResponse
- Model.PasswordImportResponseCommandsInner
- Model.PasswordImportResponseCommandsInnerValue
- Model.PasswordPolicy
- Model.PasswordPolicyAllOf
- Model.PasswordPolicyAuthenticationProviderCondition
- Model.PasswordPolicyAuthenticationProviderType
- Model.PasswordPolicyConditions
- Model.PasswordPolicyConditionsAllOf
- Model.PasswordPolicyDelegationSettings
- Model.PasswordPolicyDelegationSettingsOptions
- Model.PasswordPolicyPasswordSettings
- Model.PasswordPolicyPasswordSettingsAge
- Model.PasswordPolicyPasswordSettingsComplexity
- Model.PasswordPolicyPasswordSettingsLockout
- Model.PasswordPolicyRecoveryEmail
- Model.PasswordPolicyRecoveryEmailProperties
- Model.PasswordPolicyRecoveryEmailRecoveryToken
- Model.PasswordPolicyRecoveryFactorSettings
- Model.PasswordPolicyRecoveryFactors
- Model.PasswordPolicyRecoveryQuestion
- Model.PasswordPolicyRecoveryQuestionComplexity
- Model.PasswordPolicyRecoveryQuestionProperties
- Model.PasswordPolicyRecoverySettings
- Model.PasswordPolicyRule
- Model.PasswordPolicyRuleAction
- Model.PasswordPolicyRuleActions
- Model.PasswordPolicyRuleActionsAllOf
- Model.PasswordPolicyRuleAllOf
- Model.PasswordPolicyRuleConditions
- Model.PasswordPolicyRuleConditionsAllOf
- Model.PasswordPolicySettings
- Model.PasswordProtectionWarningTrigger
- Model.PasswordSettingObject
- Model.PatchAction
- Model.PerClientRateLimitMode
- Model.PerClientRateLimitSettings
- Model.PerClientRateLimitSettingsUseCaseModeOverrides
- Model.Permission
- Model.PermissionLinks
- Model.PermissionLinksAllOf
- Model.Permissions
- Model.PinRequest
- Model.PipelineType
- Model.Platform
- Model.PlatformConditionEvaluatorPlatform
- Model.PlatformConditionEvaluatorPlatformOperatingSystem
- Model.PlatformConditionEvaluatorPlatformOperatingSystemVersion
- Model.PlatformConditionOperatingSystemVersionMatchType
- Model.PlatformPolicyRuleCondition
- Model.Policy
- Model.PolicyAccess
- Model.PolicyAccountLink
- Model.PolicyAccountLinkAction
- Model.PolicyAccountLinkFilter
- Model.PolicyAccountLinkFilterGroups
- Model.PolicyContext
- Model.PolicyContextDevice
- Model.PolicyContextGroups
- Model.PolicyContextRisk
- Model.PolicyContextUser
- Model.PolicyContextZones
- Model.PolicyLinks
- Model.PolicyMapping
- Model.PolicyMappingLinks
- Model.PolicyMappingLinksAllOf
- Model.PolicyMappingLinksAllOfApplication
- Model.PolicyMappingRequest
- Model.PolicyMappingResourceType
- Model.PolicyNetworkCondition
- Model.PolicyNetworkConnection
- Model.PolicyPeopleCondition
- Model.PolicyPlatformOperatingSystemType
- Model.PolicyPlatformType
- Model.PolicyRule
- Model.PolicyRuleActionsEnroll
- Model.PolicyRuleActionsEnrollSelf
- Model.PolicyRuleAuthContextCondition
- Model.PolicyRuleAuthContextType
- Model.PolicyRuleConditions
- Model.PolicyRuleType
- Model.PolicySubject
- Model.PolicySubjectMatchType
- Model.PolicyType
- Model.PolicyTypeSimulation
- Model.PolicyUserNameTemplate
- Model.PolicyUserStatus
- Model.PossessionConstraint
- Model.PossessionConstraintAllOf
- Model.PostAPIServiceIntegrationInstance
- Model.PostAPIServiceIntegrationInstanceAllOf
- Model.PostAPIServiceIntegrationInstanceRequest
- Model.PreRegistrationInlineHook
- Model.PrincipalRateLimitEntity
- Model.PrincipalType
- Model.PrivilegedResource
- Model.PrivilegedResourceAccountApp
- Model.PrivilegedResourceAccountAppAllOf
- Model.PrivilegedResourceAccountOkta
- Model.PrivilegedResourceAccountOktaAllOf
- Model.PrivilegedResourceCredentials
- Model.PrivilegedResourceStatus
- Model.PrivilegedResourceType
- Model.ProfileEnrollmentPolicy
- Model.ProfileEnrollmentPolicyRule
- Model.ProfileEnrollmentPolicyRuleAction
- Model.ProfileEnrollmentPolicyRuleActions
- Model.ProfileEnrollmentPolicyRuleActionsAllOf
- Model.ProfileEnrollmentPolicyRuleActivationRequirement
- Model.ProfileEnrollmentPolicyRuleAllOf
- Model.ProfileEnrollmentPolicyRuleProfileAttribute
- Model.ProfileMapping
- Model.ProfileMappingProperty
- Model.ProfileMappingPropertyPushStatus
- Model.ProfileMappingRequest
- Model.ProfileMappingSource
- Model.ProfileMappingTarget
- Model.ProfileSettingObject
- Model.Protocol
- Model.ProtocolAlgorithmType
- Model.ProtocolAlgorithmTypeSignature
- Model.ProtocolAlgorithmTypeSignatureScope
- Model.ProtocolAlgorithms
- Model.ProtocolEndpoint
- Model.ProtocolEndpointBinding
- Model.ProtocolEndpointType
- Model.ProtocolEndpoints
- Model.ProtocolRelayState
- Model.ProtocolRelayStateFormat
- Model.ProtocolSettings
- Model.ProtocolType
- Model.ProviderType
- Model.Provisioning
- Model.ProvisioningAction
- Model.ProvisioningConditions
- Model.ProvisioningConnectionAuthScheme
- Model.ProvisioningConnectionOauthAuthScheme
- Model.ProvisioningConnectionOauthRequest
- Model.ProvisioningConnectionOauthRequestAllOf
- Model.ProvisioningConnectionOauthRequestProfile
- Model.ProvisioningConnectionProfileOauth
- Model.ProvisioningConnectionRequestAuthScheme
- Model.ProvisioningConnectionResponse
- Model.ProvisioningConnectionResponseProfile
- Model.ProvisioningConnectionStatus
- Model.ProvisioningConnectionTokenAuthScheme
- Model.ProvisioningConnectionTokenRequest
- Model.ProvisioningConnectionTokenRequestAllOf
- Model.ProvisioningConnectionTokenRequestProfile
- Model.ProvisioningDeprovisionedAction
- Model.ProvisioningDeprovisionedCondition
- Model.ProvisioningGroups
- Model.ProvisioningGroupsAction
- Model.ProvisioningSuspendedAction
- Model.ProvisioningSuspendedCondition
- Model.PushMethodKeyProtection
- Model.PushProvider
- Model.RateLimitAdminNotifications
- Model.RateLimitWarningThresholdRequest
- Model.RateLimitWarningThresholdResponse
- Model.Realm
- Model.RealmAssignment
- Model.RealmProfile
- Model.RecoveryQuestionCredential
- Model.ReleaseChannel
- Model.RequiredEnum
- Model.ResendUserFactor
- Model.ResendUserFactorType
- Model.ResetPasswordToken
- Model.ResourceSelectorCreateRequestSchema
- Model.ResourceSelectorPatchRequestSchema
- Model.ResourceSelectorResponseSchema
- Model.ResourceSelectorResponseSchemaLinks
- Model.ResourceSelectorResponseSchemaLinksAllOf
- Model.ResourceSelectorResponseWithoutSelfLinkSchema
- Model.ResourceSelectorResponseWithoutSelfLinkSchemaLinks
- Model.ResourceSelectorsSchema
- Model.ResourceSet
- Model.ResourceSetBindingAddMembersRequest
- Model.ResourceSetBindingCreateRequest
- Model.ResourceSetBindingMember
- Model.ResourceSetBindingMembers
- Model.ResourceSetBindingMembersLinks
- Model.ResourceSetBindingMembersLinksAllOf
- Model.ResourceSetBindingResponse
- Model.ResourceSetBindingResponseLinks
- Model.ResourceSetBindingResponseLinksAllOf
- Model.ResourceSetBindingRole
- Model.ResourceSetBindingRoleLinks
- Model.ResourceSetBindingRoleLinksAllOf
- Model.ResourceSetBindings
- Model.ResourceSetLinks
- Model.ResourceSetLinksAllOf
- Model.ResourceSetResource
- Model.ResourceSetResourcePatchRequest
- Model.ResourceSetResources
- Model.ResourceSetResourcesLinks
- Model.ResourceSetResourcesLinksAllOf
- Model.ResourceSets
- Model.ResponseMode
- Model.ResponseType
- Model.ResponseTypesSupported
- Model.RiscIdentifierChangedEvent
- Model.RiskEvent
- Model.RiskEventSubject
- Model.RiskEventSubjectRiskLevel
- Model.RiskPolicyRuleCondition
- Model.RiskProvider
- Model.RiskProviderAction
- Model.RiskScorePolicyRuleCondition
- Model.Role
- Model.RoleAssignedUser
- Model.RoleAssignedUsers
- Model.RoleAssignmentType
- Model.RolePermissionType
- Model.RoleType
- Model.SafeBrowsingProtectionLevel
- Model.SalesforceApplication
- Model.SalesforceApplicationAllOf
- Model.SalesforceApplicationSettings
- Model.SalesforceApplicationSettingsAllOf
- Model.SalesforceApplicationSettingsApplication
- Model.Saml
- Model.Saml11Application
- Model.Saml11ApplicationAllOf
- Model.Saml11ApplicationSettings
- Model.Saml11ApplicationSettingsAllOf
- Model.Saml11ApplicationSettingsSignOn
- Model.SamlAcsInner
- Model.SamlApplication
- Model.SamlApplicationAllOf
- Model.SamlApplicationSettings
- Model.SamlApplicationSettingsAllOf
- Model.SamlApplicationSettingsApplication
- Model.SamlApplicationSettingsSignOn
- Model.SamlAttributeStatement
- Model.ScheduledUserLifecycleAction
- Model.SchemasJsonWebKey
- Model.SchemeApplicationCredentials
- Model.SchemeApplicationCredentialsAllOf
- Model.ScreenLockType
- Model.SecurePasswordStoreApplication
- Model.SecurePasswordStoreApplicationAllOf
- Model.SecurePasswordStoreApplicationSettings
- Model.SecurePasswordStoreApplicationSettingsAllOf
- Model.SecurePasswordStoreApplicationSettingsApplication
- Model.SecurityEvent
- Model.SecurityEventReason
- Model.SecurityEventSubject
- Model.SecurityEventTokenError
- Model.SecurityEventTokenRequestJwtBody
- Model.SecurityEventTokenRequestJwtEvents
- Model.SecurityEventTokenRequestJwtHeader
- Model.SecurityEventsProviderRequest
- Model.SecurityEventsProviderRequestSettings
- Model.SecurityEventsProviderResponse
- Model.SecurityEventsProviderSettingsNonSSFCompliant
- Model.SecurityEventsProviderSettingsResponse
- Model.SecurityEventsProviderSettingsSSFCompliant
- Model.SeedEnum
- Model.SelfServicePasswordResetAction
- Model.SelfServicePasswordResetActionAllOf
- Model.Session
- Model.SessionAuthenticationMethod
- Model.SessionIdentityProvider
- Model.SessionIdentityProviderType
- Model.SessionStatus
- Model.ShowSignInWithOV
- Model.SignInPage
- Model.SignInPageAllOf
- Model.SignInPageAllOfWidgetCustomizations
- Model.SignInPageTouchPointVariant
- Model.SignOnInlineHook
- Model.SigningAlgorithm
- Model.SimulatePolicyBody
- Model.SimulatePolicyEvaluations
- Model.SimulatePolicyEvaluationsEvaluated
- Model.SimulatePolicyEvaluationsUndefined
- Model.SimulatePolicyResult
- Model.SimulateResultConditions
- Model.SimulateResultPoliciesItems
- Model.SimulateResultRules
- Model.SimulateResultStatus
- Model.SingleLogout
- Model.SlackApplication
- Model.SlackApplicationAllOf
- Model.SlackApplicationSettings
- Model.SlackApplicationSettingsAllOf
- Model.SlackApplicationSettingsApplication
- Model.SloParticipate
- Model.Sms
- Model.SmsTemplate
- Model.SmsTemplateType
- Model.SocialAuthToken
- Model.SourceLinks
- Model.SourceLinksAllOf
- Model.SpCertificate
- Model.SplunkEdition
- Model.Sso
- Model.SsprPrimaryRequirement
- Model.SsprRequirement
- Model.SsprStepUpRequirement
- Model.StandardRoleAssignmentSchema
- Model.StreamConfiguration
- Model.StreamConfigurationAud
- Model.StreamConfigurationCreateRequest
- Model.StreamConfigurationDelivery
- Model.Subject
- Model.SubjectType
- Model.SubmissionRequest
- Model.SubmissionResponse
- Model.SubmissionResponseConfigInner
- Model.Subscription
- Model.SubscriptionLinks
- Model.SubscriptionStatus
- Model.SupportedMethods
- Model.SupportedMethodsSettings
- Model.SwaApplicationSettings
- Model.SwaApplicationSettingsAllOf
- Model.SwaApplicationSettingsApplication
- Model.TelephonyRequest
- Model.TelephonyRequestData
- Model.TelephonyRequestDataContext
- Model.TelephonyRequestDataMessageProfile
- Model.TelephonyRequestDataUserProfile
- Model.TelephonyResponse
- Model.TelephonyResponseCommandsInner
- Model.TelephonyResponseCommandsInnerValueInner
- Model.TempPassword
- Model.TestInfo
- Model.TestInfoOidcTestConfiguration
- Model.TestInfoSamlTestConfiguration
- Model.TestInfoTestAccount
- Model.ThemeResponse
- Model.ThirdPartyAdminSetting
- Model.ThreatInsightConfiguration
- Model.TokenAuthorizationServerPolicyRuleAction
- Model.TokenAuthorizationServerPolicyRuleActionInlineHook
- Model.TokenDeliveryMode
- Model.TokenResponse
- Model.TokenResponseTokenType
- Model.TokenSoftwareTotp
- Model.TokenType
- Model.TrendMicroApexOneServiceApplication
- Model.TrendMicroApexOneServiceApplicationAllOf
- Model.TrendMicroApexOneServiceApplicationSettings
- Model.TrendMicroApexOneServiceApplicationSettingsAllOf
- Model.TrendMicroApexOneServiceApplicationSettingsApplication
- Model.TrustedOrigin
- Model.TrustedOriginScope
- Model.TrustedOriginScopeType
- Model.TrustedOriginWrite
- Model.U2f
- Model.UIElement
- Model.UIElementOptions
- Model.UISchemaObject
- Model.UISchemasResponseObject
- Model.UpdateDefaultProvisioningConnectionForApplicationRequest
- Model.UpdateDomain
- Model.UpdateEmailDomain
- Model.UpdateFeatureForApplicationRequest
- Model.UpdateIamRoleRequest
- Model.UpdateRealmAssignmentRequest
- Model.UpdateRealmRequest
- Model.UpdateThemeRequest
- Model.UpdateUISchema
- Model.UpdateUserRequest
- Model.User
- Model.UserActivationToken
- Model.UserBlock
- Model.UserCondition
- Model.UserCredentials
- Model.UserFactor
- Model.UserFactorActivatePush
- Model.UserFactorActivatePushResponseType
- Model.UserFactorActivateRequest
- Model.UserFactorActivateResponse
- Model.UserFactorActivateResponseLinks
- Model.UserFactorCall
- Model.UserFactorCallAllOf
- Model.UserFactorCallProfile
- Model.UserFactorCustomHOTP
- Model.UserFactorCustomHOTPAllOf
- Model.UserFactorCustomHOTPProfile
- Model.UserFactorEmail
- Model.UserFactorEmailAllOf
- Model.UserFactorEmailProfile
- Model.UserFactorHardware
- Model.UserFactorHardwareAllOf
- Model.UserFactorHardwareAllOfVerify
- Model.UserFactorHardwareProfile
- Model.UserFactorLinks
- Model.UserFactorProvider
- Model.UserFactorPush
- Model.UserFactorPushAllOf
- Model.UserFactorPushProfile
- Model.UserFactorPushTransaction
- Model.UserFactorPushTransactionRejected
- Model.UserFactorPushTransactionRejectedAllOf
- Model.UserFactorPushTransactionRejectedAllOfProfile
- Model.UserFactorPushTransactionTimeout
- Model.UserFactorPushTransactionWaiting
- Model.UserFactorPushTransactionWaitingAllOf
- Model.UserFactorResultType
- Model.UserFactorSMS
- Model.UserFactorSMSAllOf
- Model.UserFactorSMSProfile
- Model.UserFactorSecurityQuestion
- Model.UserFactorSecurityQuestionAllOf
- Model.UserFactorSecurityQuestionProfile
- Model.UserFactorStatus
- Model.UserFactorSupported
- Model.UserFactorTOTP
- Model.UserFactorTOTPAllOf
- Model.UserFactorTOTPProfile
- Model.UserFactorToken
- Model.UserFactorTokenAllOf
- Model.UserFactorTokenProfile
- Model.UserFactorType
- Model.UserFactorU2F
- Model.UserFactorU2FAllOf
- Model.UserFactorU2FProfile
- Model.UserFactorVerifyRequest
- Model.UserFactorVerifyResponse
- Model.UserFactorVerifyResult
- Model.UserFactorWeb
- Model.UserFactorWebAllOf
- Model.UserFactorWebAuthn
- Model.UserFactorWebAuthnAllOf
- Model.UserFactorWebAuthnProfile
- Model.UserFactorWebProfile
- Model.UserIdentifierConditionEvaluatorPattern
- Model.UserIdentifierMatchType
- Model.UserIdentifierPolicyRuleCondition
- Model.UserIdentifierType
- Model.UserIdentityProviderLinkRequest
- Model.UserLifecycleAttributePolicyRuleCondition
- Model.UserLink
- Model.UserLinks
- Model.UserLinksAllOf
- Model.UserLinksAllOfActivate
- Model.UserLinksAllOfChangePassword
- Model.UserLinksAllOfChangeRecoveryQuestion
- Model.UserLinksAllOfDeactivate
- Model.UserLinksAllOfExpirePassword
- Model.UserLinksAllOfForgotPassword
- Model.UserLinksAllOfReactivate
- Model.UserLinksAllOfResetFactors
- Model.UserLinksAllOfResetPassword
- Model.UserLinksAllOfSchema
- Model.UserLinksAllOfSelf
- Model.UserLinksAllOfSuspend
- Model.UserLinksAllOfType
- Model.UserLinksAllOfUnlock
- Model.UserLinksAllOfUnsuspend
- Model.UserLockoutSettings
- Model.UserNextLogin
- Model.UserPolicyRuleCondition
- Model.UserProfile
- Model.UserProvisioningApplicationFeature
- Model.UserSchema
- Model.UserSchemaAttribute
- Model.UserSchemaAttributeEnum
- Model.UserSchemaAttributeItems
- Model.UserSchemaAttributeMaster
- Model.UserSchemaAttributeMasterPriority
- Model.UserSchemaAttributeMasterType
- Model.UserSchemaAttributePermission
- Model.UserSchemaAttributeScope
- Model.UserSchemaAttributeType
- Model.UserSchemaAttributeUnion
- Model.UserSchemaBase
- Model.UserSchemaBaseProperties
- Model.UserSchemaDefinitions
- Model.UserSchemaProperties
- Model.UserSchemaPropertiesProfile
- Model.UserSchemaPropertiesProfileItem
- Model.UserSchemaPublic
- Model.UserStatus
- Model.UserStatusPolicyRuleCondition
- Model.UserType
- Model.UserTypeCondition
- Model.UserTypeLinks
- Model.UserTypePostRequest
- Model.UserTypePutRequest
- Model.UserVerificationEnum
- Model.VerificationMethod
- Model.VerifyFactorRequest
- Model.WebAuthnAttachment
- Model.WebAuthnCredRequest
- Model.WebAuthnCredResponse
- Model.WebAuthnPreregistrationFactor
- Model.Webauthn
- Model.WellKnownAppAuthenticatorConfiguration
- Model.WellKnownAppAuthenticatorConfigurationSettings
- Model.WellKnownOrgMetadata
- Model.WellKnownOrgMetadataLinks
- Model.WellKnownOrgMetadataSettings
- Model.WellKnownSSFMetadata
- Model.WidgetGeneration
- Model.WsFederationApplication
- Model.WsFederationApplicationAllOf
- Model.WsFederationApplicationSettings
- Model.WsFederationApplicationSettingsAllOf
- Model.WsFederationApplicationSettingsApplication
- Model.ZoomUsApplication
- Model.ZoomUsApplicationAllOf
- Model.ZoomUsApplicationSettings
- Model.ZoomUsApplicationSettingsAllOf
- Model.ZoomUsApplicationSettingsApplication
- Model.ZscalerbyzApplication
- Model.ZscalerbyzApplicationAllOf
- Model.ZscalerbyzApplicationSettings
- Model.ZscalerbyzApplicationSettingsAllOf
- Model.ZscalerbyzApplicationSettingsApplication
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: accessCode
- Authorization URL: /oauth2/v1/authorize
- Scopes:
- okta.agentPools.manage: Allows the app to create and manage agent pools in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read agent pools in your Okta organization
- okta.apiTokens.manage: Allows the app to manage API Tokens in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read API Tokens in your Okta organization
- okta.appGrants.manage: Allows the app to create and manage grants in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read grants in your Okta organization
- okta.apps.manage: Allows the app to create and manage Apps in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read information about Apps in your Okta organization
- okta.authenticators.manage: Allows the app to manage all authenticators. For example, enrollments or resets.
- Allows the app to read org authenticators information
- okta.authorizationServers.manage: Allows the app to create and manage Authorization Servers in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read information about Authorization Servers in your Okta organization
- okta.behaviors.manage: Allows the app to create and manage behavior detection rules in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read behavior detection rules in your Okta organization
- okta.brands.manage: Allows the app to create and manage Brands and Themes in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read information about Brands and Themes in your Okta organization
- okta.captchas.manage: Allows the app to create and manage CAPTCHAs in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read information about CAPTCHAs in your Okta organization
- okta.deviceAssurance.manage: Allows the app to manage device assurances
- Allows the app to read device assurances
- okta.devices.manage: Allows the app to manage device status transitions and delete a device
- Allows the app to read the existing device's profile and search devices
- okta.directories.groups.manage: Allows the app to manage AD/LDAP Groups for your Okta organization
- Allows the app to manage custom Domains for your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read information about custom Domains for your Okta organization
- okta.emailDomains.manage: Allows the app to manage Email Domains for your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read information about Email Domains for your Okta organization
- okta.emailServers.manage: Allows the app to manage Email Servers for your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read information about Email Servers for your Okta organization
- okta.eventHooks.manage: Allows the app to create and manage Event Hooks in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read information about Event Hooks in your Okta organization
- okta.features.manage: Allows the app to create and manage Features in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read information about Features in your Okta organization
- okta.groups.manage: Allows the app to manage existing groups in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read information about groups and their members in your Okta organization
- okta.identitySources.manage: Allows the custom identity sources to manage user entities in your Okta organization
- Allows to read session information for custom identity sources in your Okta organization
- okta.idps.manage: Allows the app to create and manage Identity Providers in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read information about Identity Providers in your Okta organization
- okta.inlineHooks.manage: Allows the app to create and manage Inline Hooks in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read information about Inline Hooks in your Okta organization
- okta.linkedObjects.manage: Allows the app to manage linked object definitions in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read linked object definitions in your Okta organization
- okta.logStreams.manage: Allows the app to create and manage log streams in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read information about log streams in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read information about System Log entries in your Okta organization
- okta.manifests.manage: Allows the app to manage OIN submissions in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read OIN submissions in your Okta organization
- okta.networkZones.manage: Allows the app to create and manage Network Zones in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read Network Zones in your Okta organization
- okta.oauthIntegrations.manage: Allows the app to create and manage API service Integration instances in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read API service Integration instances in your Okta organization
- okta.orgs.manage: Allows the app to manage organization-specific details for your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read organization-specific details about your Okta organization
- okta.policies.manage: Allows the app to manage policies in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read information about policies in your Okta organization
- okta.principalRateLimits.manage: Allows the app to create and manage Principal Rate Limits in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read information about Principal Rate Limits in your Okta organization
- okta.privilegedResources.manage: Allows the app to create privileged resources and manage their details
- Allows the app to read the details of existing privileged resources
- okta.profileMappings.manage: Allows the app to manage user profile mappings in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read user profile mappings in your Okta organization
- okta.pushProviders.manage: Allows the app to create and manage push notification providers such as APNs and FCM
- Allows the app to read push notification providers such as APNs and FCM
- okta.rateLimits.manage: Allows the app to create and manage rate limits in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read information about rate limits in your Okta organization
- okta.realmAssignments.manage: Allows a user to manage realm assignments
- Allows a user to read realm assignments
- okta.realms.manage: Allows the app to create new realms and to manage their details
- Allows the app to read the existing realms and their details
- okta.resourceSelectors.manage: Allows the app to manage resource selectors in your Okta org
- Allows the app to read resource selectors in your Okta org
- okta.riskEvents.manage: Allows the app to publish risk events to your Okta organization
- okta.riskProviders.manage: Allows the app to create and manage risk provider integrations in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read all risk provider integrations in your Okta organization
- okta.roles.manage: Allows the app to manage administrative role assignments for users in your Okta organization. Delegated admins with this permission can only manage user credential fields and not the credential values themselves.
- Allows the app to read administrative role assignments for users in your Okta organization. Delegated admins with this permission can only manage user credential fields and not the credential values themselves.
- okta.schemas.manage: Allows the app to create and manage Schemas in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read information about Schemas in your Okta organization
- okta.securityEventsProviders.manage: Allows the app to create and manage Security Events Providers in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read information about Security Events Providers in your Okta organization
- okta.sessions.manage: Allows the app to manage all sessions in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read all sessions in your Okta organization
- okta.templates.manage: Allows the app to manage all custom templates in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read all custom templates in your Okta organization
- okta.threatInsights.manage: Allows the app to manage all ThreatInsight configurations in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read all ThreatInsight configurations in your Okta organization
- okta.trustedOrigins.manage: Allows the app to manage all Trusted Origins in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read all Trusted Origins in your Okta organization
- okta.uischemas.manage: Allows the app to manage all the UI Schemas in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read all the UI Schemas in your Okta organization
- okta.userTypes.manage: Allows the app to manage user types in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read user types in your Okta organization
- okta.users.manage: Allows the app to create new users and to manage all users' profile and credentials information
- Allows the app to read the existing users' profiles and credentials
- ssf.manage: Allows the app to create and manage Shared Signals Framework (SSF) in your Okta organization
- Allows the app to read information about Shared Signals Framework (SSF) in your Okta organization