- Generate indicative palette when backend supported. When visible, palette is displayed in page background as well as inside projected image.
- New checkbox control: Indicative palette (visible only with backend support).
- New checkbox control: Boost palette (visible only with backend support).
- Minor fix: help box position (Windows browsers displayed scrollbars when hidden).
- Minor fix: Load timer (on some pageloads content was not displayed until refresh).
- Restore last generated images upon pageload when backend supported.
- New radio select control: Filter blend mode (normal, darken, lighten)
- New slider control: Bg image opacity, usable when 'darken' or 'lighten' blend mode selected.
- New slider control: Filter opacity.
- Better drag corners.
- New slider control: Outlines (visible only with backend support).
- Support for server-side Gimp-G'MIC image processing.
- New checkbox control: Details (visible only with backend support).
- New slider control: Posterize (visible only with backend support).
- New slider control: Vectorize (visible only with backend support).
- New slider control: Cursor size.
- Mouse cursor over the image creates a round hole in the projection.
- Updated grid.
- Now accepts image data paste.
- Now accepts image URL paste without the input field.
- Image is now draggable (in addition to freely transformable).
- New checkbox control: Invert.
- Default background now black (no backlight from projector).
- New slider control: Backlight.
- New slider control: Threshold.
- New slider control: Brightness.
- Added numeric value display to each single value slider.
- Added favicon.
- Added instructions.
- Added show/hide toggler for the controls bar.
- Added some further instructions.
- Help box is now larger and easier to read.
- New font.
- Graphic UI improvements.