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This repository contains the source code for the ROS workspace including the NTNU Cyborg's Computer Vision Module, which should be installed on the Jetson TX1 Development Kit. The system uses the first generation ZED Stereo Camera to detect human behaviour.

Node name: jetsontx1_cvmodule Language: Python


Following packages and ther dependendencies should be installed, before proceeding to the "Installation" section:

  1. OpenCV (Allready installed if TX1 is flashed with JetPack)
  2. CUDA (Allready installed if TX1 is flashed with JetPack)
  3. Python 2.7 (Allready installed if TX1 is flashed with JetPack)
  4. ZED SDK
  5. ZED Python API
  6. scikit-learn
  7. scikit-image
  8. FilterPy


  1. Install and configure a catkin ROS environment by following the ROS tutorials
  2. Clone this repository and copy the folder "jetsontx1_cvmodule" into the src folder in your ROS workspace where the ROS packages should be located.
  3. Build the ROS package by using the command "catkin_make" in the catkin workspace terminal window.
  4. Locate the pyyolo folder in the terminal and install using the commands as following:
    1. make
    2. rm -rf build/
    3. python build
    4. sudo python install

Run the system

To launch the main code publishing info about detected human behaviour:

rosrun jetsontx1_cvmodule

To launch the example of a code subscribing to the Topics published by

rosrun jetsontx1_cvmodule

Instead of running, you can play the rosbag file testbagfile.bag:

rosbag play testbagfile.bag

If is allready running it should visualize the a sample of the published topic ”videostream”. Also, it will print information about detected people ID and smile/face indication, in the terminal.

Note: This installation is tested on a Jetson TX1 board running a version of Ubuntu 18.04 with ROS Melodic.

Note: Read the report on how to integrate the CV-module on the Jetson board with the Cyborg.