Beamium collect metrics from Prometheus endpoints and forward them to Warp10 data platform.
Beamium is written in Rust to ensure efficiency, a very low footprint and deterministic performances.
Beamium key points:
- Simple: Beamium fetch Prometheus metrics and so benefits from an awesome community.
- Reliable: Beamium handle network failure. Never lose data. We guarantee void proof graph ;)
- Versatile: Beamium can also fetch metrics from a directory.
- Powerfull: Beamium is able to filter metrics and to send them to multiple Warp10 platforms.
Beamium is currently under development.
Beamium is pretty easy to build.
- Clone the repository
- Setup a minimal working config (see bellow)
- Build and run
cargo run
Beamium come with a sample config file. Simply copy the sample to config.yaml, replace WARP10_ENDPOINT
, launch Beamiun and you are ready to go!
Config is composed of four parts:
Beamium can have none to many Prometheus endpoints. A source is defined as follow:
sources: # Sources definitions (Optional)
source1: # Source name (Required)
url: # Prometheus endpoint (Required)
period: 10000 # Polling interval (Required)
format: prometheus # Polling format (Optional, default: prometheus, value: [prometheus, sensision])
metrics: # Filter fetched metrics (Optional)
- node.* # Regex used to select metrics (Required)
Beamium can have none to many Warp10 endpoints. A sink is defined as follow:
sinks: # Sinks definitions (Optional)
source1: # Sink name (Required)
url: # Warp10 endpoint (Required)
token: mywarp10token # Warp10 write token (Required)
token-header: X-Custom-Token # Warp10 token header name (Optional, default: X-Warp10-Token)
selector: metrics.* # Regex used to filter metrics (Optional, default: None)
ttl: 3600 # Discard file older than ttl (seconds) (Optional, default: 3600)
size: 1073741824 # Discard old file if sink size is greater (Optional, default: 1073741824)
Beamium can add static labels to collected metrics. A label is defined as follow:
labels: # Labels definitions (Optional)
label_name: label_value # Label definition (Required)
Beamium can be customized through parameters. See available parameters bellow:
parameters: # Parameters definitions (Optional)
source-dir: sources # Beamer data source directory (Optional, default: sources)
sink-dir: sinks # Beamer data sink directory (Optional, default: sinks)
scan-period: 1000 # Delay(ms) between source/sink scan (Optional, default: 1000)
batch-count: 250 # Maximum number of files to process in a batch (Optional, default: 250)
batch-size: 200000 # Maximum batch size (Optional, default: 250)
log-file: beamium.log # Log file (Optional, default: beamium.log)
log-level: 4 # Log level (Optional, default: info)
timeout: 500 # Http timeout (seconds) (Optional, default: 500)
Instructions on how to contribute to Beamium are available on the Contributing page.
- Twitter: @notd33d33