- set up thread testing (done)
- add the frontend angular project (done)
- create thread on each test case / use before - beforeAll is better (done)
- use one single layout for header (done)
- destroy after each test (ask efe) (done)
- global error handler in frontend angular (done)
- user name when loggined (done)
- rename auth to isLogged (done)
- logout (done)
- add sign in for unauth user (done)
- when sign in redirect back to the forum (done)
- add functionality to adding a reply frontend (done)
- add all threads nav link (done)
- move please to center (done)
- add created at time (done)
- user can create a thread BACKEND functionality and test (done)
- user can create thread frontend (done)
- create form for thread basic validation required (done)
- add auth guard for only auth user (done)
- when created redirect to a single page of the form (done)
- how to check if user has favorite a reply or not (done)
- route back to same page and display the new reply (done)
- Link to see thread from user profile (done)
- get all activity and eager load its subjectType explictly (done)
- use this knowledge to eager it from the user model (done)
- userId in like/favorite table (done) // all done Mock.setUser(); Mock.getUser(); Mock.setAuthUser(); Mock.getAuthUser(); Mock.setThread(userId); Mock.getThread(userId); Mock.createUser(); return a user object Mock.createAuthUser(); // return a token Mock.createThread(userId); return a thread object Mock.createReply(userId, threadId); return a reply object
What to test
- user can login (done)
- test get all thread include its channel too (done)
- thread should have replies (done)
- thread replies should have it creator (done)
- single thread should have it creator / replies / channel (done)
- auth user can create a thread (done)
- unauth user can not create a thread (done)
- auth user can reply a thread (done)
- unauth user ca not reply a thread (done)
- add 404 page (done)
- add catch all route error (done)
- add channel to parameter call (done)
- add backend validation to create thread (done)
- do a look up for channel id before creating thread (done)
- how to add count to all thread api resource (done)
- when deleting a thread (done)
- also delete its thread activity and delete its reply activity (done)
// Activities
group the subjectType by createdAt date (done/half)
auto add different component base on the activity type (done)
Add favorite activity api (done)
add deleting reply api (done)
refactor policies to be : ReplyPolicy, ThreadPolicy (done)
add bulk delete to activity (done)
// refactor frontend
- ordering reply (done) backend
- auto loading reply (done)
- add reply type to the behaviour subject (done)
- check the new type before adding it. (done)
- contemplate to either make new api call for one thread or do a search all for the thread. (let make api call)
- observable error (done)
// deleting reply | deep look into deleting thread/reply/favorite/activity
- should delete reply activity (done)
- should also delete favoriting a reply activity (done)
- should also delete favorite activity of the reply (done)
// Not yet done
- fix running test on circleCI (when done update postgres api generator)
- channel should be unique
- channel should use the find or create method to create new channel
- fine tune validation error to either array or object
- how to add each count of each eager loader resources
// Activities
- group the subjectType by createdAt date (done/half)
psuedo code
backend to frontend
how to paginate in sequelize
how to paginate an eager loader resource
complete backend implementation
start frontend implementation
hold on on reply pagination (all pagination)
auto reload
best way to add check like: isAuth, hasPermit
add role table
policies (middleware): role permit (authUser.role === 'user' | 'admin'), thread permit (authUser.id === thread.user.id [done])
use for migration npx sequelize-cli migration:create --name modify_users_add_new_fields