This CoffeeNet starter is designed to add information to the
endpoint about the status of CoffeeNet services like
the Auth Server depending on the starters that are used in the project.
If you use the coffeenet-security-starter
with the integration profile
then a check against the configured Auth Server will be done to see
if the Auth Server is available and your project should work correctly
This is a module in the starter set, so you first need to declare your project
as a child of the starter parent
by editing the pom.xml
<relativePath />
Now you can enable monitoring in your project, by first adding the dependency:
The monitoring starter configuration depends on the CoffeeNet profile coffeenet.profile
It will only add further CoffeeNet HealthIndiators
based on AbstractHealthIndicator
if the the coffeenet.profile
is set to integration
otherwise you are in the development
mode and it would make no sense to lookup the reachability e.g. of the Auth Server.
health-uri: http://localhost:9999/health