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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

topic: support en beheer
topic: support en beheer
topic: tech debt
topic: tech debt
topic: techniek
topic: techniek
Category from PvE
topic: templates
topic: templates
Templates/sjablonen die door beheerders ingesteld kunnen worden
topic: tussentijds-opslaan
topic: tussentijds-opslaan
topic: validation
topic: validation
topic: vendor-specific
topic: vendor-specific
topic: vertalen
topic: vertalen
topic: vertalingen
topic: vertalingen
Issues related to i18n/translations
topic: verzending
topic: verzending
Category from PvE
topic: visuele logica
topic: visuele logica
topic: wysiwyg
topic: wysiwyg
Issue needs to be validated. Remove this label if the issue considered valid.
Item from the PvE is unclear
waiting for approval
waiting for approval
An estimate was made but the stakeholder still needs to approve it.
Optional user story, provided by stakeholder(s)