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MMCV Release V1.4.4

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@zhouzaida zhouzaida released this 26 Jan 02:49

😀 We are glad to announce that we are providing the mmcv pre-built packages on Windows starting from v1.4.0.

# pip install mmcv-full -f{cu_version}/{torch_version}/index.html
pip install mmcv-full -f
# We can ignore the micro version of PyTorch
pip install mmcv-full -f


  • Add 6 rotated detection ops for parrots (#1665)
  • Gradually reduce the difference between max_lr and base_lr of CyclicLrUpdaterHook (#1655)


  • Improve the docstring of LoggerHooks (#1664)

Bug fixes

  • Fix the unit test of correlation op (#1659)
  • Fix the invalid CUDA memory access when training s2anet (#1660)
  • Fix the bug of momentum updater with warmup policy (#1626)
  • Align HSigmoid with PyTorch official implementation(#1622)
  • Fix the scatter function when the device type of input is CPU (#1621)
  • Fix the cast_tensor_type (#1639)


Since PyTorch 1.10.0 has been released and we have provided the mmcv-full pre-compiled packages for it, we no longer provide them compiled with PyTorch 1.3 & 1.4 since v1.3.17. You can find previous versions compiled with PyTorch 1.3 & 1.4 here. The compatibility is still ensured in our CI, but we will discard the support of PyTorch 1.3 & 1.4 this year.


A total of 11 developers contributed to this release.

@hokmund @HAOCHENYE @ZwwWayne @teamwong111 @zhouzaida @luopeichao @Bilibilee @gaotongxiao @imyhxy @zhanggefan @grimoire