diff --git a/ompi/mpi/c/cart_map.c.in b/ompi/mpi/c/cart_map.c.in index 0f0258c2f90..0ef66e14398 100644 --- a/ompi/mpi/c/cart_map.c.in +++ b/ompi/mpi/c/cart_map.c.in @@ -32,8 +32,6 @@ #include "ompi/mca/topo/topo.h" #include "ompi/memchecker.h" -/* TODO: Should this function have a bigcount variant? */ - PROTOTYPE ERROR_CLASS cart_map(COMM comm, INT ndims, COUNT_ARRAY dims, COUNT_ARRAY periods, INT_OUT newrank) { diff --git a/ompi/mpi/c/comm_spawn_multiple.c.in b/ompi/mpi/c/comm_spawn_multiple.c.in index a2e3430541f..f1677f4c874 100644 --- a/ompi/mpi/c/comm_spawn_multiple.c.in +++ b/ompi/mpi/c/comm_spawn_multiple.c.in @@ -39,8 +39,6 @@ #include "ompi/dpm/dpm.h" #include "ompi/memchecker.h" -/* TODO: Does this need a bigcount version? */ - PROTOTYPE ERROR_CLASS comm_spawn_multiple(INT count, STRING_ARRAY array_of_commands, ARGV array_of_argv, INT_ARRAY array_of_maxprocs, INFO_ARRAY array_of_info, INT root, COMM comm, COMM_OUT intercomm, diff --git a/ompi/mpi/c/dist_graph_create.c.in b/ompi/mpi/c/dist_graph_create.c.in index 7a2ee41a1ad..b3b4a3f7cea 100644 --- a/ompi/mpi/c/dist_graph_create.c.in +++ b/ompi/mpi/c/dist_graph_create.c.in @@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ #include "ompi/mca/topo/topo.h" #include "ompi/mca/topo/base/base.h" -/* TODO: Does this need a bigcount variant? */ - PROTOTYPE ERROR_CLASS dist_graph_create(COMM comm_old, INT n, INT_ARRAY sources, INT_ARRAY degrees, INT_ARRAY destinations, INT_ARRAY weights, INFO info, INT reorder, COMM_OUT newcomm) diff --git a/ompi/mpi/c/dist_graph_create_adjacent.c.in b/ompi/mpi/c/dist_graph_create_adjacent.c.in index af0d66ed5ab..5b7bf8391f4 100644 --- a/ompi/mpi/c/dist_graph_create_adjacent.c.in +++ b/ompi/mpi/c/dist_graph_create_adjacent.c.in @@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ #include "ompi/mca/topo/topo.h" #include "ompi/mca/topo/base/base.h" -/* TODO: Does this need a bigcount variant? */ - PROTOTYPE ERROR_CLASS dist_graph_create_adjacent(COMM comm_old, INT indegree, INT_ARRAY sources, INT_ARRAY sourceweights, INT outdegree, diff --git a/ompi/mpi/c/dist_graph_neighbors.c.in b/ompi/mpi/c/dist_graph_neighbors.c.in index c9548681e17..3ea23220ad6 100644 --- a/ompi/mpi/c/dist_graph_neighbors.c.in +++ b/ompi/mpi/c/dist_graph_neighbors.c.in @@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ #include "ompi/mca/topo/topo.h" #include "ompi/mca/topo/base/base.h" -/* TODO: Does this need a bigcount variant? */ - PROTOTYPE ERROR_CLASS dist_graph_neighbors(COMM comm, INT maxindegree, INT_OUT sources, INT_OUT sourceweights, INT maxoutdegree, INT_OUT destinations, diff --git a/ompi/mpi/c/dist_graph_neighbors_count.c.in b/ompi/mpi/c/dist_graph_neighbors_count.c.in index 775b3c9f38d..333569af573 100644 --- a/ompi/mpi/c/dist_graph_neighbors_count.c.in +++ b/ompi/mpi/c/dist_graph_neighbors_count.c.in @@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ #include "ompi/mca/topo/topo.h" #include "ompi/mca/topo/base/base.h" -/* TODO: Does this need a bigcount variant? */ - PROTOTYPE ERROR_CLASS dist_graph_neighbors_count(COMM comm, INT_OUT inneighbors, INT_OUT outneighbors, INT_OUT weighted) { diff --git a/ompi/mpi/c/fetch_and_op.c.in b/ompi/mpi/c/fetch_and_op.c.in index ff1835be539..c06bc7d0c39 100644 --- a/ompi/mpi/c/fetch_and_op.c.in +++ b/ompi/mpi/c/fetch_and_op.c.in @@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ #include "ompi/mca/osc/osc.h" #include "ompi/datatype/ompi_datatype.h" -/* TODO: Does this need a bigcount variant? */ - PROTOTYPE ERROR_CLASS fetch_and_op(BUFFER origin_addr, BUFFER_OUT result_addr, DATATYPE datatype, INT target_rank, AINT target_disp, OP op, WIN win) { diff --git a/ompi/mpi/c/file_get_type_extent.c.in b/ompi/mpi/c/file_get_type_extent.c.in index 89440987ad9..f14832ddca2 100644 --- a/ompi/mpi/c/file_get_type_extent.c.in +++ b/ompi/mpi/c/file_get_type_extent.c.in @@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ #include "ompi/file/file.h" #include "ompi/memchecker.h" -/* TODO: Does this need a bigcount variant? */ - PROTOTYPE ERROR_CLASS file_get_type_extent(FILE fh, DATATYPE datatype, AINT_COUNT_OUT extent) { diff --git a/ompi/mpi/c/get_accumulate.c.in b/ompi/mpi/c/get_accumulate.c.in index 6deeb827ef9..8626de0415a 100644 --- a/ompi/mpi/c/get_accumulate.c.in +++ b/ompi/mpi/c/get_accumulate.c.in @@ -35,8 +35,6 @@ #include "ompi/datatype/ompi_datatype_internal.h" #include "ompi/memchecker.h" -/* TODO: Does target_disp need to be different for the bigcount version? */ - PROTOTYPE ERROR_CLASS get_accumulate(BUFFER origin_addr, COUNT origin_count, DATATYPE origin_datatype, BUFFER_OUT result_addr, COUNT result_count, DATATYPE result_datatype, INT target_rank, AINT target_disp, COUNT target_count, diff --git a/ompi/mpi/c/graph_create.c.in b/ompi/mpi/c/graph_create.c.in index b0fe48c9dbd..57d100eaa47 100644 --- a/ompi/mpi/c/graph_create.c.in +++ b/ompi/mpi/c/graph_create.c.in @@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ #include "ompi/mca/topo/base/base.h" #include "ompi/memchecker.h" -/* TODO: Does this need a bigcount variant? */ - PROTOTYPE ERROR_CLASS graph_create(COMM old_comm, INT nnodes, INT_ARRAY indx, INT_ARRAY edges, INT reorder, COMM_OUT comm_graph) { diff --git a/ompi/mpi/c/graph_neighbors_count.c.in b/ompi/mpi/c/graph_neighbors_count.c.in index 842e9b8d1fb..a2735fd0c52 100644 --- a/ompi/mpi/c/graph_neighbors_count.c.in +++ b/ompi/mpi/c/graph_neighbors_count.c.in @@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ #include "ompi/mca/topo/topo.h" #include "ompi/memchecker.h" -/* TODO: Does this need a bigcount variant? */ - PROTOTYPE ERROR_CLASS graph_neighbors_count(COMM comm, INT rank, INT_OUT nneighbors) { int err; diff --git a/ompi/mpi/c/improbe.c.in b/ompi/mpi/c/improbe.c.in index 6cd57c7f238..970182127cc 100644 --- a/ompi/mpi/c/improbe.c.in +++ b/ompi/mpi/c/improbe.c.in @@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ #include "ompi/request/request.h" #include "ompi/message/message.h" -/* TODO: Does this need a bigcount variant? */ - PROTOTYPE ERROR_CLASS improbe(INT source, INT tag, COMM comm, INT_OUT flag, MESSAGE_OUT message, STATUS_OUT status) { diff --git a/ompi/mpi/c/pack_external_size.c.in b/ompi/mpi/c/pack_external_size.c.in index 532d0fff10b..fbc25d12f0a 100644 --- a/ompi/mpi/c/pack_external_size.c.in +++ b/ompi/mpi/c/pack_external_size.c.in @@ -32,8 +32,6 @@ #include "opal/datatype/opal_convertor.h" #include "ompi/memchecker.h" -/* TODO: Does this need a bigcount variant? */ - PROTOTYPE ERROR_CLASS pack_external_size(STRING datarep, COUNT incount, DATATYPE datatype, AINT_COUNT_OUT size) { diff --git a/ompi/mpi/c/pready_list.c.in b/ompi/mpi/c/pready_list.c.in index 5749881cf9c..c34c10872fa 100644 --- a/ompi/mpi/c/pready_list.c.in +++ b/ompi/mpi/c/pready_list.c.in @@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ #include "ompi/datatype/ompi_datatype.h" #include "ompi/runtime/ompi_spc.h" -/* TODO: Does this need a bigcount variant? */ - PROTOTYPE ERROR_CLASS pready_list(INT length, INT_OUT partitions, REQUEST request) { int rc = OMPI_SUCCESS; diff --git a/ompi/mpi/c/reduce_scatter_init.c.in b/ompi/mpi/c/reduce_scatter_init.c.in index 1eb79893127..700c38918c3 100644 --- a/ompi/mpi/c/reduce_scatter_init.c.in +++ b/ompi/mpi/c/reduce_scatter_init.c.in @@ -36,8 +36,6 @@ #include "ompi/memchecker.h" #include "ompi/runtime/ompi_spc.h" -/* TODO:BIGCOUNT */ - PROTOTYPE ERROR_CLASS reduce_scatter_init(BUFFER sendbuf, BUFFER_OUT recvbuf, COUNT_ARRAY recvcounts, DATATYPE datatype, OP op, COMM comm, INFO info, REQUEST_INOUT request) { diff --git a/ompi/mpi/c/rget.c.in b/ompi/mpi/c/rget.c.in index e401e5b9c8c..dfc9db545de 100644 --- a/ompi/mpi/c/rget.c.in +++ b/ompi/mpi/c/rget.c.in @@ -32,8 +32,6 @@ #include "ompi/datatype/ompi_datatype.h" #include "ompi/runtime/ompi_spc.h" -/* TODO: Does target_disp need to change here for the bigcount variant */ - PROTOTYPE ERROR_CLASS rget(BUFFER_OUT origin_addr, COUNT origin_count, DATATYPE origin_datatype, INT target_rank, AINT target_disp, COUNT target_count,