- Warum die Politik wegen Facebooks Libra-Coin besorgt ist – und was sie daran nicht versteht by Christoph Bergmann (BitcoinBlog.de) , June 25, 2019
- Facebooks Zuckerbucks: Es hätte schlimmer kommen können by Christoph Bergmann (BitcoinBlog.de), June 18, 2019
- Facebooks GlobalCoin: Gedeckt durch einem Korb anderer Währungen by Christoph Bergmann (BitcoinBlog.de), June 12, 2019
- https://librastartup.com -- libra links
- https://librachecker.com/ -- Libra Browser by Libra Startup
- todo/fix - add source here
A first technical impression of Libra, aka "facebook coin", compared against Eth 1 and Eth 2., 18. Juni 2019
data keying:
- 32 byte keys seem to be the future. Not only Ethereum 2 is using them in SSZ, Libra will use them for account keys
- static generalized indices, can't find much for "light" clients, you're either a powerful validator, or a user (to be expected)
- SHA3-256. Not like eth1 (older SHA3), or ETH2 (SHA2-256, like bitcoin)
- No derived merkle structures ("hash tree root" in Eth 2) just bare binary trees.
- Sparse binary trees, with leafs moved upwards. Efficient, but not static enough (important too)
- No BLS (like Eth 2), nor ECDSA (like Eth 1). EdDSA, edwards 25519 instead. Seems good for small values (roots), but like possibilities with BLS better.
- Signing transactions seems to be very similar to Eth 1. More on that ⬇️
- Transactions are pretty much the same as in Eth 1.
- "Sender address, pubkey": tx.from
- "Program": tx .to ++ .data
- "Gas price": tx.gasPrice, just in Libra coins.
- "Max gas": tx.gasLimit
- "seq nr": tx.nonce, incr. account value
- Transactions are pretty much the same as in Eth 1.
- "Modules": Like a smart-contract in Eth 1. Published through tx .data. But stays attached to sender account.
- Their "MOVE" VM is interesting, has strong "asset" support. Really just a take on var-ownership/capabilities/mutability. Can be ported to an Eth2 EE.
- "Events". Not readable from contracts, cheap, used to read changes live or back in history. Same as Eth 1.
- Txs have an "event tree", instead of blocks. More ⬇️
- No blocks, but batches. Everything is sequential, but abstracted away from blocks. No POW anyway. And event roots etc. are with each transaction in "Transaction-Info" instead.
7.1 Serialization - They may have looked at our Simple-Serialize. But older version, without offsets for lookup efficiency (SOS style) or per-list max-sizes for static generalized indices. They do cover sparse lists as a simple TreeMap, encode key, encode value, repeat. - more ⬇️ - See https://github.com/libra/libra/blob/7c5de4d161e096648dba8ac54328d1568ae2d2e3/common/canonical_serialization/src/lib.rs#L123 ... "SimpleSerializer" vs. old SSZ: https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.5.0/specs/simple-serialize.md … More ⬇️
7.2 Sparse serialization - In Eth 2 we have offsets, so you don't have to deserialize a full MB (or more!) when only reading a small value/part. - In addition, Eth 2 is looking to do "sparse lists"; tree-maps by fixed-length index, with index lookup in header, similar to offsets.
8.1 Leader election. - In Eth1 we have miners doing POW - In Eth2 we have randao temporarily, and are going for VDF based shuffled committees, doing POS. - In Libra..., we elect leaders, and "validators" send blocks to the leader. More ⬇️
8.2 "the leader of a round is determined by the proposer of the latest committed block using a verifiable random function". Not a VDF, or randao, just a func with the previous block as input. I hope it's not just a hash. Imagine paying 10M for a spot and others manipulate that...
- All in all... ok ish, and I can see Move growing, getting dev tooling / support. But if so, we'll just port it over to an Eth 2 execution environment, and let the market play with it.
Libra TAKE-2. Whitepaper is somewhat confusing, source code is where it's at to get the details. Dug through it for you. Not an audit, just fun. Comparing with Eth1/Eth2 where relevant. Getting in merkleization/hashing/crypto/misc, but not consensus.
- First of all, source code is located here: https://github.com/libra/libra Apache 2.0 license. 👏
1 They actually have a "legacy" and "next-gen" crypto package. Guess what's in the next gen? An unused BLS12-381 implementation. What we use in Eth2. Work in progress, but everyone is welcome to join standardization process. And experiments like this help the whole space 👏
1.1 Libra next-gen crypto collection:
2 Merkleization turned out to be two-fold. The whitepaper is similar to Eth2: binary merkle trees. But not derived from an arbitrary structure, like Eth2 SSZ hash-tree-root. Reality is: they use multiple merkle approaches. Binary and Patricia trees.
2.1 Tests of their binary merkle-trees: https://github.com/libra/libra/blob/master/storage/accumulator/src/tests/mod.rs ... Interesting difference with Eth2: we're looking to do sparse right in Eth2. Generalize merkleization, identify leaf nodes in arbitrary structures by a "generalized index", and enable protocol improvements.
2.2 Libra on the other side, seems to be using "placeholders" (instead of zerohashes[depth]), effectively shortening the hashing path up to the root, and is doing indexing differently: just an accumulator index, instead of a general index for a nested one like Eth 2.
2.3 The binary accumulator serves a purpose of being updated continuously however, not like the binary tree-hashing in eth2, which serves tracking overrides of nodes. So we shouldn't compare them harshly, different purpose -> different approach.
2.4 It looks like they get around the need for zerohash[i] in the placeholder spot by adding the "defaults_bitfield" to their proof data, still investigating... https://github.com/libra/libra/blob/004d472284ce7d3a0ce2f577ecd05de56026dbd4/types/src/proof/definition.rs#L379 ...
2.5 Although the accumulator proofs don't directly work as plain merkle-branch proofs, the use of the bitfield may actually compress things well, make verification cheaper, and enable to proof multiple sub-branches at the same time (with a few modifications)
2.6 So many binary tree-orders, but no generalized indices :(. Their code may actually be less complex when you can just mask a generalized index big-int 🙈 https://github.com/libra/libra/blob/master/types/src/proof/treebits.rs …
2.7 Libra-style merkle patricia trees: https://github.com/libra/libra/blob/master/storage/sparse_merkle/src/node_type/mod.rs ...,
a modified version of Eth-1 style Merkle Patricia trees, also used for acount storage.
Was hoping for optimized sparse binary trees, but well,
this is proven to work ok-ish with Eth1 at least.
3 Their internal block-tree is super basic: HashMap<Hash, Block>. But also super minimal. Centralized consensus = less forks, easy finality. Just collect 'em, execute 'em, and when committed: put 'em in storage, and completely get rid of conflicting blocks.
3.1 If only real blockchain management, re-orgs and forking were that easy... Not blaming them though, it fits their use. Source here:
- Addresses 32 bytes, with Bech32 + network ID support.
4.1 On their hash-function used in Move and address sytem: "TODO: keccak is just a placeholder, make a principled choose for the hash function" (typo PR anyone? You can be a Libra Contributor™ 💯) https://github.com/libra/libra/blob/004d472284ce7d3a0ce2f577ecd05de56026dbd4/types/src/account_address.rs#L174 ...
- "CanonicalSerialize" "One design goal of this serialization format is to optimize for simplicity" https://github.com/libra/libra/blob/master/common/canonical_serialization/src/lib.rs ... Looks a bit like Eth 2 simple-serialize. But even more simple, no offsets/optimization or hash-tree-root.
5.1 They implemented a simple way to encode sparse (or keyed) data, alike to the structure of a TreeMap, but no index/offsets. Also planned for eth2, but with offsets, and non-arbitrary keys (we just need indices), for better read times when only interested in part of the data.
6 The libra VM validator looks far from finished.
7 Node is pretty minimal; just a gRPC server with a few consensus + tx pool methods. I see "trusted" and "seed" peers. Everything handled by admission control, which 1) handles TXs submits, 2) handles storage queries https://github.com/libra/libra/blob/master/libra_node/src/main_node.rs https://github.com/libra/libra/tree/7c5de4d161e096648dba8ac54328d1568ae2d2e3/admission_control
7.1 I can see admission control getting a black-list functionality to censor things. But let's don't make the same mistake as EOS (blacklist update fail), or bitcoin (avoided double spends / inflation). It's not the mempool that needs to be protected, just fail the TX properly
7.2 background: Bitcoin history: https://hackernoon.com/bitcoin-core-bug-cve-2018-17144-an-analysis-f80d9d373362 EOS history (recent ish):
- That's it for now. May take a look at their consensus at some point. They use a VRF (readers; VDF is different), and some modified "HotStuff" consensus. But it's still a centralized system. Wonder when they get a public audit. https://github.com/libra/libra/blob/7c5de4d161e096648dba8ac54328d1568ae2d2e3/crypto/nextgen_crypto/src/vrf/ecvrf.rs