New Contributors and new Members are always welcome! Although membership is not required, most Contributors are members of the OpenHW Foundation and participate in one or more of our Projects.
Contributors must be covered by the terms of the Eclipse Contributor Agreement (for individuals) or the Eclipse Member Committer and Contributor Agreement (for employees of Member companies). The ECA/MCCA provides a legal framework for a Contributor's technical contributions to the OpenHW Foundation, including provisions for grant of copyright license and a Developer Certificate of Origin on contributions merged into OpenHW Foundation repositories.
The OpenHW Work Flow document is recommended reading.
- From GitHub: fork the cve2 repository
- Clone repository:
git clone[your_github_username]/cve2
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b <my_branch>.
Please uniquify your branch name. See the Git Cheats for a useful nominclature. - Make your edits...
- Commit your changes:
git commit -m 'Add some feature' -s
- Push feature branch:
git push origin <my_branch>
- From GitHub: submit a pull request