This repository contains the source files for the OpenScan Hardware book, a work in progress. Further details will be added.
Clone this repository and run the following commands (Linux/macOS):
python -m venv venv
echo '*' >venv/.gitignore # Do not track virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r book/requirements.txt
jupyter-book build book
On Windows:
python -m venv venv
echo "*" >venv\.gitignore
pip install -r book\requirements.txt
jupyter-book build book
The HTML site is generated at book/_build/html/index.html
We use a pre-commit hook to automatically normalize formatting and perform a few checks when creating Git commits. To set this up:
pre-commit install
(If you don't have the pre-commit
command globally installed, you can install
it in the virtual environment using pip install pre-commit
and it should work
as long as the virtual environment is activated when you commit.)