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Creating a new extension

Note: This document is evolving and is in draft state.

This document outlines how to create a new custom extension. For migration of existing plugins, see PLUGIN_MIGRATION.

For this example, you will create a CRUD extension, demonstrating the create, read, update, and delete operations on an index.

Initial setup

Create a new repository at a location of your choice.

In your dependency management, set up a dependency on the OpenSearch SDK for Java. Here is the required key information:

  • Group ID: org.opensearch.sdk
  • Artifact ID: opensearch-sdk-java
  • Version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT (compatible with OpenSearch 2.x) or 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT (compatible with OpenSearch 3.x)

At general availability, dependencies will be released to the Central Repository. To use SNAPSHOT versions, add these repositories:

If you use Maven, the following POM entries will work:

    <name>OpenSearch Snapshot Repository</name>
    <name>Lucene Snapshot Repository</name>


For Gradle, specify dependencies as follows:

repositories {
  maven { url "" }
  maven { url ""}

dependencies {

Obtain network address and port information

An extension requires host and port information for both the extension and OpenSearch.

You may either define these in code in an ExtensionSettings object, or in a YAML file. The following are equivalent:

  • Java import and instantiation:
import org.opensearch.sdk.ExtensionSettings;

new ExtensionSettings("crud", "", "4532", "", "9200")
  • A crud.yml file:
extensionName: crud
hostPort: 4532
opensearchPort: 9200

Implement the Extension interface

Create a class that implements Extension. You may prefer to create a class that extends BaseExtension, which provides some helper methods.

Implementing the Extension interface requires you to implement the getExtensionSettings() and setExtensionsRunner() methods. The BaseExtension class implements these and only requires that you call super() with either the ExtensionSettings object you created or a path to the YAML file (either absolute or classpath-based).

Implement a main() method that instantiates your object and passes an instance of itself to ExtensionsRunner. You will need to either handle or throw an IOException from this method.

The following Java code accomplishes the preceding steps:


import org.opensearch.sdk.BaseExtension;
import org.opensearch.sdk.ExtensionSettings;
import org.opensearch.sdk.ExtensionsRunner;

public class CRUDExtension extends BaseExtension {

    public CRUDExtension() {
        // Optionally, pass a String path to a YAML file with these settings
        super(new ExtensionSettings("crud", "", "4532", "", "9200"));

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { CRUDExtension());

At this point, you have a working extension! Start it by executing the main() method, and then start your OpenSearch cluster.

But it doesn't do anything yet. Here is where you can start defining your own functionality.

Implement other interfaces and extension points

If you want to handle REST requests, implement the ActionExtension interface and override the getExtensionRestHandlers() method. Pass a list of classes that will handle those requests:

import org.opensearch.sdk.api.ActionExtension;

public class CRUDExtension extends BaseExtension implements ActionExtension {

    // keep the constructor and main method from before and add the following code

    public List<ExtensionRestHandler> getExtensionRestHandlers() {
        // you need to create this class next!
        return List.of(new CrudAction());

These classes must implement ExtensionRestHandler, which is a functional interface that requires the implementation of the handleRequest() method with the signature public ExtensionRestResponse handleRequest(RestRequest request).

The BaseExtensionRestHandler class provides many useful methods for exception handling in requests.

For the CRUD extension example, you'll implement one REST route for each option and delegate it to the appropriate handler function. Each route is an instance of NamedRoute and requires at least a method, path, and globally unique name.

import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Function;


public class CrudAction extends BaseExtensionRestHandler {

    public List<NamedRoute> routes() {
        return List.of(
            new NamedRoute.Builder().method(Method.PUT)
            new NamedRoute.Builder().method(Method.GET)
            new NamedRoute.Builder().method(Method.POST)
            new NamedRoute.Builder().method(Method.DELETE)

    Function<RestRequest, RestResponse> createHandler = (request) -> {
        return new ExtensionRestResponse(request, RestStatus.OK, "To be implemented");

    Function<RestRequest, RestResponse> readHandler = (request) -> {
        return new ExtensionRestResponse(request, RestStatus.OK, "To be implemented");

    Function<RestRequest, RestResponse> updateHandler = (request) -> {
        return new ExtensionRestResponse(request, RestStatus.OK, "To be implemented");

    Function<RestRequest, RestResponse> deleteHandler = (request) -> {
        return new ExtensionRestResponse(request, RestStatus.OK, "To be implemented");

Use the OpenSearch Java client to implement functionality

To use the OpenSearch REST API, you will need an instance of the OpenSearch Java client.

Refer to the OpenSearch Java client documentation for either Apache HttpClient 5 Transport or OpenSearch RestClient Transport.

The remainder of this example assumes you have implemented one of the preceding options in your constructor:

private final OpenSearchClient client;

public CrudAction() {
    final OpenSearchTransport transport = // implement per documentation
    this.client = new OpenSearchClient(transport);

Defining a Document class

For your CRUD sample you will create a simple Java class with a single field:

public static class CrudData {
    private String value;

    public String getValue() {
        return value;

    public void setValue(String value) {
        this.value = value;

Creating (PUT) a document in an index

Now in the create handler function, create an index (if it doesn't exist):

BooleanResponse exists = client.indices().exists(new ExistsRequest.Builder().index("crudsample").build());
if (!exists.value()) {
    client.indices().create(new CreateIndexRequest.Builder().index("crudsample").build());

Next, you add a document to it:

CrudData crudData = new CrudData();
IndexResponse response = client.index(new IndexRequest.Builder<CrudData>().index("crudsample").document(crudData).build());

The BaseExtensionRestHandler provides an exceptionalRequest() method to handle exceptions:

return exceptionalRequest(request, e);

The user needs the ID of the created document ( for further handling. The BaseExtensionRestHandler provides a createJsonResponse() method for this:

return createJsonResponse(request, RestStatus.OK, "_id",;

Finally, you have the following code for the create handler method:

Function<RestRequest, RestResponse> createHandler = (request) -> {
    IndexResponse response;
    try {
        // Create index if it doesn't exist
        BooleanResponse exists = client.indices().exists(new ExistsRequest.Builder().index("crudsample").build());
        if (!exists.value()) {
            client.indices().create(new CreateIndexRequest.Builder().index("crudsample").build());
        // Now add our document
        CrudData crudData = new CrudData();
        response = client.index(new IndexRequest.Builder<CrudData>().index("crudsample").document(crudData).build());
    } catch (OpenSearchException | IOException e) {
        return exceptionalRequest(request, e);
    if (response.result() == Result.Created) {
        return createJsonResponse(request, RestStatus.OK, "_id",;
    return createJsonResponse(request, RestStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "failed", response.result().toString());

Reading (GET) a document in an index

You can now use the read handler function to get the document you just created, using its ID, which you will pass as a named parameter in the path. You can then get the document by ID.

String id = request.param("id");
GetResponse<CrudData> response = client.get(new GetRequest.Builder().index("crudsample").id(id).build(), CrudData.class);

Adding exception handling, the following is the full handler method:

Function<RestRequest, RestResponse> readHandler = (request) -> {
    GetResponse<CrudData> response;
    // Parse ID from request
    String id = request.param("id");
    try {
        response = client.get(new GetRequest.Builder().index("crudsample").id(id).build(), CrudData.class);
    } catch (OpenSearchException | IOException e) {
        return exceptionalRequest(request, e);
    if (response.found()) {
        return createJsonResponse(request, RestStatus.OK, "value", response.source().getValue());
    return createJsonResponse(request, RestStatus.NOT_FOUND, "error", "not_found");

Updating (POST) a document in an index

You will create a new document similar to the one you created in the create handler, parse the ID as you did in the read handler, and then update that document. With exception handling, the following is the update handler method:

Function<RestRequest, RestResponse> updateHandler = (request) -> {
    UpdateResponse<CrudData> response;
    // Parse ID from request
    String id = request.param("id");
    // Now create the new document to update with
    CrudData crudData = new CrudData();
    crudData.setValue("new value");
    try {
        response = client.update(
            new UpdateRequest.Builder<CrudData, CrudData>().index("crudsample").id(id).doc(crudData).build(),
    } catch (OpenSearchException | IOException e) {
        return exceptionalRequest(request, e);
    if (response.result() == Result.Updated) {
        return createEmptyJsonResponse(request, RestStatus.OK);
    return createJsonResponse(request, RestStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "failed", response.result().toString());

Deleting (DELETE) a document in an index

You only need the ID to delete a document, so the delete handler method is implemented as follows:

Function<RestRequest, RestResponse> deleteHandler = (request) -> {
    DeleteResponse response;
    // Parse ID from request
    String id = request.param("id");
    try {
        response = client.delete(new DeleteRequest.Builder().index("crudsample").id(id).build());
    } catch (OpenSearchException | IOException e) {
        return exceptionalRequest(request, e);
    if (response.result() == Result.Deleted) {
        return createEmptyJsonResponse(request, RestStatus.OK);
    return createJsonResponse(request, RestStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "failed", response.result().toString());