The slide decks are based on Reveal.js. For creating the online presentations, we derived from dploeger/jekyll-revealjs and create slides using Markdown.
For each slide deck there is a folder that contains a file
. This is the one where you create slides and separate them
by a newline, three dashes and another newline. Reveal.js gives a
very impressive demo about what can be achieved with it.
Beside this there is an index.html
with jekyll syntax to include the
slides. The reason we use separated files for this is to be flexible
for other used of the slides, such as directly showing with
You can preview the slides using reveal-md or by running jekyll locally:
jekyll serve -w --baseurl="/"
Printing from the browser is supposed to produce proper PDFs, but I cannot confirm this with Firefox so far.
But what works is using reveal-md:
reveal-md --print slides.pdf