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Multi Language Support

SebaMutuku edited this page Feb 26, 2022 · 9 revisions

Multi Language Support (MLS)

This section explains how the library supports language localization.

An Android client application wishing to use MLS needs to take the following steps:

  1. Provide a single placeholder-injected JsonForm where String literals to be translated are replaced with placeholders of the form {{string_identifier}}, where string_identifier is a unique identifier for the String literal being replaced.
  2. Provide a translations property file that contains mappings of the string_identifiers from 1. to the actual String literals the string_identifiers replace in the JsonForm from 1. This property file should be stored in the resources folder of your Android project.
  3. Append the name of the property file from 2. to the placeholder-injected JsonForm from 1. This would take the form: "properties_file_name": "basic_form" where properties_file_name is the key of the field to append to the placeholder-injected JsonForm from 1. and basic_form is the name of the property file from 2. Notice that there is no need to append the locale-specific identifier or the .properties extension.
  4. Step 2. will be repeated for each language that the Android client wishes to support.
    • The string_identifiers would remain the same but the String literals would change - taking on their translated versions for each locale.
    • To distinguish between the different property files for each locale, the following convention should be used e.g. for US English and for French.
  5. Set the JsonFormConstants.PERFORM_FORM_TRANSLATION intent extra to true when launching each JsonForm to activate MLS for that form (and its sub-forms if any).

The process of generating the assets in steps 1-3 may be a bit tedious and error prone. To this end, a utility is provided to ease the process. The tool (JsonForm MLS Asset Generator) is described below.

JsonForm MLS Asset Generator (JMAG)

This section describes how to configure JMAG for use with Android Studio.

JMAG is a pure Java class, meaning it DOES NOT and SHOULD NOT contain Android dependencies. Additionally, the elements it interacts with should not have Android dependencies as part of their instantiation process, otherwise the tool won't run.

JMAG is run through Android Studio as part of an Android Studio configuration. Here is some background on adding an Android Studio configuration.

As part of the JMAG configuration, the following steps will need to be taken:

  1. On the Android Studio menu click Run -> Edit configuration.
  2. On the Run/Debug Configurations dialog, click plus icon -> Application.
  3. Add the following configurations:
    • Name: JsonForm MLS Asset Generator
    • Main class: com.vijay.jsonwizard.utils.JsonFormMLSAssetGenerator
    • Use classpath of module: <your-module-name>
    • JRE: Android API 21 Platform (you can use a different API level)
  4. Within the same Run/Debug Configurations dialog, specify the JsonForm against which assets are to be generated:
    • Create an environment variable named FORM_TO_TRANSLATE and set its value to the absolute path of the JsonForm to translate.
    • This environment variable will need to be reset any time a different form needs to be translated.
    • Optionally create an environment variable named JSON_FORM_INTERACTOR_NAME and specify the fully qualified name of a custom JsonFormInteractor.
  5. Press Apply and OK
  6. To run JMAG: switch to your newly created configuration and click the Run button.

The final configuration should look something like:


Two asset files will be created under the /tmp folder : a translations property file and a placeholder-injected JsonForm.

Alternatively, a different folder can be specified by setting the MLS_ASSETS_FOLDER environment variable, just ensure the folder exists and has the correct write permissions.

For a form named example_form the generated assets will follow the following naming convention : example_form.json and

The properties file can then be copied over to the resources folder of your Android project under src/main. The placeholder-injected JsonForm will typically be copied over to the assets folder of your Android project (although not mandatory).

#MLS for Database Strings Android Support Client wishing to translate database keys or strings should take into account the following

  1. In native form a there exists a method translateDatabaseString in class NativeFormLangUtils. The functions accepts string to translate and context.
  2. The string has to meet the following criteria: i). should be separated by . (dot) ii) The first index should be the same as the resource bundle name which contains keys and value to translate. e.g anc_profile.danger_signs.danger_none.text iii) Should be a .text extension iv) Should exist in the resource bundle name specified. If not, an exception is thrown.
  3. The function will take care of MLS support based on the context passed. Default is en or if context is null. i.e If context has fr as the locale and resource bundle name is anc_profile_fr then it will locate the key and if exists return the value as a string.