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Version: 1.0.10 Type: application AppVersion: 1.1.9

Host an OpenZiti router in Kubernetes

Add the OpenZiti Charts Repo to Helm

helm repo add openziti

Minimal Installation

After adding the charts repo to Helm, then you may install the chart in the same cluster where the controller is running by using the cluster-internal service of the control plane endpoint. This default values used in this minimal approach is suitable for a Kubernetes distribution like K3S or Minikube that configures pass-through TLS for Service resources of type LoadBalancer.

# get a router enrollment token from the controller's management API
ziti edge create edge-router router1 \
  --role-attributes default --tunneler-enabled --jwt-output-file /tmp/router1.jwt

# subscribe to the openziti Helm repo
helm repo add openziti

# install the router chart
helm install \
  --namespace ziti-router --create-namespace --generate-name \
  openziti/ziti-router \
    --set-file enrollmentJwt=/tmp/router1.jwt \
    --set \
    --set ctrl.endpoint=ziti-controller-ctrl.ziti-controller.svc:6262

You must supply some values when you install the chart:

Key Type Default Description
enrollmentJwt string nil the router enrollment token from the Ziti management API
advertisedHost string nil the DNS name that edge clients will resolve to reach this router's edge listener
ctrl.endpoint string nil the DNS name:port of the router control plane endpoint provided by the Ziti controller

Managed Kubernetes Installation

Managed Kubernetes providers typically configure server TLS for a Service of type LoadBalancer. Ziti needs pass-through TLS because edge clients authenticate to the router with client certificates. We'll accomplish this by changing the Service type to ClusterIP and creating Ingress resources with pass-through TLS for each cluster service.

This example demonstrates creating TLS pass-through Ingress resources for use with ingress-nginx.

Ensure you have the ingress-nginx chart installed with controller.extraArgs.enable-ssl-passthrough=true. You can verify this feature is enabled by running kubectl describe pods {ingress-nginx-controller pod} and checking the args for --enable-ssl-passthrough=true.

If not enabled, then you must patch the ingress-nginx deployment to enable the SSL passthrough option.

kubectl patch deployment "ingress-nginx-controller" \
    --namespace ingress-nginx \
    --type json \
    --patch '[{"op": "add",
        "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/args/-",
# subscribe to ingress-nginx
helm repo add ingress-nginx

# install ingress-nginx
helm install \
  --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace --generate-name \
  ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx \
    --set controller.extraArgs.enable-ssl-passthrough=true

Create a Helm chart values file for this router chart.

# /tmp/router-values.yml
  endpoint: ziti-controller-ctrl.ziti-controller.svc:6262
  advertisedPort: 443
    type: ClusterIP
    enabled: true
    ingressClassName: nginx
    annotations: "false" "true"

Now upgrade your router chart release with the values file.

# will attempt enrollment again if it failed initially
helm upgrade \
  --namespace ziti-router ziti-router-123456789 \
  openziti/ziti-router \
    --set-file enrollmentJwt=/tmp/router1.jwt \
    --values /tmp/router-values.yml

Router Transport Links

The minimal installation guided you to install a router in the same cluster as the controller, and the managed Kubernetes upgrade guided you to expose the router's edge listener as a pass-through TLS Ingress. Building on those concepts, let's expand your mesh of Ziti routers. For this you will need to configure router link listeners, i.e. router-to-router links. This is accomplished in this chart by setting some additional values.

Merge the following with your router values.

    advertisedPort: 443
      enabled: true
      type: ClusterIP
      enabled: true
      ingressClassName: nginx
      annotations: "false" "true"

Notice that we've chosen a distinct DNS name for this new ingress. This allows us to have any number of 443/tcp virtual servers on the same IP address. You may find it convenient to delegate a DNS zone with a wildcard record resolving to your Nginx LoadBalancer IP.

Now upgrade your router chart release with the merged values file.

helm upgrade \
  --namespace ziti-router ziti-router-123456789 \
  openziti/ziti-router \
    --set-file enrollmentJwt=/tmp/router1.jwt \
    --values /tmp/router-values.yml

Proxy tunnel mode

The Openziti router supports the Proxy Tunnel mode. If you need to deploy Kubernetes services together with your Ziti Router in order to make these ports available as ClusterIP, NodePort or LoadBalancer services within your cluster, you can let this helm chart deploy those services for you. In some specific cases, it is not enough to have just one Kubernetes service making accessible all ports assigned to specific Openziti services, but to have some of these proxy ports on one, and others on another Kubernetes service (for example, if you want to expose one of the proxy services as a ClusterIP service, but another as a LoadBalancer service).

Here's an example router values' snippet to merge with your other values:

  mode: proxy
    # this will be bound on the "default" proxy Kubernetes service, see below
    - zitiService: my-ziti-service.svc
      containerPort: 10443
      advertisedPort: 10443
    # this will be bound on an additionally configured proxy Kubernetes service, see below
    - zitiService: my-other-service.svc
      containerPort: 10022
      advertisedPort: 10022
    enabled: true
    type: ClusterIP
    - name: myservice
      type: LoadBalancer

Values Reference

Key Type Default Description
additionalVolumes list [] additional volumes to mount to ziti-router container
advertisedHost string nil common advertise-host for transport and edge listeners can also be specified separately via edge.advertisedHost and linkListeners.transport.advertisedHost
affinity object {} deployment template spec affinity
configFile string "ziti-router.yaml" filename of router config YAML
configMountDir string "/etc/ziti/config" writeable mountpoint where read-only config file is projected to allow router to write ./endpoints statefile in same dir
csr.sans.dns list [] additional DNS SANs
csr.sans.ip list [] additional IP SANs
ctrl.endpoint string nil required control plane endpoint
dnsConfig object {} it allows to override dns options when dnsPolicy is set to None.
dnsPolicy string "ClusterFirstWithHostNet"
edge.advertisedHost string nil DNS name that edge clients will use to reach this router's edge listener
edge.advertisedPort int 443 cluster service, node port, load balancer, and ingress port
edge.containerPort int 3022 cluster service target port on the container
edge.enabled bool true enable the edge listener in the router config
edge.ingress.annotations string nil ingress annotations, e.g., to configure ingress-nginx
edge.ingress.enabled bool false create an ingress for the cluster service
edge.service.annotations string nil service annotations
edge.service.enabled bool true create a cluster service for the edge listener
edge.service.labels string nil service labels
edge.service.type string "ClusterIP" expose the service as a ClusterIP, NodePort, or LoadBalancer
enrollJwtFile string "enrollment.jwt"
enrollmentJwt string nil enrollment one time token from the controller's management API
env string nil set name to value in containers' environment
execMountDir string "/usr/local/bin" read-only mountpoint for executables (must be in image's executable search PATH)
fabric.metrics.enabled bool false configure fabric metrics in the router config
forwarder.latencyProbeInterval int 10
forwarder.linkDialQueueLength int 1000
forwarder.linkDialWorkerCount int 32
forwarder.rateLimitedQueueLength int 5000
forwarder.rateLimitedWorkerCount int 64
forwarder.xgressDialQueueLength int 1000
forwarder.xgressDialWorkerCount int 128
hostNetwork bool false Host networking requested for a pod if set, i.e. tproxy ports enabled in the host namespace. i.e. egress gateway
identityMountDir string "/etc/ziti/identity" read-only mountpoint for router identity secret specified in deployment for use by router run container
image.additionalArgs list [] additional arguments can be passed directly to the container to modify ziti runtime arguments
image.args list ["run","{{ .Values.configMountDir }}/{{ .Values.configFile }}"] deployment container command args and opts
image.command list ["/entrypoint.bash"] deployment container command
image.pullPolicy string "Always" deployment image pull policy
image.repository string "" container image tag for deployment
image.tag string nil container image tag (default is Chart's appVersion)
linkListeners.transport.advertisedHost string nil DNS name that other routers will use to form mesh transport links with this router. Default is cluster-internal service DNS name:port.
linkListeners.transport.advertisedPort int 443 cluster service, node port, load balancer, and ingress port
linkListeners.transport.containerPort int 10080 cluster service target port on the container
linkListeners.transport.ingress.annotations string nil ingress annotations, e.g., to configure ingress-nginx
linkListeners.transport.ingress.enabled bool false create an ingress for the cluster service
linkListeners.transport.service.annotations string nil service annotations
linkListeners.transport.service.enabled bool true create a cluster service for the router transport link listener
linkListeners.transport.service.labels string nil service labels
linkListeners.transport.service.type string "ClusterIP" expose the service as a ClusterIP, NodePort, or LoadBalancer
nodeSelector object {} deployment template spec node selector
persistence.accessMode string "ReadWriteOnce" PVC access mode: ReadWriteOnce (concurrent mounts not allowed), ReadWriteMany (concurrent allowed)
persistence.annotations object {} annotations for the PVC
persistence.enabled bool true required: place a storage claim for the ctrl endpoints state file
persistence.existingClaim string "" A manually managed Persistent Volume and Claim Requires persistence.enabled: true If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound
persistence.size string "50Mi" 50Mi is plenty for this state file
persistence.storageClass string "" Storage class of PV to bind. By default it looks for the default storage class. If the PV uses a different storage class, specify that here.
persistence.volumeName string nil PVC volume name
podAnnotations object {} annotations to apply to all pods deployed by this chart
podSecurityContext object {"fsGroup":2171} deployment template spec security context
podSecurityContext.fsGroup int 2171 this is the GID of "ziggy" run-as user in the container that has access to any files created by the router process in the emptyDir volume used to persist the endpoints state file
proxy object {} Explicit proxy setting in the router configuration. Router can be deployed in a site where all egress traffic is forwarded through an explicit proxy. The enrollment will also be forwarded through the proxy.
resources object {} deployment container resources
securityContext string nil deployment container security context
tolerations list [] deployment template spec tolerations
tunnel.diverterPath string nil the tproxy mode can be switched from iptables based interception to bpf interception by passing the user space bpf program path. bpf kernel space program is expected to be loaded prior or during router deployment, e.g. bpfman agent, hostpath, etc
tunnel.dnsSvcIpRange string nil CIDR range for the internal service fqdn to dynamic intercept IP address resolution (default:
tunnel.lanIf string "lo" interface device name for setting up INPUT firewall rules if fw enabled. It must be set but not needed in containers. Thus, it is set to lo by default
tunnel.mode string "none" run mode for the router's built-in tunnel component: host, tproxy, proxy, or none
tunnel.proxyAdditionalK8sServices list [] if tunnel mode is "proxy", create a separate cluster service for each Ziti service listed in "proxyServices" which k8sService == name
tunnel.proxyDefaultK8sService object {"enabled":true,"type":"ClusterIP"} if tunnel mode is "proxy", create the a cluster service named {{ release }}-proxy-default listening on each "advertisedPort" defined in "proxyServices"
tunnel.proxyServices list [] list of Ziti services for which K8s services are to be created by this deployment, default is one cluster service port per Ziti service
tunnel.resolver string nil Ziti nameserver listener where OS must be configured to send DNS queries (default: udp://


  • replicas - does it make sense? afaik every replica needs it's own identity - how does this fit in?
  • lower CA / Cert lifetime; refresh certificates on update