This project is hosted on Clojars. You can see it here.
Releasing the project requires these steps:
- Assert all tests are passing and the project builds :
lein do clean, test
- Make sure is up-to-date for the upcoming release.
- Assert you have Github setup with gpg
- Add gpg key to sign your commits
- GPG will likely require an additional export to spawn an interactive prompt for signing:
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
- GPG will likely require an additional export to spawn an interactive prompt for signing:
- Create a Clojars Account and Deploy Token if you do not already have one.
- Create a lein credentials file using the account and token above.
- Run
lein release <release-type>
, where release-type is one of:patch
- Push the new main branch to the repo.
- Push the new tag to the repo.