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Ganesh Pawar GaneshPawar-DotNetDeveloper
Elite .NET Full Stack Engineer | Igniting Digital Brilliance 🔥 | Angular | MVC | Web API | .NET Core Mastermind | Open to Exciting Opportunities!

Square Vision Tech pune,maharastra

H4Crypto H4Crypto
"Seasoned in Crypto with 4 Years of Experience, Passionate about Blockchain Technology and Web3 Innovations."
George Getejanc Getron
I am a IT Professional, and an Open Source enthusiast who enjoys learning new technologies. I find pleasure in finding solutions to problems through technology.


huaydin hu8813

Vienna, Austria

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Web3 dev / Data Scientist / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Diego Alves diegohsalves
A Backend developer that loves to learning and apply my knowledge to solve problems.
Jiro Matsumoto codeninja819
Web3 or Nothing

Qitmeer Network Tokyo, Japan

CoCo.DiamondDev CoCo-27
It's your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.


Ginsky eugene254-ship-it Suspended
Lead Engineer : AI | Backend | System Design | Architect | Go | NodeJs | NestJS | Typescript | ES6 | GraphQL | Microservice | AWS | GCP | Serverless | K8S | IAC

Paycoo Nairobi

Nate 0xNeit
Web3 Engineer, passionate about DeFi
Guillaume Claret clarus
Working at Formal Land to formally verify mainstream programs using the proof system Coq.

Formal Land Paris

Ekacitta Wibisono ekawibisono
I'm Student's Junior Software Development Junior

Indonesia, Jawa Tengah

Subhash Chaudhary aslisubhash
Co-founder of Digital Kumbh Pvt. Ltd.


Yongbo YongboZhu
Open Source is a spirit !

MySelf Everywhere

Ivan Manchev dmngdsm
A curious marketer, part of the team building Ambire Wallet. In my spare time I like to play around with Python and JS. Alchemy University Student 2023

Ambire Sofia, Bulgaria

Rod Carraresi carraresi
I am a community builder. I create opportunities for devs around the world to learn, work and (hopefully) have fun.


Timothy Z. kKaskak
Livin the life of a dev

@stremio Bulgaria

mh mhkarimi78
react & react-native & blockchain developer

Planet Earth

ahmed mossati hmdms

FORMER morroco

Mehmet Köl Tiğin koltigin
Biologist (Ph.D. in Zoology) | Co-Founder: Anatolian Team | Node Runner | Gann Analyzer | Investor | Blockchain Enthusiast | Content Creator


Cinesius Cinesius
what? ZeroPointLabs
Join us as we witness humankind's first steps as a new digital species


Colleen R.Tutt Leena8686

@5gSTONG Dallas, Texas

Remora Blackflag remorablackflag
web2 dev diving into web3
Abraham Yusuf abraham-yusuf
Web3 Dev and Blockchain Research at @Web3ID

@Web3ID Pasirandu, Curug Tangerang