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Spandan Mukherjee SpandanM110
I am a final-year CSE undergrad. Currently a Developer and GEN AI Explorer 💡 Ex Summer Intern Ericsson and Currently Developer Advocate @quira-org

Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Subhadeep Chell SHERLOCKx90
B.Tech Undergraduate . Programmer . Full-Stack Developer . UX Designer

@app2build Durgapur, West Bengal, India

Subham Ghosh subhamgcon
Developer From India, Contributor @dokc @keptn, Field Operator @twilio, Community Manager @evokecoders


Sabari Ganesh K SabariGanesh-K
Fullstack Dev 🚀 Ex-SDE @NethermindEth✅ Ex-SDE @0xHashstack✅ Vibin @DAO-Community-VITC✅ Advocate @maticnetwork✅ Ex @Golddust-protocol , @Valley-Inc

@NethermindEth @DAO-Community-VITC @0xHashstack @Golddust-protocol @BeatSpire @maticnetwork @Placexp @edmyn Chennai , India