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Liam Dickson liamdickson-cs
Backend Engineer at ClearScore | D•One

@ClearScore Edinburgh

Sean Rasmussen erasmos
Experienced Senior Developer / Lead Developer comfortable with either Scala, Java or Kotlin. Now seeking a contract, either hybrid (London) or fully remote.

@erasmos-com London, England

Sophie sophie-vana
Passionate about web development and accessibility || Open to collaborate

@ClearScore Cape Town, South Africa

Pamela Ujah PamelaUjah
Backend Engineer


dunxen dunxen
PGP: 9484 44FC E03B 05BA 5AB0 591E C37B 1C1D 44C7 86EE ₿[email protected]

@nexedworks South Africa

Gavin Roderick gavinroderick
Pigeon Enthusiast 🐦

D·One @ ClearScore Group Edinburgh, Scotland

Max Deale MaxDeale
We always figure it out...

Deale Development is my thing, currently Software Engineer III @ LexisNexis GTO South Africa

Arran ArranMcPherson
Apprentice software developer
Tebello Namo TebelloX
Cheesecake enthusiast, unashamedly so! :)

Johannesburg, South Africa

Richard Jones nomasprime
Software engineering leader 🧙‍♂️ Hider of Easter eggs 🐣

Playtime Studios Surfing the cosmos

Canberk Sonmez johnberkCS

ClearScore Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Ujjwal Chafle ujjwalchafle1
iOS Developer @ClearScore

ClearScore London

Zeynep ZeynepEminoglu
Zey : )


kwanele kwaneleshelembe
I enjoy making beautiful websites.

Pietermaritzburg, South Africa