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Anton Lykhoyda Lykhoyda
💙 React JS & Web3 ❤️

@ChainSafe Berlin

Mabera HusseinAdeiza
- Blockchain Validator/ Miner/Noder/Prover/ Verifier - Web3 Gamer 🎧🎮 - Community Pioneer - AI , LLM, FHE , DePin's and Llama 🦙 Lover

Individual Nigeria

Francesco andreolf

Consensys Switzerland

Julio Galindo juliog922
Rustacean 🦀

Madrid, España


Order Book

Luki lukaszt-pcs
Calm and optimistic :)
Ryan A. T. ryanahsani
engineer by day, student by night

Bogor, Indonesia

sukrucildirr sukrucildirr
discord : sukrucildirr
MattGyver MatthieuScarset
Do or do not. There is not try.
JWMatheo JWMatheo
#Blockchain #Solidity #NFT , Smart contracts and Dapps dev.

JW Corp Tour CB21, La Défense, Courbevoie

Free Software / LINUX / GODOT / BLENDER / Web3 / Blockchain / Crypto / Metaverse / PHP / JS / PYTHON / GAME

Open to work Remote

Salvatore Piras salpiras
Android @LHV-UK

LHV Bank Cambridge, UK

Hefny, Mahmoud hefnymah

ETH Zurich Switzerland

monem pucedoteth

United Kingdom

Mojtaba Khodami mjtbkh
0xc0ffee lover ☕ React / WordPress / Golang / Rust / Medical student

@Axios-io Kuwait

Ozy obscureozy
Blockchain API Technical Support 😇

Tatum London

MEG megonx
Lifelong learning...

Néstor Castanedo Ncastanedo
Innovation Expert | Director. Pioneer for the application of Blockchain Technologies

Eurotech / AET / BeDisruptive Madrid, Spain

TrashxPanda TrashxPandaArt
ZKsync is my first big project that I am dedicated to and involved with. I am an artist and will eventually be launching an interoperable NFT collection SCPTNET

TrashxPanda Art Santa Monica, CA

BakeryBan bakeryban
Crypto Project Developer
José Vaz Francisco josevazf

@Subvisual Porto, Portugal

RuntzMuffin RuntzMuffin
luv crypto and frontend
justme Justme2341
this is just me