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Stickman StickmanIsHere

gaming corp gaming city

Squirrel 5quirre1
haiiii I'm very social so like dm me if ya need help with nerd stuff :P

@Freakybob-Team A very fancy tree in FreakyLand

Tourneur lemaximedu66
i'm autist but its fine am good.



specific northwest

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Lankey-K Lankeyk

Perth ,Western Australia

City_Hunter Ahmedcity

Eternal Dream Community

Rishi Josan rishijosan

Stony Brook University United States

Romhacker and reverse engineer, focusing on DS games. Always open to learning.
Felipe Bocolowski fbocolowski
Principal Engineer. Building logistics in Brazil.

@asaplog Curitiba, Brasil

Carlos Coelho chocoelho
Sorted into Ravenclaw. Chosen by a 10" beechwood with a phoenix feather core wand. Have a badger as Patronus.

@vintasoftware Brasília, DF

Santiago Mota santiagomota
Freelance Data Scientist | Big Data Professor at UCM and UNED | Kaggle Master

Freelance Madrid (Spain)

Nehemias Feliz juniornff
Software Engineering Student, making personal projects to learn and enjoy

Dominican Republic

CAArmy CAArmy
I make game cheats and other types of projects related to gaming
Computer Nerd in the making...

Leek's Technology Leek, Staffordshire, West Midlands, England

quadruplesec quadruplesec
2nd year Informatics and Computing Engineering student @FEUP

FEUP Portugal

Sleepyboi Sleepy-boiz
Heyo! I am Sleepy i like to play games on my PC and 3ds. I've been learning to code for a while now and hope to release a game one day. Also I'm a minor
pyromania pyromania324
yo girlfriend look like my mom!

cape caterret