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Julien Lenhardt jlenh
Scientific Programmer @smhi

SMHI Norrköping, Sweden

Charles Turner charles-turner-1
Research Software Engineer @ACCESS-NRI. Pro making data analysis less hassle, caffeine, playing football with the dog.

Perth AU

Chloe Eagle chloe-eagle
Scientific Software Engineer at Met Office


Tyrell Tyrell-amateur
A student learning the ways of the computer. Doing so currently through R.
Nuno Rocha nunomrm

Barcelona Supercomputing Center Barcelona, Spain

Zhou Zhengpeng cccchou


Liyuan He email-lhe
Ecological modeling

Oak Ridge National Laboratory United States

Chen Huizhong Chen-Huizhong
Darren Andrew Ray Darren-Ray
Climatologist, meteorologist / PhD candidate (climate dynamics and paleoclimatology / Climate change analyst (DEW)

University of Adelaide Adelaide,Australia

Matteo Nurisso mnurisso
PhD in Physics @ SISSA. Post-doc @ CNR-ISAC, Torino Based in Trieste
Yann Y. Planton yyplanton
My work at NOAA-PMEL, aims at improving our knowledge on the ENSO physical processes, predictability oand evaluation of climate models. To this aim

NOAA Seattle

Bo Yuan boyuan276

Cornell University Ithaca, NY

mmammes mmammes
Master student in Environmental Physics

University Bremen / AWI Bremerhaven

Fengyu Fu Andtise

Beijing Normal University

Rachel James rjames-at-rwjames
Climate researcher at University of Bristol, investigating changes in African rainfall systems.

University of Bristol Bristol

Alex Baker alexbakey
Research Scientist, National Centre for Atmospheric Science

Reading, UK

Ankit Bhandekar bewithankit
Why spend 5 minutes doing something, when you could spend 5 hours failing to automate it?

University of Reading

Mariko Mariko-Koseki

Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Mengjie Wang mjwang1010

Peking University