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Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

魏荣威 shuaiweige

某某公司 深圳

Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Hassam hassam-472
Software Engineer | Full Stack Developer | React.js | Next.js | Javascript | Tailwind CSS | MySql | Java | Python


橘生淮北 Atopos17
20岁,大学生,Gitee同名,喜欢MacOS,Communist,Atopos_17,独一无二的17,和灵魂,有事情可以邮件联系,@yahoo.com与Gmail.com同名,在学习C/C++或者一些Operating System的一些东西,TCP/IP的一些东西也可以,在准备考研,但考不上。很爱@Crane19

@ california

Stupidsheep Stupidsheepy
Just wanna be one programmer and also be one pro gamer.
Evan Cookie fushe1024
I am a college student, a boy born in 2004🙋‍♂️


Tirinfo tirinfo

tirinfo Indonesia

Giser_Xiao AidenX0704
Changing the world with code

ZJWEU Hangzhou Zhejiang

Trevor zhuzixian520
Seasoned PHP software engineer with a background in full-stack Web development

Wangxian Technology Shen Zhen City, China

szmintel szmxx


Harry Wang akafusheng
Coding is cool i guess


Parkin Lin parkin-lin
Debug myself, and Fix me.
Jello Johnwjl
Web Front-End Developer

ShangHai China

hufeng.mao notmmao

福州大学 深圳

frankshin frankshin
wechat: dream2080x

dian Hangzhou

Huaqi will huaqiwill
A independent developers

Huaqi Network Technology Co., LTD Wuhan, Hubei