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Tony Ruiz tonyruizo
Software Engineer

Florida, USA

Shahnawaz Khan shahnawazk
I am what I am, nothing more, nothing less! India

Orrin Blake orrinblake96

Unflapped Games Dublin, Ireland

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Grandiras Grandiras
I'm just a random coder from Germany, trying some stuff :D

@Darkymos Germany

Brian zennjamin
Software Engineer

Buffered Toast Studios

Fredi Machado fredimachado
Husband, father, software engineer, electronics geek, guitarist, fascinated by technology and astronomy.

@WooliesX Queensland, Australia

Waqar_Ahmed WaqarAhmed-23
Software Engineer|C# .NET Core Engineer| Full-Stack Engineer 👨🏻‍💻


Wittano Bonarotti Wittano
Hello :3 My name is Wittano-chan. I'm ordinary 25 yo femboy gamer UwU. I type some codes, do something weird in terminal and be Linux user hihi


Brad Steinberg csharpie
95% Water 3% JavaScript 2% Dad Jokes

South Jersey

Dalton Ricker SasquatchXYZ
Full-Stack Web Developer and Marine Engineer

Boston, MA

Moshe Azraf MosheAzraf
Backend Developer


SB98 Saf98
Front End Developer, BEng (Software Engineering)
Gustavo Valentim gustavosvalentim
Senior Engineer Lead

CSG Brazil

Tony Bark tonytins
I've been developing software in C#, Rust and now Zig when I feel like it.
Roberto Denisi rdenisi
Software developer, working with Microsoft technologies, mainly focused on web development with ASP.NET Core and Azure

@robertodenisi Monza, Italy

Imaan Mazreati imaanmzr
.NET Developer | Software Engineer | Tech Enthusiast / I am a passionate .NET developer with a keen interest in C# and the .NET ecosystem.
Jeet Majumdar JeetMajumdar2003
Chemical Engineer by 🧑‍🎓 || Software Engineer By ❤️ Web Dev || DSA || LLM


Carl du Preez CarlduPreez-SA

DERIVCO (PTY) LTD Durban, South Africa

Learning Javascript Learning Rust & Go lang. Learning Web Development

Copenhagen, Denmark

Mario Botero mariobot
Systems Engineer, lover of Microsoft .Net technologies, Cycle Tourist, Blues Man. ®️

Novari Health Colombia

Martin N. martiz
IT specialist by trade. Wanna-be developer/operator with interest on data science, script automation and game development.

Berlin, Germany