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Chrojan Chopper Cho-Hyuntae
To go wrong in your own way is better than to go right in someone else's

Sydney, Australia

Kevin Kim kkevin811015
Still Student (Mar/2018 ~ military service 18 months ~ Feb/2024) Major in Department of Software Convergence Engineering.

Mokpo National University Roseville, NSW, Sydney, Australia

Mahesh Budavarapu budavarapu
Engineer working on LTE/5G/AI Passionate on applying signal processing techniques to solve real world problems

Radisys India Private Limited India, Bangalore

Anilcan KARA anilcan-kara

Ministry of Justice Sydney

Nabila Naz nabila-nazzy
Anime lover, Movie enjoyer, AI enthusiast.


unimu_ unimu-cic
Strive to create better applications and lives.


Tyler Singletary devty
Music. Code. ML and AI. Sleep and the lack thereof.

@orchestrately Brooklyn, NY

Biniyam Ajaw biniyam69
ML Engineer and AI Engineer | Python Lover

StartupAgile አዲስ አበባ፤ ኢትዮጵያ

Data Scientist, Data Analyst and Programmer

Freelancer Egypt

Idiom idiom-bytes
bom dia


Thomas van der Plas tvdplas
Student at the University of Utrecht
Asim Khan asimkh
I'm Asim Khan, Marketing Technology Expert. I assist clients in achieving key successes with Web Development, SEO, PPC and Social Media.

Dubai, UAE

Mitch Hamilton CryptoMitch
Technologist. Telcoin.


Eqan Ahmad eqan
An engineer trying to change lives through code
Jack Lodge jrlodge
Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Robotics


Katbat katfairyrobot
Kathleen R. | L3A Protocol | Deeplink Protocol | Operations | Researcher | Human Indexer and Oracle Fairyrobot [email protected]


Yusuf Ganiyu airscholar

@Orbit-Inc England, United Kingdom

Alpesh Doshi adoshi

Fintricity London