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For my part I am using MRIReco for both preclinical (bruker) and clinical reconstruction (siemens). I am using MRIReco for the conversion. For advanced reconstruction (subspace / CS...) I generally work with BART to validate my works and then moved on to MRIReco to see if it also works and stick with it if it is the case. I am starting to work more and more with pypulseq (siemens) and this year I would like to perform an inline reconstruction with gadgetron -> Gadgetron.jl -> MRIReco.jl -> scanner Suggested enhancement :
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I am starting a new job next year and I am not entirely sure yet how much time I will have for MRIReco and related packages (NFFT.jl, RegularizedLeastSquares.jl and LinearOperatorCollection.jl), but I do have some features planned that I want to do in 2025 that relate to MRIReco.jl: NFFT.jl:This year I've added GPU-support to the mentioned packages, however the GPU NFFT implementation is still lacking behind the CPU one. In particular, I think it's the preprocessing where the GPU just works with a sparse matrix. Here, @tknopp and I need to take a look if the implementation is feasible and "worth it". Alternatively, there were some other NFFT implementations that have decent GPU support. We might also just make an operator based on that package available to MRIReco.jl. AbstractImageReconstruction.jlIn our magnetic particle imaging reconstruction package MPIReco.jl, we ran into the issue that the number of reconstruction algorithm variants could not be easily maintained by a dict or keyword-argument interface. In particular, if we wanted to add a new preprocessing step or a different algorithm all together, we always have to "manually" put int a new branch in the code like: function reconstruction(data; algorithm = "newAlgo", kwargs...)
# chose algorithm
if algorithm == "simple"
else if ...
else if reconstruction == "newAlgo"
reconstruction_my_algo(data; kwargs...)
end This also stops other people from being able to extend our reconstructions with variants in their packages since they can't easily add a new branch to our existing methods. Likewise since keyword arguments don't take part in dispatch, we weren't able to make effective use of Julias multiple-dispatch to handle specific types of processing steps or reconstruction steps. As an example we did have dispatch on the type of reconstruction input, but now thos break down we have two algorithms that are supposed to work for the same type of data. Another issue is that a flat dictionary can't handle two variables with the same name relating to different processing steps. We had a case where the same argument would need to be applied to the measurement data and the data necessary to build the operator but with different values. All those cases are things we couldn't depict in our existing interface and which would also affect MRIReco.jl This was our motivation behind AbstractImageRecosntruction.jl, which we've also been working on this year. The idea here is that a reconstruction algorithm is a stateful object/struct that implements a reconstruction as a series of I've recently added some documentation to AbstractImageReconstruction.jl where I implement a small CT reconstruction framework to show how the interface is intended to be used. We've also changed our MPIReco.jl framework to completely use it and it really helped to quickly prototype and implement new reconstruction algorithms or rather variants of existing algorithms which differ only in very specific processing steps. The abstract interface also offers a lot of utility functions. For example, one can provide a user a "template" of an algorithm, which is essentially the structure of an algorithm and its parameters where the parameters only have to be partially filled in.. This can be used to provide standard recos such as the ones we have in MRIReco.jl, but also to store the concrete instance that reconstructed an image. These templates also meant to be easily "discoverable" programmatically, so that they can be displayed in the REPL or a GUI Other functionality is caching, where we can transparently cache processing results between reconstructions. My more concrete plan is to further improve the functionality of the abstract packge and MPIReco.jl. In particular, I want to have a generic reconstruction GUI with tomographic data viewers that dynamically adapts its parameter input to a given plan and I also want to look into support potentially distributed computations. During these implementations the interface should also stabilize a bit more, though we are very happy with what we can do with it already. I am definitely interested in also extended this interface to MRIReco.jl, but I'm not sure yet if I can provide a proposal this year and it would be a fairly different interface. We wouldn't lose any functionality and gain more options and we could even try to be backwards compatible by mapping the existing calls onto the "new" interface |
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Should we start again the MRIReco Community Meeting ? Is the community large / active enough ? @mrikasper I see some activity around KomaMRI @cncastillo :) |
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One question that would be on my list is, if we should put the individual packages into dedicated repositories. In that way one could join the two ISMRMRD implementations ( and MRIFiles.jl). Of course that would already possible now but probably it is easier to do once the repositories are split. Ideally everything moves into MRIFiles.jl and Gadetron.jl could then rely on that package. |
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I think many of these enhancements could be a Google Summer of Code project. I participated this year and it was a very good experience, and a lot of work can be done in the summer ( Even if not part of GSoC, many students are looking for programming projects related to medicine. I am sure @TheCedarPrince would be happy to include some ideas/proposals. Also, if they are math related I think there are some that could be included as a class project for Northeaster University ( Also, Juliacon 2025 will have a dedicated JuliaHealth mini-symposium to show of the state of Julia for biomedical applications, and I am sure it would be a good place to get some more students interested :) ! It would be very nice to have more people from medical imaging, the abstract submission site will be open soon! I will be there! Is any of you planning to go to the ISMRM in Hawaii? We could have an informal meeting there, and maybe plan a Julia related member initiated session ( for next year (2026). For a while I been meaning to do a MRI-oriented introduction to Julia, I will be doing one in January (, and maybe something similar can be done at ISMRM, with talks related to the current ecosystem and what is currently possible in Julia, and what needs a few extra hands. While is not all only MRIReco enhancements, I would be particularly interested in:
Small issues:
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I'll be at ISMRM in Hawaii. Happy to participate there. No time to do anything before then sadly... |
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Hi MR community,
I am starting to work on MRIReco.jl more intensively and I will be happy to work on some enhancements. Maybe others are also volunteer for that ?
I think @tknopp don't have a lot of time for development but maybe you have some goals/vision for the repository ?
Some question that might help to define a roadmap :
Related to discussion : #149
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