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Brendan Turley BrendanTurley-NOAA
Assistant Scientist working on ecological oceanography @ University of Miami. And, yes, that is a flying fish with a gondola.

CIMAS, University of Miami remote - Sea of Tranquility

Merve Nur İregöz Mervvee
Flutter | Dart | Java | Python
Matt Woodstock mattwoodstock

Cooperative Institute for Marine & Atmospheric Studies Mashpee, MA

Ana Vaz AnaVaz-NOAA
Oceanographer with a passion for coding, open science, sustainability, gardening, my chickens and kids. #FirstGen all around.

NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center

Holden Earl Harris holdenharris-NOAA
Marine/coastal systems ecologist. Aquaphile.

@SEFSC Jacksonville Beach, FL

Heather Foley heather-foley-noaa
Cetacean Biologist at NEFSC. Plops tags on whales and pretends to know about R and Git

NOAA Fisheries NEFSC Whale Ecology Branch Woods Hole, MA

Dan Pendleton dpendleton1
Fisheries Biologist at NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center

NOAA Fisheries / Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences Woods Hole, MA & Orono, ME

Chia-Wei Hsu chiaweh2
Associate Scientist at @NOAA-PSL working on integrating observation, reanalysis data, and model simulation to create an inter-comparison portal.