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Allen Kummer atk-pulsar

@Pulsar-Space-Systems Louisville, CO

Rey Granillo III reyg3
Director of Technology and Research & Development Engineering under Research at The University of Arizona @uaenvironment

University of Arizona - Research

Zhenlin An Anplus
A Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science

Princeton University Unite States

Avi Barbour, MSGL, SCRUM, Agile avibarbour
GM/CIO of a Private Equity firm that leverages high-quality business intelligence data to invest in InfoTech, FinTech SaaS projects and companies.

Siobahn Visconti, LP / SaaS Fort Worth, Texas

Andrew Jones aljones15
Full Stack Web Developer with a love of test driven development, statistics & functional programming.

Arlington, VA

Pawel Cyrta cyrta
Audio Researcher (Speech & Music Technology) & Data Scientist. I do machine learning in audio domain, speech recognition and high performance computing

Metamedia Technologies Warsaw, Poland

Michael G. Katzmann VK2BEA
Electronics engineer & radio amateur - NV3Z, VK2BEA & G4NYV. ex ATN7 Sydney / Broadcast Sports Tech. / Library of Congress

Heterodyne Radiophysics Washington DC

Wilfredo Lora WilfredoLora
IT, Cybersecurity, and RF enthusiast.
Teffen Ellis GirlBossRush
Senior Full-stack developer with NaN years of experience. Occasional fiction writer.

@sister-software USA

Elizabeth Sanner elizabethsanner

Appalachian Regional Commission Rockville, MD

Nat Cagle ncagle
Planetary geologist & GIS developer. Working in geospatial telecom analytics with Python.

CTC Technology & Energy @ctc-net

Hiroto Kuriki hirotokuriki

Sony Group Corpolation Tokyo

Paolo Testolina p-testolina
Postdoctoral Reasearcher at Northeastern University

Northeastern University Boston, MA

Jacob Seman Jbsco
Student; Pursuing BS in Electrical & Computer Engineering - CU Boulder Partnership

Western Slope, CO

Michele Polese mychele

Northeastern University Boston

Anıl Gürses anilgurses
Electrical Engineering PhD Student / HAM Radio Operator TA1ARE

NC State University 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1

Mahfuzur Rahman mrahman2-vt

Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA

zombiekanapa KanapaZombie
sound / design video / fx Poland

Junquan Deng dengjunquan
Assistant research fellow

NUDT Nanjing, China

Leon Schmidt MexHigh
Currently studying and working as a Security Consultant

@cirosec Offenburg, Germany

Computer vision, Image processing, Deep learning

JUFE Nanchang; Jiangxi; China

Billy Kozma wkozmaNTIA

The Institute for Telecommunication Sciences Boulder, CO

Anthony Romaniello aromanielloNTIA
Archived account from my work at NTIA/ITS, 2020-2025. Now you can find me at @anthonyrom

@NTIA / ITS Pittsburgh, PA