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gouki0r gouki0r
Just another random scrub.
Dale ad3elprz ad3elprz
So new. The last language I took as a class was BASIC in 1989.

United States

Serbest Cihangir serbestcihangir
Plant Manager | Structural Engineer | Software Enthusiast | .NET Developer | Blogger

Karadeniz Holding Gaziantep, Türkiye

enderdev enderdev-v
Just a simple dev. Anything else?
John Amba johnvamba
I'm currently using other git services.
Cleiton da Silva Negreiros cleiton-negreiros
Profissional de TI há 25 anos. Atuando principalmente em suporte de infraestrutura de TI. Atualmente estudando Engenharia de Software na Escola DNC.

São Bernardo do Capo

Arthur Victor de Souza Gonçalves ArtiTechie
NOC | Systems Analysis student | Focused on network security and infrastructure.

accenture Recife

Nicole732 Nicole732
Hi. I am passionate about cloud computing, cybersecurity and DevOps. My mantra: "I can't do it...YET!".
Túlio TulioBC

Serrana, São Paulo - Brazil

traylespud traylespud
just here to keep track of my rimworld mods and their authors respectively.
La Jefa Jenny donalamala
🌟 Bilingual Tech-Savvy Whiz 🌟 Hola! I’m a bilingual Spanish/English speaker who’s a tech guru by day and a culinary wizard by night.

@donalamala Virginia

M² Project BannyBrown

M2Project Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Miguel dwdeligence
Junior Software Developer


DevOps - инженер, Разработчик Gitlab profile:
iknowl iknowl97
Giorgi Amiridze. Senior IT Sysadmin

FINA Georgia , Tbilisi

Eric Johnson ericjohnson00
I don't know anything. I like python and pygame and AI

Lonoke, Arkansas