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Leonard Nürnberg LennyN95

@AIM-Harvard @MHubAI Maastricht, Netherlands

Liu Hui devhliu
Medical Imaging


Alex Fomenko alex4men
Robotics and CV/DL engineer. Entrepreneur @ Most experienced in Python. Udacity Self-Driving Car Nanodegree graduate. Ekaterinburg, Russia

Francesco Pisu francescopisu
Research engineer in Medical Imaging at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University

@advancedimaginglab / @AI-UniSR Milan

Piotr Woźnicki pwoznicki
Doctoral student working on medical image analysis.

Warsaw, Poland

Iasonas Christoulakis iasonasxrist
Software Engineer


Ryan Zurrin RyanZurrin
Computer Science major with experience in Python, C++, Java, C, and web design. Machine Psychology fellow, UMass. Bioinformatician I, Brigham and Women's.

@pnlbwh Boston, MA

Sandeep Kaushik sankaushik
Medical image analysis - MRI, PET/MR, CT; Learning algorithms; Python, C++, ITK, ANTs, Tensorflow, PyTorch; Docker; MLOps

Bangalore, India

Dennis Bontempi denbonte
Postdoctoral researcher @ UniL/SIB, working on imaging genetics. Previously a research scholar at @AIM-Harvard.

CBG @ UniL | Previously @AIM-Harvard @MHubAI Lausanne, Switzerland