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Juraj Zvolensky jzvolensky
GIS, data science, interoperability
Alin BUTU alinbutu

C-S Romania Craiova


Toulouse, France

pcuq-ads pcuq-ads

Airbus Defence And Space

jpaudoin jpaudoin

Atos Toulouse - France

John Truckenbrodt johntruckenbrodt
Geospatial Data Architect

@dlr-eoc Germany

Jonas Eberle jonas-eberle
Currently working on Earth Observation Exploitation Platforms for scientific use cases with main focus on data management, data access and processing services.

German Aerospace Center - Earth Observation Center Germany

Vincent Privat vprivat-ads

Airbus Defence and Space Toulouse, France

Ovidiu Pădeanu Padeanu

C-S Romania Craiova

Julien Gaucher jgaucher-cs
Software developer at CS Group

CS Group Toulouse

Fabien C Woljtek

Toulouse, France